My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 172, (It's Friday!)

"Still refusing to come back?" Sitting in the office, Kim Mi-sook frowned when she saw Lin Danni nodding in embarrassment. return"

Although there is nothing else to do after the movie is released, another crew is urging it!

"Director Liu Chengwan sent a message last night, and he will be at the hall tomorrow afternoon at the latest, this kid," the director urged, but one of the leading actors is still going to learn from the seniors, whether he is not diligent sooner or later, very We must go now at this juncture.

"Call again, if you still don't answer, I'll contact Song Kanghao."


Seeing that Jin Meishu was a little angry, Lin Danni quickly turned to her mobile phone and called Pei Xian. After waiting for more than a minute, she still didn't answer.

She wanted to give up, let Pei Xian give up on herself.

"What's the rush?"

Suddenly, Pei Xian's ghostly voice came from outside the door, and Lin Danni was so frightened that she stepped back a few steps. When she saw Pei Xian really walked in, she couldn't help but complain and said, "Ouba, you really owe it to me, don't you?" It’s been almost five days, you’ve finally returned to the human world, right? Mei Shuoni and I are dying of anxiety.”

"O... owe a fight? Ah, you girl, do you talk to Ouba like that?" Pei Xian turned his head and glared at her, deliberately showing a fierce expression, seeing that she was scared and backed away again, his face suddenly Reverting to the original smile, "I'm going to study, not to do something. Director Ryu Seung Wan sent me a message a long time ago. I know the time. Don't worry."

"You still know how to reassure us?" Jin Meishu stood up angrily and stared at him.

Pei Xian paused, did not go over, and stood obediently by the side, saying, "I'm really, I won't be back for a short time, Miss Meishu, I'm still in a hurry to come back today."

"Hurry back? You and Song Kanghao left Seoul?" Hearing that his words were not right, Jin Meishu's brows and eyes eased a lot, and she picked up her reading glasses and looked at him carefully.

In addition to his haggard face, and some rust stains on the top of the short sleeves, or it was wet with dirty things, in such a hot weather, according to Pei Xian's degree of fear of heat, he actually added a shirt on the outside, indicating that he was Added in a hurry.

To sum up, Jin Meishu can be sure of one thing, this kid must have only been back for less than half an hour, and it was about this time when he set off from his apartment to come here.

Lin Danni regained her composure, and was a little surprised. Pei Xian's expression just now made her feel too weird and frightening. Whether it was the eyes or the slight changes in facial expressions, it was like filming.

Wait, filming?

Does this big brother think of me as a partner in the play? ! Do you want to find me instead of others? How about training your acting skills here?


"I didn't leave Seoul, I just wandered around and learned a lot from Brother Kang Hao in terms of the details of character expression." Pei Xianduo paid attention to Danni Lin and explained to them with a smile.

Jin Meishu looked at him, her face darkened, she didn't continue to ask this question, and instead brought the topic to other aspects.

"Tomorrow afternoon, I will go to Dongguk University to attend a press conference and start the promotion of veterans. In addition, I have confirmed with director Ryu Seung-wan. When the time comes, you and actors Hwang Jung-min, Yoo Hae-jin, and Jang Yun-joo will go to MBC this weekend. Radio star program, also, I ended up broadcasting a few episodes, the effect is very good, I think you are on honeymoon with Song Kanghao these days, and you haven’t watched the news, right?”


Pei Xian lowered his head and coughed in embarrassment. He could understand that Kim Mi-sook was teasing who she was with and what she had been doing during her inexplicable disappearance, and said, "News. Yes, I don't have time to read it."

"Don't forget, I have to record my knot, don't forget." Kim Mi-sook reminded him again, although he guessed he would not forget.

"Nei~" obediently responded, Pei Xian had read the itinerary, and would never forget this kind of thing.

Regarding the news about Pei Xian in the past few days, after he left the office, Lin Danni took out her tablet and told Pei Xian about it one by one. Due to the large number, she could only pick a few hot ones to talk about. .

All the way back to the apartment, I guessed right with Jin Meishu that Pei Xian hurriedly took a shirt and put it on as soon as he came back, and then went out again.

