My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1006: Villain

"Very surprised." Chen Ze tilted his head and smiled at the two.

The two are indeed nervous, and now they don't have any chances of luck. It was a well-known thing that Chen Ze killed the companion master, and the **** facts were in front of them.

"How did you know that we were crossing the river? This time we are secretive and impossible to be discovered by you!" the man said.

Chen Ze flicked his fingers and tugged a chair to sit down: "I don't know, but I just came back to do some things by chance. By the way, I will tell you by the way that Miyazu and Malu are dead, and there are four others. Those in Yuanjing don’t know what their names are."

"What do you mean, after we opened the case, the alliance launched an encirclement and suppression against you?" the man said.

Be yelling!

Chen Ze threw the painted ancient clock on the table, "Recognize it, snatched it from them."

"Painting the ancient clock! This is the treasure of the alliance!" The man stood up in horror, but Chen Ze motioned to him: "Calm down, I can **** it from them, or can you **** it from me?"

"Chen Ze, we have two Qianyuan Realm masters here this time. You came here but you are in a snare." This person said.

Chen Ze looked around and smiled: "Where is the person? You called out."

The two were speechless, and the two Qianyuan Realm masters had gone out to arrest Chen Ze's relatives and friends, and they were not here at all. They definitely didn't expect Chen Ze to return to the inside, and they were also curious about how he came back.

"It seems to be gone." Chen Ze smiled and said, "Do you two want to die or to live?"

"What are your conspiracies?" The man hesitated and asked.

Chen Ze nodded, "It seems that he compromised with me. I like people who know the current affairs. Come on, where did they go?"

"Not sure."

"Who did they catch?"

"I don't know!"


Chen Ze suddenly rushed over, and the ancient clock of the painting became the size of a human head, and Chen Ze grabbed it and threw it down.

This person hurriedly resisted, but this Zhong Wei was too strong, and immediately crushed his defenses and severely injured him.

"I don't know anything, what's the use for me to keep you." Chen Ze stepped on this person's chest and looked at the other person: "What about you?"

"Chen Ze, we really don't know. But it is led by Wu Xiao. He is very familiar with the Five Territories of Human Race. Where do we outsiders know exactly."

Chen Ze shrugged, "That's no fault of me, it's really hard to keep you alive."

After he smashed his toes, the man died directly.

In fact, it is not to blame for Chen Ze's abnormal cultivation base. Originally, his duel companion Dao Realm could only kill, not a spike. However, when these people reached the bank of the Hun River, there were barriers that suppressed only part of their combat power, and Chen Ze was a person who walked out from here, without such heavy constraints.

"Chen Ze, you are really cruel and cruel, you are the scourge of the human race."

Chen Ze smiled and said: "Wrong, I'm just the scourge of your Human Race Alliance. Perhaps even you have forgotten that the Human Race Alliance should not interfere with Human Race affairs. And you, not only lose yourself, but on the contrary, you are controlled by the Tribe and become a resource for convergence. Tools to oppress opponents. There is really no need for the seven tribes to exist. I will destroy them one by one. Of course, you have no chance to see them."

Immediately he sacrificed the ancient bell, and the huge Zhong Wei revealed a towering mountain. Coupled with the blessing of Chen Ze's Law of Gravity, this person had no chance to escape, so he turned directly into a blood mist.

People from the Terran Alliance outside are still waiting and watching. Chen Ze walked out step by step. Su Xipo was shocked to see Chen Ze safe and sound. "Chen Ze, I haven't seen it in more than ten years. Your cultivation is so terrifying that you can kill even with Dao Realm. ."

"Do you know where Senior Zhou Mu was locked up?" Chen Ze didn't answer his words. This was not the question Su Xipo asked himself.

"I know. The Zhou Mu clan is always abolished, so the place where it is locked is not a big prison, but a small courtyard near the Immortal Palace."

Chen Ze nodded, "Take me there!"


Sand... sand... sand...

The old figure bowed a little, Zhou Mu, dressed in coarse rags, was sweeping the fallen leaves with a broomstick.


The fallen leaves that had just been pretended by him were kicked and scattered: "Old stuff, don't grasp it tightly. If you can't finish sweeping half of the street today, don't want to eat!"

"Boss, Zhou Mu was once a clan elder after all, shall we treat him like this?" asked a man next to that person.

"Small drum, this old thing betrayed the alliance and leaked secrets and made all Chen Ze's party feathers escape. It is a traitor to our alliance. What kind of clan elder, now is just an old waste. If it weren't for the Wuxiao clan to intercede, he promised to bring him to the other side of the Hun River. The adults who went to arrest people, this old thing was slaughtered long ago."

The two are the people responsible for supervising Zhou Mu. Although they are only the cultivation base of the gods, they are invincible powerhouses for Zhou Mu now.


"Hurry up!" The little drum got a bottom and became fierce, "You old thing, I used to kneel when I saw you, this time it would be nice if you didn't let me kneel."

"Yeah, good suggestion. I used to kneel down and worship this old thing. Today, our brothers have to find a place." The man said and pushed Zhou Mu: "Quickly, give our brothers a kneel. With a bang, I will let you sweep this street smoothly. Otherwise, huh..."

