The maknae's kind words allowed her to get a sushi takeout from the boss, along with several drinks. She returned to the apartment with satisfaction. She and Park Soo-young were the only ones in the dormitory tonight, and they were so happy that no one was trying to grab the food.

"Unnie, weren't you supposed to come back after eating today? Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Nothing, I'll get a drink." Park Xiurong was just thinking about why his maknae liked sushi so much. He got up with a bottle of drink, said he was going to take a shower, and the person quickly disappeared.

Jin Yilin turned to look at the bathroom and asked, "Unnie, do you want to go to the crew to film tomorrow?"

"Of course, otherwise how would you make money?"

Park Xiurong said such true words. She stood in front of the closet and wanted to get her pajamas, but she didn't hear any response from the maknae. When she got her clothes and was about to ask, she heard what the maknae said again.

"Onie, if you film this script, can you make a lot of money?"


Can you make a lot of money?

Of course not! Your sister and I are not professional actors, and I don’t even know what our company’s contract says.

"Yirin, it would be great if I could buy a house after making a movie."

Hearing this, Jin Yelin couldn't help but put down the sushi in her hand, turned around and said speechlessly, "Unnie, what are you thinking about? Take a bath and wake up."


This knowing blow from the maknae made Park Soo-young completely speechless, and she closed the door in depression and went to take a shower.

So much so that the next day, Jin Yelin got up and saw that Park Sooyoung was still in the dormitory, and she still looked like she hadn't had enough sleep, and she still didn't say the words that came to her mouth.

"Sister, didn't you go to bed early last night? Could it be that you went out to commit thief in the middle of the night?"

Park Soo-young set out for the set. After eight o'clock in the morning, Bae Joo-hyun and Son Seung-wan appeared at the same time carrying large and small bags. Seeing that Jin Yelin got up so early today, she was a little surprised.

"Yilin, are you awake?"

"No, I was called by Xiurong Unnie, but Unnie, what are you holding in your hands?" Jin Yelin shook her head. Seeing that the two sisters were holding something that didn't seem to be bad, she walked over after smelling it. "I seem to smell the aroma of meat. Pork is still braised."

"Did you learn this nose from Seulgi?" Sun Shengwan smiled and put the bag on the dining table, took out a box of pork trotters and handed it to her, "The pork trotters were just cut up this morning. , Juhyun Oni and I went to the market in the morning and also went to Noryangjin and bought a lot of crabs and abalone."

"Abalone?" Jin Yelin opened the box for a moment and asked curiously, "Is it because of the abalone brought back by Oppa Bae Heon? The abalone in Jeju Island tastes delicious. Will the one in Noryangjin be better?"

Son Seung-wan smiled and shook his head, "I don't know either."

In the kitchen, Pei Zhuxuan was still struggling to stuff the purchased seafood into the freezer. They went to Noliangjin before dawn in the morning, bought big lobsters, bought a lot of crabs, and finally bought some abalone, and just waited. If all the members are in the dormitory tonight, we will have a big meal.

The reason for all this was that the abalone that Pei Xian brought back last time was really delicious. Since they had nothing to do last night, the two of them discussed this issue and finally decided on the ingredients for the gout set meal tonight.

Jin Yelin walked into the kitchen curiously and watched Pei Zhuhyun stuffing portions of seafood into the freezer. She felt more and more a dull pain in her calves and knees, and said awkwardly, "Unnie, aren't you afraid of gout?"

"If you're afraid, don't eat it," Pei Zhuxuan said deliberately, and then saw the maknae's expression suddenly becoming aggrieved, and smiled, "Okay, I won't let you drink, but when it comes to this matter, Our Yelin is also twenty years old.”

"Unnie, tell me this, isn't Yelin going to film a reality show? When will she go to the TV station?" Son Seungwan suddenly asked.

The topic changed quickly, and the other two people present were stunned for a while, and then they slowly came to their senses.

Jin Yelin hadn't finished eating the pig's trotters on her lips. She thought about the question asked by Sun Shengwan seriously, and suddenly her eyes widened, "It seems like today, Oh Mom! I forgot!"

Now she didn't even care about the pig's trotters and hurriedly turned around and ran to the room. Just by this reaction, Bae Zhuhyun and Son Seungwan seemed to have seen the agent rushing towards the dormitory.

Before the agent arrived, Jin Yelin had already changed her clothes for the trip, and successfully put on light makeup with the help of Son Seungwan. Fortunately, the meeting time with the program crew was in the afternoon, otherwise she would really be missed.

"JTBC? It seems like today." Bae Zhuhyun heard Jin Yelin tell her about the place where she met the program crew. She suddenly remembered that Bae Xian was also recruiting at JTBC today. After hesitating, she decided to go there with the maknae and visit the show.

Understanding what Pei Zhuhyun meant, Jin Yelin nodded and asked curiously, "I'm visiting my brother-in-law, Unnie, do we want to buy something to send over?"

"Well, let's buy some coffee and give it to the program team." After a while, Pei Zhuxuan already had an idea. When she went to the TV station, she had to buy two drinks that the program team could drink.

Sun Shengwan considered that he was the only one in the dormitory, so he went out together without thinking much.

Sejong-ro is not too far from JTBC. It didn’t take long to drive, and I spent a lot of time buying coffee and drinks on the way. As soon as I arrived at the TV station, I went to the maknae’s program first.

"Secret sister, the name of this program is a bit strange." Sun Shengwan stood outside the conference room door of the program team. Looking at the various program logo stickers posted inside, he smiled and whispered, "The PD of the program team should be a very good person." He is a childlike person and his logo is very cute.”

Pei Zhuhyun turned around and looked around, and calculated how far it was from the studio where she recognized her brother. After saying hello to the staff of Secret Sister's program, she took advantage of the recording time and went upstairs alone. Up above is the studio where I recognize my brother.

In the afternoon, the recording of the program has started, and it has been recorded for less than half of the time. Bae Xian, Gong Liu, Gong Hyo Jin and Kim Hyun Soo all participated in this recording. The atmosphere on the scene cannot be said to be relaxed, but it is definitely not like before. comfortable.

Actors are not idols, not to mention they are all movie actors now. Song Kanghao has not come here, but when he hears his name, even Jiang Hodong will become law-abiding.

When Pei Zhuhyun appeared in the studio, he was spotted by Pei Xian at a glance. He happened to be standing behind the podium to ask personal questions. He was speaking well. After seeing Pei Zhuhyun, he couldn't hide the smile on his face no matter what.

Such an obvious change in expression made everyone in the audience look at where he was staring. Pei Zhuhyun was still wearing a mask and did not get too close, but she never expected to be recognized so quickly.

How was Bae Xian forced to be pulled up by Kim Heechul? Today, Bae Zhuhyun also experienced it. After the person was brought up, the mask on his face was not even taken off, and he was brought to Bae Xian in a dazed state. beside.

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