My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 811, The Adventures of Son Wanni’s Crew

Pei Xian successfully sent a favor. Before dawn, he had already set off for the crew and drove for nearly two hours. When he arrived at the crew, the sun also came out.

Lin Danni had been waiting in the parking lot very early. When she saw Pei Xian driving his flamboyant Laser Purple Cross Country, she didn't say anything, but there was an indescribable disgust in her expression.

"Oppa, I heard, you introduced Wendy Xi to sing the ost? Or two songs?" She gave Pei Xian the breakfast in her hand, and she casually asked about what was on the news this morning. "Director Li Yingfu's studio has posted Let me make a statement, Wendy xi has two songs."

"The news came out so quickly? I just mentioned it. I don't know so much about the follow-up." Pei Xian got out of the car and looked around the parking lot. There were many empty seats. He asked curiously, "Tai Li xi Haven't they come yet? Didn't the director still say in the group today that he would take advantage of the ice on the lake to shoot on location?"

"Oppa, Tae-ri xi has gone over first, let's go too," the assistant reminded him helplessly, and then said, "The driver is waiting at the door. If you want to change clothes at the shooting location, you should change here."

Pei Xian raised his hand to check the time on his watch, nodded and walked to the crew lounge, "I'll change it first, it won't take much time."

Male actors can change clothes much faster than female actors, and it doesn't take much time. There is no makeup artist on the set now, and it took Pei Xian less than ten minutes to appear at the door of the set.

The vehicle set off to the location for the outdoor shooting. Lin Danni looked at the shooting schedule for the past few days. The shooting so far was within Director Li Yingfu's expectations. The shooting progress was not fast, but it satisfied the director and the shots were also good. no problem.

"If everything goes well today, we can finish shooting three or four scenes before the afternoon. Well, since Oppa was not here last night, we have to shoot a few more scenes tonight."


When he heard the word reshoots, Pei Xian's heart skipped a beat, and he felt an inexplicable feeling of fear. He frowned slightly and refused, "I remember that I didn't have any scenes that needed reshoots. Could it be that the director deliberately messed with me?" Bar"

"No, it's a personal scene that needs to be reshot. Director Li Yingfu said to shoot a few more scenes as backup. There are also scenes with Liu Yanxi and Byun Yaohan. They happen to be at night, so let's shoot them together." Lin Danni kindly told Pei Xian Explained.

Things like reshoots are actually quite annoying to say the least, but I just can't figure out what the director is thinking.

Now that he has this excuse, Pei Xian can't say anything about what he is unhappy about.

After he accepted this fact, the assistant reminded Pei Xian of several itineraries that he didn't know about.

"Although I didn't go to any of the award ceremonies, Oppa has a gold record."

"The golden record is here again? Are you specifically picking me out for these award ceremonies?" Pei Xian frowned, feeling speechless.

I don’t know how many times this has happened this year. If it was the Qinglong Film Festival, it was an accident. Everything else was related to idols. Pei Xian couldn’t understand why he would host it when he was an actor who had already turned his career.

Lin Danni nodded and said with a smile, "No, a lot of people like you. Oppa, you are a very popular artist among fans in the idol circle."

Pei Xian "."

Is this a compliment?

The car drove for more than half an hour and arrived at a frozen lake. Staff from other departments of the crew were standing by the lake and moving the machines that needed to be used. In order to shoot the snowy scene by the lake, Director Li Yingfu Arrangements for cameras were made in person.

When Pei Xian arrived here, Director Li Yingfu happened to come down from the mountainside and waved to Pei Xian, "These few camera seats should be enough. Oh, Pei Xian, come here."

Pei Xian walked over in response and noticed that Jin Taili was not far behind him. He smiled and said hello casually, "Sister Taili, good morning."

Jin Tae-ri held up the hem of her hanbok skirt and was having a headache walking down the mountain. When she heard Pei Xian's greeting, she subconsciously raised her head and responded.

When she opened her mouth to speak, she almost lost her footing and fell, but Lin Danni quickly held her arm with her quick hands.

