My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 846, I’m here to ‘visit’ the class

The next morning, Park Soo-young got up early and was about to leave for the crew when he saw a thermos box on the dormitory table, next to a nylon bag and sticky notes.

Just as he was about to look over there, he heard someone opening the door to the back room. Jin Yelin, who should have been sleeping, woke up for some reason and was rubbing her face to look at her.

"Unnie, that was delivered by Oppa Pei Xian before going to bed. He said it was a prepared breakfast and asked you to remember to eat it. There was also milk in the bag. He told me to make sure you finish it all."

After saying this, her face was full of helplessness and sadness. How could she get up so early and forcefully eat this bowl of dog food when she was still growing.

Pu Xiurong didn't notice how much she wanted to curse in her heart. After hearing what she said, the smile on her face gradually lost its hold. She was too embarrassed to show how happy she was now in front of the maknae, so she picked up the thermos bucket and put it in her bag. Inside, he put the note into his pocket, then quickly said "see you in the evening" to Jin Yelin and left.

Downstairs, Lin Xuanjun waited for a long time. Seeing that Park Sooyoung seemed to be holding breakfast in her hand when she came out, she naturally thought that Bae Zhuhyun had prepared it for her. After she got in the car, she naturally drove to the set.

"Xiurong, you're filming today, are you nervous?"

"Oppa, what do you think? I don't even want to accept this script, okay?" When it comes to the TV series, Park Soo-young is very unhappy, but she has to work hard to film. If someone notices something, She wasn't the only one affected.

It would also affect the entire team and even bring bad news to the movie, which she didn't want to see.

Arriving at the set, the place was not too far from the dormitory. It was only six o'clock at this time, and the sky outside was gray. He said hello to the staff and his co-stars, and Park Soo-young quickly sat down. In my own dressing room.

Now, she had time to look at what was written on the note.

‘Remember to eat, don’t let the filming go so smoothly, stay away from men, don’t get hurt, and be sure to rest’

"It's easy to put it. When you were filming, I never saw you obeying it." She complained softly to the note. She said this with resentment in her tone, but she still posted the note on it. I read the inside of the script, looked at the writing on it, and smiled unconsciously on my face.

Two people walked in from the door of the dressing room, one of them was the director. Seeing Park Soo-young staring at some word in the script and giggling, she couldn't help but joke, "What, the suitor wrote a love letter?"

"Eh? Ah, no, director, my family wrote a message, asking me to remember to eat." Park Xiurong turned around and saw the director. After speaking, he smiled and pointed to the thermos box on the table, "Give it to me. Made breakfast”

When they heard that it was a member of the family, the gossipy people around them immediately lost interest and went back to continue their own affairs.

At first, the smile on Park Soo Young's face was really weird. Even her male co-stars outside looked at her curiously. They heard others said it was ambiguous news or from her boyfriend, and they thought to themselves that members of popular girl groups wouldn't be able to expose their relationships in such a straightforward way. This is the answer I heard.

The first day of filming was a bit easy. It had been a long time since Park Sooyoung had been on the set of a TV series. She was a little uncomfortable at first. After she got better, it was easy to do two or three scenes in a row.

TV series are not movies. When meeting a director who is not too strict, the actors themselves will feel more relaxed.

After staying from morning to night, changing two shooting locations, and moving to indoor shooting, Park Soo Young heard Lin Xuanjun say that Bae Xian called her while she was shooting, and he didn't come to remind her until the shooting was finished.

"When did the fight take place? In the afternoon?"

"It's almost evening. I don't know if anyone is outside now." Lin Xuanjun glanced at the current time. Before he finished speaking, he saw Park Xiurong striding outside and blinking blankly. "He You won’t have to wait four or five hours.”

It was only four or five hours. If Pu Xiurong heard this, he might even tell Pei Xian to wait all night. He could do it, but he was surprised that Pei Xian suddenly appeared here, so he hurried over.

Just as he ran out of the door, he heard the honking of a car horn from the parking lot.

Park Xiurong looked over subconsciously and saw the gray car in the corner. Regardless of its color or license plate number, it was the one that Pei Xian bought and let her drive.

Suddenly, she had a pleasant surprise of being visited by a classmate. She ran over happily, got into the car and asked him in surprise, "Why are you here? Didn't you say that you are going to promote the movie? Also, I have already finished the meal you cooked." "

When Pei Xian heard the last part, the smile on his face became even brighter. He looked around outside the car and noticed that Pu Xiurong was wearing a bracelet that he had never seen before. He watched her speak word by word, " Promotion won't start until tomorrow. Have you finished shooting today's scenes?"

"The filming is finished, what happened?"

"Will the stylist on the set allow you to bring out the jewelry? And, does it look like it was given by a man?"

Hearing this, Pu Xiurong panicked. He immediately took off his bracelet and stuffed it in his pocket. He said with a smile, "Isn't it because I knew you were coming and I was too anxious? Besides, I ran over here and didn't even pause." No"

As she said that, she suddenly saw Pei Xian leaning towards her with his upper body leaning towards her, with a bright smile on his face, which made her feel uncomfortable. She pursed her lips, thinking that he wanted to kiss her, and she panicked for a moment. He rolled his eyes and looked outside the car.

"This is still the crew, don't mess around, come back"

"You're sweating, don't move."


"Sweating" made Pu Xiurong speechless. He couldn't hold back the word "home" anymore. He stared blankly at Pei Xian wiping his sweat. He felt that his face was getting hotter and hotter, and his heart skipped a beat. Zi was very angry and speechless.

Are you just wiping your sweat on this rare opportunity to be alone?

Pei Xian took out several tissues to wipe Park Xiurong's sweat, but the more he wiped it, the more sweat appeared on her face and neck, and asked curiously, "Are you just following my body constitution? Are you afraid of the heat?"

"Ah" when he came back to his senses, the dissatisfaction in Pu Xiurong's eyes almost came out. He stretched out his hand and pulled Pei Xian's collar with a little force, and asked unhappily, "You have been waiting here for so long just to give me something." Wipe sweat?"

Two minutes ago, her heart was full of joy and sweetness. Two minutes later, she just wanted to press Pei Xian on the steering wheel and drive.

Park Xiurong felt a little disappointed in her heart, but she also wondered if she was in a hurry. She always felt that something was not right. She raised her head and met Pei Xian's calm eyes, but seeing him smiling, she thought that he was definitely doing this on purpose.

Somewhat angry, she loosened his collar and said, "Don't regret it. I finally finished filming and have no schedule today." After saying that, she opened the car door and slipped out.

Pei Xian saw that he was a little too quiet, so he quickly got out of the car and chased her, calling her from behind, "Don't walk so fast, are you just leaving like that?"

Pu Xiurong turned her back to him, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, looked back at him, raised her chin and asked, "You regret it so quickly?"

"I don't regret it. I just want to stay with you for a little longer." Pei Xian smiled gently at her, walked to her and pulled her into a dark path next to her.

This is the parking lot. The lighting itself is dim, and there are many bushes planted. Without looking carefully, it is impossible to tell that there is anyone here. Compared to the possibility of being discovered in the car, Pei Xian prefers to be in the parking lot. Have a good talk in a dark place.

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