My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1101: No phase

Chen Ze never felt that his state of mind would be exhausted by his thoughts. He has never encountered a bottleneck in his cultivation path. He has even suppressed his cultivation and lengthened his cultivation time to settle himself.

After all, he has only really started to practice for more than a hundred years. Even if he is the most talented person in the immortal world, he is probably only a cultivation base at this age. And he has almost reached the pinnacle of practitioners.

But the moment he saw Lu Qingluan, all the things that bothered him from the beginning to the present came to an end. Chen Ze suddenly realized that he was also restrained. The release of this moment caused his cultivation to begin to surge in crazily.

"Who is that?"

A girl from the Chen clan looked at Chen Ze, who was sitting on the top of the mountain and enlightened Dao. Numerous golden lights flowed down her body like a stream of water. Time and Dao made the four seasons change here, flowers blooming and falling, and I don't know how many spiritual plants and herbs were generated by him.

"I heard that it was the husband of the Emperor Chen and the father of the Prince Chen. I heard that he was a big man. Five hundred years ago, he was holding a sword of punishing the immortal and used Qianyuan Xiu as the counter-slashing Wuxiang. Moreover, the shelter contender of our Chen clan is right. It's his friend."

"It's such a powerful breath. I want to go to the foot of the mountain to observe the Taoism. I don't know if the elders allow it." The girl's sense of worship was overwhelming.

The man hurriedly stopped: "Never, do you see the flowers of the four seasons on the mountain blooming and falling? That is the most difficult time road among the ten thousand ways to comprehend. The cultivation base of yours is not to say that it is enlightenment, even if it is close. Will be instantly deprived of life and turned into fly ash."

"So that's it." The girl was full of disappointment, "Such a stalwart man is really a great contemporary hero."

Five hundred years are too long, two or three generations of newcomers in the cultivation world have appeared. The people under Chen Ze didn't know what happened in the past.

"Furthermore, I heard from my master that Chen Huangfujun is time and space, and you see him sitting on the top of the mountain. In fact, you don’t know how far away from us. I’m afraid you’ll never be able to reach him after a lifetime. By your side. Didn’t you see it? Even the Emperor Chen stopped and watched from a distance, not daring to take a step closer."

The juniors below have discussed Chen Ze to the extreme and treat him as a god. Lu Qingluan wanted to laugh very much. If these little guys know that Chen Ze is a master who can do everything, the key is the family gene. From his wife to him, to his own son, there is one virtue.

Suddenly a horrible atmosphere scrolled across the horizon, and the clouds and mist became gloomy and dark. Lu Qingluan saw that he was shocked, and just about to take a step, he saw that Xiao Jiu had already struck past with a divine sense, and shattered the black cloud over there.

Lai Xia glanced at it from a distance and said, "I just came to have a look. I haven't seen him in five hundred years, so I'm sure of life and death."

Xiao Jiu lost the naive attitude he once had, and said coldly: "Don't forget to make a reservation. You dare to shoot him, even if the ends of the world, I will kill you!"

Although Lingxia has successfully surpassed Wuxiang and became a contender, it is still far behind Xiaojiu. He is definitely not an opponent if he really wants to fight a life and death battle.

"I have no intention of bullying the weak, and when he becomes a contender, I should come personally to take his life!"

Although Lai Xia is evil in nature, she is very persistent in her desire for strength. What he said is credible.

After only watching for a while, Lai Sha nodded with peace of mind: "Yes, it didn't disappoint me. Chen Ze, practice hard, I am waiting for you in the contenders!"

Then he turned and left.

The Chen people are also a little relieved.

The contenders show up, this is a big deal. Even if they all knew that there was a contender in the Chen clan, they had never seen who it was. Five hundred years, and only two hundred years ago when the mortal realm was broken, the tens of thousands of people attacked, and the fairy was born in a volley and suppressed the heroes with one palm.

But their king's husband just broke through the incompatibility, and then ushered in the contenders. It can be seen that their future achievements, even the contenders dare not underestimate.

Xiao Jiu didn't really show up, but the turbulence of Laosha's departure had not completely subsided, and another strong breath came from a distance. This time it wasn't that scary, but it was also suffocating and not rebellious.

Lu Qingluan turned his head and looked around, but saw that it was as dark as the sky over there, but there was no obvious killing intent.

The black qi approached, and he turned into a man who looked very young, dressed in a black mysterious robe with embroidered gold patterns, and three points of spiritual fire on the center of his eyebrows slowly burned.

"Emperor Chen, don't come here unharmed." The visitor said.

Lu Qingluan smiled and said, "The ghost king is coming, why don't you give a notice in advance."

"My brother showed up, I naturally want to come to celebrate." Ghost Emperor laughed, "Thanks to him and Jiu Xianzi back then, I can only survive. Five hundred years, I don't know where this guy went."

Chen Ze's return to his hometown was top secret. Only Lu Qingluan and Mu Fu knew about this incident in the Chen people, and even Chen Chen, his biological son, didn't know it.

"He has his business, I can't tell." Lu Qingluan said.

"No problem, everyone has their own secrets, and I am no exception." Ghost Emperor Garu smiled: "I don't know how long this guy will be. I can't wait to find him for a drink."

"It shouldn't be too long. The time flow around him is very fast, and this insight may have passed how many years have passed." Lu Qingluan said.

"I had known that I would also go to comprehend the principles of time." Garu said.