When he walked in, he sat upright on the floor to rest, and didn't even hear what Lin Danni said to him.

"Ouba, are you listening to me?"

Lin Danni also wanted to tell Pei Xian what time to leave tomorrow, but she saw this elder brother sitting on the ground thinking about life, not paying attention to herself at all.

"Forget it" shouted, she didn't see Pei Xian's reaction, she simply gave up, and turned around and went out after saying that she wanted to leave.

The apartment fell into silence again. Pei Xian sat there for a while, then suddenly realized that he got up and took off his shirt and short sleeves. He smelled the smell on his body, with a disgusted expression on his face.

"I actually started to be in a daze. Is it related to too little sleep? Uh, let's take a bath first."

After several days without taking a hot shower, Pei Xian quickly walked into the bathroom to take a shower. When the hot water dripped down, his thoughts suddenly returned to the previous few days. Song Kanghao took him out, saying that he was exercising his acting skills. In fact, I spent two days and two nights walking around the suburbs of Seoul to observe all kinds of people.

There are ordinary white-collar workers of enterprises and companies, as well as workers who sweep the streets, staff and bosses of various stores, even councilors, and even young and old in poverty-stricken areas.

In Song Kanghao's words, it means to see clearly the expressions and emotional states on these people's faces, and then understand them, and perform them in another way, that is acting skills.

After two days and two nights with almost no sleep, Pei Xian sat on a chair by the side of the street like a homeless man, observing the passing citizens, his brain was thinking wildly, and his body felt exhausted.

For the next two days, he was dragged by Song Kanghao to stay in a room without sunlight, not even knowing what time it was, and played against him with the movie script he had received in the past.

It can be said that I haven't had much rest in the past few days, and the brain nerves continue to be tense. I am tired, but I have learned more.

After staying in the bathroom for almost an hour, he carefully washed his whole body twice. When he opened the door, the air outside was a little damp. Pei Xian wiped the water stains in his ears with a towel, and picked up his phone from the coffee table.

There are a lot of unread messages and missed calls. There are all kinds of red dots on the screen that cause headaches, and more than half of them are messages from a certain sister who almost thought he was kidnapped.

Click in to see the unread messages from beginning to end, and then read the messages sent by other people. Fortunately, there are very few people in his address book and friend list, otherwise he doesn't know how long it will take to read these messages.

The first two days were all congratulatory text messages celebrating the movie's popularity and sales, and the next two days were basically sent by Pei Zhuxuan.

Keywords: exercise acting skills, Song Kanghao, no accident, IC.

From doubt to anxiety to anger, it can be seen from the tone of her typing.

After typing quickly, he first sent Pei Zhuxuan a long-winded explanation, and then replied a thank you to the person who sent the congratulations.

Putting down the phone, Pei Xian went back to the room to dry his hair and go to bed, but just picked up the hair dryer when he heard the ringtone of the phone, subconsciously thought it was Pei Zhuxuan, and walked back soon.


It was Lin Danni who called, and when she answered the phone, she told the reason.

Since tomorrow will enter the movie promotion period again, so tomorrow we have to leave very early, and the first trip is to rush to the beauty salon.

"Going out at eight o'clock tomorrow? Yeah, I haven't slept for several days." Pei Xian said speechlessly.

"Ouba, it's already very late. The artists on the same day all went in the early morning. Rest well. Hang up the phone. I'll bring breakfast tomorrow morning." After finishing speaking, Lin Danni hung up readily phone.

Hearing the beeping and busy tone on the phone, Pei Xian was so full of complaints that he couldn't get it out of his throat. After a while, he went back to the room muttering words such as not enough sleep and not enough sleep.

The current time is only three or four in the afternoon.

There is a studio a district away from the apartment. Pei Zhuxuan, who should have had a few days off, is now busy shooting another magazine pictorial. Yinyin's MC status has increased a lot of exposure. Coupled with the public pictorial some time ago, similar The itinerary is much more.

It lasted until night, when the studio flashes stopped, Pei Zhuxuan walked back to the dressing room with slumped hands, exhaustion was written all over his face, when he sat down, his eyes closed unconsciously, and he was only a few seconds away from falling asleep .

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