"Boss, I want him to knock nine." The drum rubbed his hands.

"Okay, then nine!"

At this time, Zhou Mu's injury after his repair was abolished has not recovered, and every time he moves his body, he suffers from pain in his heart. This is also the reason why people from the Alliance want him to sweep the streets, not to humiliate him, but to torture him physically.

"You...Kill me." Zhou Mu's dry hand gripped the broom tightly and slowly straightened up, "The old man made a brilliant cry and made a beast. You two little cubs are arrogant, what a thing."

"Yeah, don't want to live anymore?" The little drum laughed loudly: "Old stuff, I tell you, if you want to die, don't I! Don't kneel? I just let you kneel!"

As soon as he raised his hand, Zhen Qi turned into pressure to bless Zhou Mu's body, causing him to stagger twice and bend his legs, almost kneeling.

Zhou Mu clenched the broom tightly with both hands, gritted his teeth and insisted. But the pressure on his body was getting stronger and stronger, his legs had already begun to bend, and his knees were about to touch the ground.

"Little Xiao Xiao, dare to insult Senior Zhou Mu and die!"

In the distance, Chen Ze volleyed with a fist, and a terrifying aura swept through. The two men raised their heads in horror, but were directly torn apart by the powerful wind, and disappeared.

Zhou Mu finally couldn't hold back sitting there, slightly surprised when he looked up at Chen Ze, "You, why are you so impulsive. Go away, don't be discovered."

"Clan elder, you don't have to worry. The two masters who stayed in the camp have been killed by Chen Ze." Su Xipo was faster than Chen Ze and helped the old man up.

Chen Ze grabbed Zhou Mu's wrist and poured his vigorous true energy into his body to probe his injuries.

Zhou Mu knew his intentions and sighed: "It's useless, my meridians are all damaged, and there is no way to recover."

Chen Ze smiled bitterly, "We are in the same situation, but what I have damaged is the origin of the true spirit. If I can't repair the difficulties in this life, I can go further."

" could you hurt so badly?" Zhou Mu didn't care if he was abolished, but Chen Ze was the hope of changing the status quo of the human race, and he couldn't lose it.

"It was calculated by the people of the Human Alliance and had to use the blood sacrificial tools, so it ended up like this." Chen Ze said.

"To be honest, we only saw a glimmer of hope in you at the beginning, but we didn't expect you to set off such a stormy sea on the other side of the Hun River." Zhou Mu sighed.

Chen Ze took out the healing medicine and fed him, and said, "Thanks to the expectations of seniors, Chen Ze originally thought that this responsibility was a burden. But when I got to the other side, I discovered that the cancer of the seven tribes must be eradicated. Otherwise, the human race will follow up. Countless geniuses have been obliterated by them, what is the reason for the rise of races."

"But what are you going to do now? It's too difficult for the true spirit source to make up." Zhou Mu said.

"I have decided to go to see Young Master Yin and ask him to take action." Chen Ze said: "This time, I really did not think of myself, but an opportunity for the Human Race. Seniors, Chen Clan... is about to be born!"

Zhou Mu was startled when he heard this, "Chen clan, is it really going to be born? They..."

"Senior don’t worry, the current King Chen is my wife. This time I was born to overthrow the seven tribes and regain control of the tribes of the mortal tribe. However, their goal is the final battle for God, so they need more than mortals. Clan, but the concerted efforts of the entire Immortal Realm. At least compared to the Human Race Alliance, they hope that there will be more masters in the Human Race." Chen Ze said.

"Although the times have changed, the Chen clan was once one of the royal clan of the mortal clan. Perhaps their birth can really change the status quo of the human clan." Zhou Mu sighed: "Forget it, my old man is fine now, so he doesn't have to. Distracted thinking about these things."

"Senior, your mind is what the human monk needs most. Don't worry, I must find a way to will you!"

Chen Ze spoke firmly.

There was an uproar at the Human League camp, but the people who knew that Chen Ze had returned were few after all. And even if the interested people want to report, they can't reach the real high-level people at all.

Chen Ze asked Su Xipo to take Zhou Mu secretly to leave the Great Desolate Xianzhou and go to the Five Territories of Human Race to live in seclusion.

After more than a month of rushing, Chen Ze finally walked out of the Great Desolate Xianzhou and returned to the most prosperous Zhongzhou Xianyu, one of the five territories of the human race that he had struggled with.

He saw a fairy city from a distance, and it was so dilapidated, it seemed that he had just experienced an abnormal battle.

But Zhongzhou Immortal Territory is not an area ruled by the Human Alliance outside the Hunhe River. Every inch of land here belongs to a different royal family. These fairy cities are also the source of the great royal family's absorption of tribesmen.

Moreover, no matter how courage the immortal bandits here are, there is absolutely no possibility that they will be able to attack a fairy city.

He flew into the fairy city, and his eyes were devastated. Everyone I saw was full of gloom, and even more seriously injured.

"Excuse me, what happened here?" Chen Ze cut off a person's question.

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