"Tae Rixi, be careful"

"Oh thank you"

Lin Danni let go of her hand, glanced at the fine pebbles on the ground, and suddenly said with a smile, "Tai Lixi, if you are wearing the crew's shoes, you should not walk so carefully on the mountain. The soles are very slippery, and it's not good to wear skirts." convenient"

It's really inconvenient, otherwise she wouldn't be walking so carefully.

When his assistant reached out to help, Pei Xian also moved his arm, but the distance was still not as convenient as Lin Danni's. He glanced at his assistant strangely. When did this girl become so agile?

Director Lee Ying-bok called out to the two leading actors, took them for a walk around the foot of the mountain, and carefully explained the scenes to be filmed later. The script said that the male protagonist Cui Youjin told the eldest lady Gao Aishin about his origins. , in that era, it was impossible for a child born as a slave to have feelings for a noble.

To put it bluntly, it is an impossible relationship.

As a director, Li Yingfu stood in Bae Xian's position and spoke lines to Kim Tae Ri, and then switched to Bae Xian and said the same. So far, Bae Xian admires this director.

Even Pei Xian himself can say that it takes a lot of mental effort to be able to memorize all the lines and scenes clearly and word for word.

Less than ten minutes after finishing the scene, Director Li Yingfu asked them to get ready for filming. Everyone else exited the camera and stood at their posts waiting for filming.

Lin Danni stood in a circle of people on the periphery. Seeing that filming had begun in the venue, she deliberately took a few steps back, turning her head back and forth to look at corners where no one else would notice.

The venue here is outdoor, and the weather is still snowing, so it may be a little difficult to take pictures, but you have to be careful that there may be paparazzi around.

At this time, if there is any news about TV series, Reuters may be able to collect a lot of topics, but now

"If there is too much exposure, then there won't be much to watch in the film. The audience will already understand the plot after watching Reuters, and they won't be interested in watching the feature film, eh?"

As she muttered what she was thinking, she suddenly saw a large car driving past from a distance, and squinted her eyes to look at it carefully.

When the car approached, a person got out of the car, which surprised her.

"Wendy xi?"

"Hello, Danny, good morning"

Surprisingly, the person who came was Sun Shengwan, and she was the only one.

Lin Danni was a little surprised when she saw her. After reacting, she curiously asked, "Is it because of the OST thing that Wendy Xi came here today?"

"Well, I've recorded all the songs. Just in time, I'm here with Director Li Yingfu's assistant." Sun Shengwan nodded in reply and glanced at the assistant sister walking behind him.

Lin Danni and the other party were considered acquaintances. The two casually exchanged a few words, and the other party went to find the director with the finished recording.

"Is this still being filmed?" Sun Shengwan noticed the scene in the venue. She immediately saw Pei Xian and Kim Tae Ri standing in a place similar to a small pier talking about something.

The filming location was very quiet. It was so quiet that she didn't dare to speak loudly. She deliberately lowered her tone and asked, "Danny Xi, did I disturb Pei Xian and Oppa's group when I came here today?"

"Of course not. We have just started shooting. Maybe Wendy Xi, you have to wait a little longer." Lin Danni looked at the time and reminded Sun Shengwan.

It was still very early now. Sun Shengwan went to the company before dawn. He urgently turned on his voice and recorded several times. Finally, he chose one he was satisfied with before coming over with his assistant sister.

"It's okay. I have a good day today and I don't really want to go to practice, so I can stay a little longer. By the way, I also bought coffee. It's in the car and my manager Oppa is taking stock."

Come and come back, if you don't give me some visiting gifts, that won't do.

Son Seung-wan stood there, staring nervously at the three people in the filming location, Bae Xian, Kim Tae-ri, and Lee Eung-bok. This was the first time that she was so close to the filming set of a TV series. She had come to visit the set before and basically met the director. I went to the lounge, and now I'm waiting here. I feel like this kind of shooting scene is the same as when I was shooting a MV.

Very different.

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