My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 854, Pyongyang Performance

As soon as the two siblings returned home, the apartment became a lot more lively. In their own home, they didn't have to be too restrained. They could let themselves go as they pleased. They had a delicious meal of home-cooked food. Pei Zhuhyun collapsed on the sofa without any image. It was as if the legs had been removed.

It's short, and it wants to trip people up.

The evening TV drama update was playing on the TV. Pei Zhuxuan glanced at Pei Xian who was walking in front of him, moved his weak legs, and began to call his brother "Xian, go and give me a glass of water."

"Fall yourself." It's a pity that her brother didn't give her any face. Pei Xian strode his long legs and sat directly on the empty seat next to him. He waved his hands in disgust, and then, regardless of how Pei Zhuxuan gave him hints in his eyes, he took out his mobile phone. It doesn't matter if she is immersed in the world of mobile phones.

"Yeah~" Pei Zhuxuan touched Pei Xian's thigh with her knee. Seeing that he didn't react at all, she thought of a plan. She suddenly looked towards the door and shouted in surprise, "Xiurong, why are you here?"

"Huh?" When she said this, Pei Xian immediately looked at the door, but saw no one in the empty room. He immediately realized that this person was teasing him, and he got up angrily and walked to the kitchen. "I know, I know. How old are you, really? You still play like this, really."

Pei Zhuxuan leaned on the mat, listening to what Pei Xian said, going in and out of his left ear and out of his right ear. He accepted the glass of water with a smile, moistened his throat with satisfaction, and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll tell you good news. Tomorrow We have a schedule, Xiurong, just rest and be content, I told you all the dates we can date."

"Then thank you so much. It seems like we can go out on a date." Pei Xian smiled and sat down, took the phone and continued to look at the chat messages in Kakao.

As soon as Bae Zhuhyun mentioned this, the news from Park Sooyoung was sent.

To be precise, she is resting today and tomorrow, and will return to the set the day after tomorrow to continue filming, while the four of them, Bae Zhuhyun, attended a press conference and then set off for Pyongyang.

"After I go to Pyongyang, I am not allowed to take my mobile phone with me, but the media will follow me all day long, so don't worry, I will use the hotel phone number to tell my family that I am safe, don't worry." Speaking of the Pyongyang performance, Bae Zhuhyun specially told her family Let’s talk about this.

After talking a lot again, she found that not only Pei Xian, but also her parents looked calm, as if no one had explained things to them. She couldn't help but ask, "Are you really listening to me carefully?" ?”

Pei Xian blinked and asked, "A group of you are going there. Is it possible that none of you doesn't know how to carry a mobile phone?"

"The diplomat team and the agent will also bring one," Bae Zhuhyun answered stiffly.

For a company like S.M, even if it is a performance in Pyongyang, this is not the first time that artists have come there. With such a sensitive relationship between the South and the North, they will always find ways to contact the country.

Pei Xian hadn't paid much attention to international news for a while. He hesitated and said seriously, "Be careful when you go there. People over there talk a little differently from us. Also, everything is about your own personal safety." "In the past, you were not the only people in China who had to stand in front of the media all the time. Although it is wrong for me to say this, I always feel that the people in the north are a little strange."

"Local differences, I feel that people in our own country are a bit strange, let alone those from the north." Pei Zhuxuan laughed, not hiding his true thoughts at all.

Pei's father and Pei's mother were sitting quietly next to each other, watching their children say something that could make the news. They thought that if outsiders knew what they were talking about, it would really destroy their future if it spread. want.

After a good day's rest at home, they had a good sleep. The next morning, their agent appeared downstairs to pick them up. Pei Xian went out to continue working to promote the movie, which was only a few days away from release. Time, the last stop is not in Seoul, but in Busan, which is far away, and I left very early today.

On the other hand, Park Soo Young has become the most laid-back person.

Finally, she found a time where she could rest continuously. She did not stay in the dormitory. After returning from the airport, she went to the house at the west gate. She fell on the bed and slept for more than ten hours. When she woke up, it was already her third day. It's the second night.

The consequence of sleeping for too long is that the brain is somewhat deprived of oxygen. He rubbed his head and sat up. After rummaging on the bed for a long time, he found his mobile phone and called Pei Xian immediately.

After all, I haven't messaged him for so long, and he is working so hard to make money for movie promotion, so I want to express my condolences at least.

"When will you come back~" She asked as soon as the call was connected, her tone was half lazy and half coquettish, "I'm a little hungry, please bring some pizza when you come back, triple bacon, beef and cheese."

"On the way back, have you just woken up?" Pei Xian couldn't help but laugh after hearing what she said. He was confused enough to order a meal or the menu she was banned from eating at the company. "Didn't you say you want to lose weight?"

"When I'm full, I can slowly lose weight. Just stay with me." After saying that, Pu Xiurong hung up the phone. She didn't even wake up completely. She fell faster than her cell phone. .

Pei Xian took off the phone and thought about the situation where she might have fallen asleep again. He shook his head with a smile and told Jin Taehao to go to the nearest supermarket. As for the pizza, forget it.

More than an hour later, Pu Xiurong was in a daze when he heard some movement downstairs and woke up in confusion.

After a while, the door to the room was opened. She looked up and saw that it was Pei Xian. She exhaled and lay back on the bed. "Where's the pizza? I'm so hungry."

"The pizza doesn't taste good. I cooked for you. Get up." Pei Xian hung the coat in his hand on the hanger. Under her dissatisfied gaze, he came closer and sat on the edge of the bed. He smiled and said, "Why, you're not happy? I kept saying that I was filming and had to restrain myself, but now, the pizza and cheese are tripled."

"I haven't eaten for a long time, why don't I eat again?" Park Xiurong was dissatisfied and found reasons for herself.

"Isn't the food I cooked delicious?" Pei Xian bent down, deliberately squinted his eyes to meet hers, and kept his voice low, as if he wanted to be angry.

"How could it be! I like it so much!"

When it was time to give in, he gave in. There was no dissatisfaction on Park Xiurong's face just now. In the blink of an eye, his smile became so sweet.

After a few seconds of silence, Pei Xian stared at her, then suddenly leaned forward and pressed forward. Before his face even came close, he was blocked by a pair of hands.

"I haven't taken a shower yet, so you want to take advantage of me. Go cook, I'm very hungry."

Really knowing what he wanted to do, Pu Xiurong smiled and patted Pei Xian's face, then hugged his neck. He noticed the stubble on his chin and touched it with his fingers. The friction brought a little Tingling sensation.

"Are you so busy? You haven't shaved yet, so it's better to stop cooking and order takeout. I'm tired of you, but it's me who feels bad."

She was very tired from promoting the movie. When she was on the phone, she didn't think too much and ordered what she wanted to eat. She didn't expect that Pei Xian would want to cook in person. She was already tired. What if she asked him to cook again? Not more tired.

There was a smile on Pei Xian's face, but he really liked this "distressed" feeling in his heart. He kept the posture of being hugged by her neck unchanged, and suddenly smiled and said, "When I am usually very tired, why don't I see you feeling so distressed?" "

"Mo, I feel sorry for you every time, okay?" Pu Xiurong smiled and shook his body, feeling that Pei Xian was hugging him hard, and hung on him simply, with a accustomed smile on his face.

In your own home, you don't have to avoid suspicion at all. You still have to take advantage of what you should take advantage of, and you still have to enjoy the treatment that you should enjoy.

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