Stubborn Beauty【12/10】–>>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Director Wu couldn’t help taking a step back, “What are you going to do? Dare to do something? This is a society ruled by law!”

“Ridiculous!” Feng Lingwei sarcastically said, “Now, you know that this is a society ruled by law, why did you go there just now?”

Qu Yang didn’t say another word, he just took two big steps, swung his right hand, and slapped Director Wu’s old face hard!


The applause is crisp!

One side of Director Wu’s face instantly turned red!


Director Wu let out a horrific scream!

At this moment, the security personnel and others, hearing the movement, all rushed over here.

“What’s going on? What’s going on?” One of the security chiefs asked loudly.

“Director Wu! What’s wrong with you?!” The security chief exclaimed, and hurriedly walked towards Director Wu.

He just heard Director Wu’s scream, and his whole heart was on Director Wu, but he didn’t notice Qu Yang who was blocked by Feng Lingwei!

“Hey, beauty, I’m a big man, you don’t have to protect me so tightly?” Qu Yang said helplessly.

Feng Lingwei’s posture is obviously to protect him!

“You got involved in this war because of me, no matter what, I can’t just watch you being bullied! Unless, they stepped on my dead body!” Feng Lingwei looked stubborn.

Qu Yang could see the sincerity and sense of justice on her face from the profile.

Nowadays, there are too few women who are not afraid of power and have a strong sense of justice.

“What’s wrong with me? Don’t you have eyes?! I was beaten!” Director Wu slapped his face and cursed at the security boss.

Then, he pointed at Qu Yang and said, “You security guards, go and beat him up! I want him to remember this day forever!” 860

Qu Yang folded his arms, sneered at the corner of his mouth, and looked at him mockingly.

Director Wu sneered: “You are hiding behind a woman, what right do you have to mock me?”

“You scum! Scum! Everyone should be punished!” Feng Lingwei said sternly.

“This woman has framed me time and time again, wait a minute,I want to sue her! If she can’t produce evidence and the slander is established, I will demand compensation! Director Wu was filled with righteous indignation, as if he had really been wronged.

Speaking of this, he found that the security boss hadn’t made a move yet, and stared blankly at Qu Yang, and suddenly flew into a rage!

“What are you doing in a daze? Hit him for me!”

However, the security chief remained indifferent.

Finally, Director Wu heard Qu Yang spit out two words lightly.

“beat him.”

Two light words without any weight.

But full of weight!

Because, those security personnel were dispatched in an instant, punching and kicking Director Wu!

Director Wu was completely stunned, and his world view was somewhat refreshed!

What the hell is going on?


“It hurts!”

“stop it!”

Director Wu screamed and hissed. .

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