Lu Qingluan sighed, "It's not that simple. He speeds up the time, and what he fills up is actually the missing Dao and the cause and effect. Not everyone can do this."

Garu didn't ask much, but he also understood. During the five hundred years that Chen Ze disappeared, he was not in the immortal world. Only in this way can time accelerate the enlightenment of Tao will work. Otherwise, no matter how many years you have been in the realm of time, it will only be the perception of the real world.

Suddenly someone pointed to the golden dragon spirit rising from Chen Ze's body and shouted: "Look, it's Tianlong! It's Tianlong Qi!"

"Oh my God, isn't our Emperor Chen belong to the Tianlong clan? It's not that the Tianlong clan attaches great importance to blood, and never leaks blood. Once the blood of private marriage with a foreigner is discovered, it will be killed."

"Follow him, don't we Chen Clan still fear that his Tianlong Clan won't succeed! It's really interesting, even the ancestors have abandoned them, I really look down on them."

Everyone talked a lot, Chen Ze's insights reached the extreme, and his physical body was also rapidly improving, thus showing the ancestor dragon's aura.

When Lu Qingluan saw this, he understood that his enlightenment was about to end, and immediately said: "Everyone listens to the order, retreat thousands of miles!"

She gave an order, and all the members of the Chen family who were on the sidelines withdrew back, including herself.

Less than half an hour after everyone left, the sky began to condense black clouds. Before reaching the top of Chen Ze's head from a distance, it was already thundering and lightning flashed.

The terrifying majesty spread, suffocating everyone.

Immediately, Chen Zewu's mountain peak was covered by a sea of ​​thunder, and the dazzling blue and white thunder light never stopped for a moment.

Everyone secretly squeezed a sweat for Chen Ze. This was a thunder-breaking robbery, and the aura was terrifying to the extreme.

"Wait, what did I see!" someone said in shock: "There seems to be someone flashing in there!"

"The humanoid Thunder Tribulation is said to be Heavenly Tribulation. Is he proving Dao Heavenly Tribulation?"

Chen Ze didn't provoke a humanoid thunder robbery for the first time, but that time it was he forcibly substituted for others to overcome thunder robbery. This time, it was he himself who really caused it.

"This guy is too strong." Garu sighed. "Although I am the ghost emperor and I have been given the racial imperial aura, I still feel trembling in the face of such a catastrophe."

"It's the same." Lu Qingluan said: "He has always been ahead of others. This breakthrough is afraid that the contenders will be invincible. Even if we are the emperor, it is difficult to become his opponent."

The thunder tribulation lasted for eighty-one days, and the news of crossing the tribulation had already spread throughout the fairy world.

Long Binao only sighed when he heard the news, "This is in line with Chen Ze's cultivation base. At the beginning, I only had Lei Ze for forty-nine days, but there was no one to be thundered."

"But after all, he is your opponent on the road to becoming a contender." Old Dragon Emperor said.

"Grandfather, the father is already a contender, can we still have a contender in the Tianlong clan?" Long Bin was surprised.

"Naturally. There is only one Tianzun, because there is only one opportunity to prove the Dao. But there is no upper limit for the contenders. This time the battle of the Dao is probably even more bloody. With a stunning person like Chen Ze, your father is afraid. It will only be dim. Don’t forget that he took a blow from your father when he was in the Qianyuan realm. Time has passed and your father has become a contender, but he will never fall."

The old dragon emperor has always been very wise, and he withdrew from the Tianzun dispute to make way for his son. But now it seems that the road this time is very difficult to follow.

Now the five contenders have appeared, but he doesn't know how, always feeling that Chen Ze is the one who proves the way.

Chen Zeyi hunted and opened his eyes in the void, his body was turbulent, his body suddenly disappeared from the top of the mountain, and he was already in front of Garu when he reappeared.

"Good fellow, there was such a big noise on the road, and now all the major races know that you have entered a stateless state." Garu smiled.

"The imperial spirit of the ghost clan has been reborn in five hundred years. You are afraid that it is unprecedented." Chen Ze hit his chest with a hammer: "How about your sister?"

"It's still like that, a bitter mouth is not forgiving. I, the ghost emperor, saw her with a low three-pointer. In this life, it is estimated that you will be able to surrender her." Garu vomited.

Lu Qingluan on one side sternly said, "Ghost Emperor, why don't we have a fight?"

"What are you doing?" Garu was dumbfounded for no reason.

"I can get your sister to fight." She said again.

Garu wanted to understand what was going on, and quickly pointed to Chen Ze and said: "It's your man who mentioned the problem first, it's my shit. I want to beat him!"

Chen Ze also has a guilty conscience, "I just ask old friends casually, I won't be so jealous."

Lu Qingluan snorted coldly and turned to leave. She wanted to be forgiving, but this guy always promised that there would only be her and Jiang Qingyao. As a result, the Great Immortal World wandered around, married a fox, and got tired of the ghost clan eldest princess.

This man's mouth can never be trusted!

Garu hit Chen Ze with his shoulder at this time, "Brother Chen, your family status is not good."

"Do you dare to taunt me?" Chen Ze snorted coldly.

Garru proudly sorted out his clothes at this time, "Sorry, there are five ladies and twenty-two sons. Grandson will not say anything, lest you get angry!"

"Your uncle, I must drink you to death today!"

Then the two took one step forward and left the Chen clan land. They are also the senior masters that others look up to, and they naturally look like senior masters.

Of course, things like drinking and wrangling cannot be known.

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