My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 844, Stealing Team

Jeju Island is quiet here, with nothing going on. The paparazzi didn’t take any photos except Pei Xian driving in the market to buy food. Except for certain people, no one else knew he was in Jeju Island. There is also a house here, so there are paparazzi in the media saying that he was recording a show in Jeju Island.

"I didn't say you have a girlfriend in Jeju Island. Just record the show."

In the apartment building on Sejong Road, Bae Zhuhyun was sitting in her father's teahouse and talking to Bae Xian on the phone. On the other end of the phone, she heard the sound of Kim Jonghyun playing and singing. She became more and more speechless. Even SHINee's manager could not be contacted. Kim Jonghyun, he even had a falling out with the company some time ago, but in the end he was still staying in Jeju Island.

"Are you with Oppa Jonghyun?"

"Well, you are here to eat for free. You come here to eat and drink for free. Let's not talk about my side. I will go back to Seoul on the weekend. I will bring you some seafood back then. The abalone here tastes very good. fresh”

"Okay" I can eat, how could I still not agree? Pei Zhuxuan agreed immediately. He looked through the books on the table and seemed to feel that there were eyes around him staring at him. He looked up at the door of the teahouse and happened to see Sun Shengwan. Standing together with Jiang Seulqi and smiling at this side, she said something to Pei Xian and hung up the phone.

"came back?"

Son Seungwan and Kang Seulgi both went out for a trip today. Seeing that they were coming back from taking off their makeup, Bae Zhuhyun asked, took the teacup and placed it on the opposite side.

"Unnie, today's filming ended early, but when we came back, we met senior Kang Ho-dong. Senior said it was a coincidence. Oppa Bae Heon was going to participate in the brother recognition ceremony, so we came over to ask you." Son Seung-wan told Bae Joo-hyun the reason. Said it.

"Recognize brother?" Pei Zhuxuan was stunned, then smiled and shook his head, "I won't interfere with his schedule. You should be more straightforward when asking Xiurong. She knows a lot more than me."

"Xiu Rong is probably still busy with the TV series." Jiang Seulqi smiled and complained softly, "I don't know what she was thinking. She always hoped that she could meet Zhao Insung, but she was paired with a guy who was a bit naive. 's actor"

Son Seung-wan said, "What a fool. Seulgi, you are still talking about someone else."

The word "silly" is not a derogatory word. Jiang Seqi reacted for a few seconds and realized that Sun Shengwan was talking about herself. Her facial features wrinkled together in grievance and started to fight with her.

Pei Zhuxuan saw them moving around with their hands like a primary school student. She shook her head and sighed in her heart. She shouldn't have accepted this question.

The weather in March has begun to take effect. The afternoon sun shines in and makes them feel a bit sultry. The weather is also very strange. It rained non-stop some time ago, but now the temperature has begun to rise.

Because Park Soo Young accepted the TV series, all other schedules were left to the remaining four people. Because of Bae Xian, Bae Zhuhyun often saw her manager looking at her and doing things, and she didn’t know if she was used to being bullied. The four of them are not as agile as they were when they first debuted. Instead, they ask about their plans first.

Sometimes Lin Xuanjun went over and asked Bae Zhuhyun if she wanted to pick up the trip instead of asking others. This made Bae Zhuhyun couldn't help but ask. When she learned that it was because of Pei Xian, she was speechless.

Before the tea was finished, Bae Zhuhyun received a call from her agent. The reason was that Song Kanghao's movie was ready to start promoting, and the second version of the trailer was released. The background music was still the song sung by Son Seungwan. With this connection , the manager wanted to promote their new album again.

Before he finished speaking, the phone automatically shut down due to low battery. Pei Zhuhyun looked at the darkened screen of the phone and glanced at his charger, which was hung casually on the socket, but was not fully inserted.


Was she feeling lonely when she charged her mobile phone just now?

"No wonder I always hear a beeping sound when I'm on the phone." After inserting the charger into the power strip, Bae Zhuhyun muttered and put the phone aside.

Son Seungwan and Jiang Seulqi were curious about what their manager said, so they asked curiously.

"Ernie, did the manager say anything?"

"We will take advantage of Song Kang-ho's movie promotion and follow up with the trailer to promote our album." Bae Joo-hyun answered their questions briefly. After speaking, she couldn't help but shake her head, "I don't know if there will be any opportunities in the film industry." How troublesome, when the time comes a bunch of netizens and anti-fans will come and accuse us of trying to gain popularity.”

After hearing this, Son Seungwan and Kang Seulgi fell silent at the same time. They didn't want to get too close to the film industry. If they were just singing songs, it would be fine, but using the name of a film to promote the album would be a problem.

The last premiere of "Along with the Gods" was entirely because Park Soo Young was one of the three leading actors, so it was justified. As for this one... let's forget it.

After staying in the teahouse for a while, they walked upstairs together. In the afternoon, Pei's mother called and asked them to come over when dinner was ordered. She also specifically said that she bought an old duck and was going to make soup for them. Supplement.

When Pei Zhuxuan arrived at the door of her house, she smelled the rich aroma of duck soup. She couldn't wait to go to the kitchen and started acting coquettishly, "Mom! You are really the angel in my life. The duck soup is so fragrant."

This shout made the 94 sisters who were following her eager to get in. They said hello to Mother Pei coquettishly and flattered her at the same time.

"Good evening, Auntie. This fragrance is so delicious. Auntie, it would be a shame if you don't go to the refrigerator."

"Wow, Auntie, your craftsmanship is so good. With this fragrance, I seem to smell the smell of braised pork ribs and seafood. I smell the smell of ginger slices."

The three people rushed into the kitchen at the same time, startling Pei's mother who was still cooking. Before she could recover, they were hugged by them, and they acted coquettishly and wanted to sneak some food in advance.

"Hey, hey, are you all hungry?" Mother Pei picked up a piece of freshly stewed ribs with a smile and fed them one by one. She also served them three small bowls of duck soup in advance. He smiled boldly and said, "If you're hungry, you have to eat. Eat first. I have a lot more here. There are also a lot of dishes on the table. I'm not afraid of being hungry today."

"Thank you, Mom~" "Thank you, auntie!"

Pei Zhuxuan looked at the fragrant old duck soup in the bowl. There was a piece of duck meat with Codonopsis pilosula and red dates hanging on it. The smell was full of qi-tonifying flavor. Looking at the two sisters, they had already started eating.

The three of them stood at the door of the kitchen and had already eaten in advance. They felt like they had won a big prize. They were already so old, but because of the delicious food, the expressions on their faces were not to mention how happy they were.

Not far away, Pei Xian, who was lying on his side at the door, and who didn't know when he would come back, was standing there, looking at all this, and raised his eyebrows strangely.

Didn't they notice that they were back?

Didn't they see such a large plate of abalone on the table?

"Cough cough cough"

Suddenly, a man coughed in the house. Pei Zhuxuan was so frightened that he almost lost his balance in holding the bowl. He looked up in surprise and saw that it was Pei Xian, and his forehead turned red with anger.

"Ah! Why are you scaring me! I don't know how scary people can be to death."

After being yelled at for no reason, Pei Xian looked at her angry expression in confusion, with a big question mark hanging on her little head.

Is this girl getting timid again?

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