My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1108: Violent beating emperor

Although Chen Ze has been famous for a long time, and the record of various cross-border killings is brilliant. But for a strong man like Emperor Xu, he was still weaker after all.

Her wife got the imperial spirit of the Chen family and squeezed into the ranks of the emperor, but she was still defeated in the face of him. Although Chen Ze is fierce, but after all, he is just an ordinary monk, and Emperor Xu doesn't take him seriously.

He came out with a big hand, crushed Chen Ze's sword intent, and stepped closer, "Chen Ze, you are indeed rampant. To destroy my race formation, you must be killed!"

Emperor Xu knew very well that if he could kill Chen Ze, it would be a fatal blow to Qingluan on Chenhuanglu. Women are the emperor, seemingly powerful, after all, they are a bit too emotional compared to men.

He died of a grandson, not to worry, the humiliation is true.

Today, Chen Ze turned to the door instead, but gave him a chance to kill the opponent.

He covered his hands again, and the splendid offensive turned into a huge spirit beast surging, swallowing Chen Ze in one bite.

"My emperor is one of the oldest emperors. He was able to fight undefeated for three months against the dragon emperor. Chen Ze, the kid who came to destroy my mountain gate formation, is really looking for death."

"I'm afraid he can't even bear this blow."

Another elder spoke.

Chen Ze was covered by a powerful offensive, but the strange beast phantom suddenly roared and struggled, and then dazzling white lights shot around his body.


The whole body was shattered, and Chen Ze's figure came out even more, transforming into the sword of Heavenly Sovereign, slashing towards the Emperor Xu.

"court death!"

The Emperor Xuan indifferently opened his mouth, waved his big hand, and rushed up.

The two fought to one place. Chen Zejian was awe-inspiring, and every time he shot, he could shatter his offensive, and even had the power to counterattack, which made the emperor very annoyed.

The confrontation with Lu Qingluan, who is also the emperor, didn't make him feel that way.

He shouted, the emperor's aura on his body turned into a nine-headed giant snake, hideous and terrifying.

Space gale gusts, as if to tear everything to pieces.

Chen Ze sneered after seeing him: "There are so many big battles, there is a shit! Old stuff, I hope you don't run today!"

His body shook, and the Ancestral Dragon's Qi on his body also suddenly rolled, transformed into a form, hovered above his head, and the breath was even more crushed.

The nine-headed snake is still a snake, and it is not enough to look at the dragon.

Both of them stopped their bodies at this time, and confronted each other with their aura.

Seeing that Chen Ze can transform the face of the dragon was very surprising to the emperor. At the beginning, he and the old dragon emperor were indifferent to each other, but officially because of the restraint between the emperor's temperament, he fell behind.

Seeing Chen Ze Nianlongxiang again today, unconsciously annoyed him, "You are just a mortal clan, so what about the condensation dragon appearance? Go!"

The serpent that was transformed by the imperial aura twisted and twisted, and the nine big heads roared and opened.

Chen Ze's ancestral dragon look is as domineering, the golden scales twinkling with five claws shaking the sky, and a dragon's breath spouts out of his mouth, turning into a different fire.

Immediately the two Daohua fought each other, tearing and biting each other, and the scales of the snake broke and the scales of the dragon shot in all directions.

There was an elder in the distance who looked attentively and couldn't escape, but was penetrated through his body and almost died.

So strong!

At this moment, where did all the elders of the Xu clan dare to look down upon Chen Ze. Being able to break through their mountain-protecting formations and compete with the emperor's imperial spirit and power, this kid's dragon aspect is so powerful, could it be that he stole the luck of the Tianlong clan?

At this time, the sky was swept by the violent wind, and the emperor glared at Chen Ze, but the other party had been waiting with his eyes closed, clearly despising him.

"Give me away!" He roared, full of imperial spirit and moved towards Chen Ze.

The latter is fighting step by step. Although the battle has scarred the face of Zulong, Chen Ze is fearless. The appearance of his ancestral dragon is different from the imperial aura of Emperor Xu, and it comes from the power of the body's bloodline. As long as he is not dead, he can recover as much as possible.

But the emperor's aura of Emperor Xu came from the luck of the clan after all, and it came from the refining outside of the body, so he was naturally distressed.


A tongue was crushed, but Chen Ze's ancestor dragon was also torn apart by a dragon claw. Chen Ze frowned, his mind moved.

The ancestral face of the dragon swept its tail, and then smashed a snake head into pieces.

The war continued, and the two aliens were still fighting, and everyone in the rear was shocking.

These nine gods were transformed by their clan and the emperor's aura. Everyone feels distressed at such a consumption.

Especially the Emperor Xu, who has been shattered by Chen Ze one after another, has been somewhat unbearable. Even if Chen Ze's ancestor dragon's appearance has been torn off the dragon's tail, the victory is in hand. But if we continue to fight like this, the loss will be too great.

He didn't know where Chen Ze got such a powerful dragon energy, but it was not important to the Chen clan. Even if it is exhausted and Lu Qingluan's imperial aura is still there, the Chen clan will not be shaken.

But the emperor's energy of the Clan clan is excessively consumed, and it is the Clan clan's root that shakes.

The two seemed to have the same mind, and both opened their eyes at this moment.

The Emperor Xu saw that Chen Ze's eyes were completely blood red, and there were no white pupils at all.

He is blind!

This made him never think of it.

But the blood red in his eyes made his consciousness turbulent, as if there was a big **** hand hitting the soul, and one would fall apart if he was not careful.


He dodged his eyes and took back the imperial aura, but he had already lost nearly a quarter. Chen Ze did not hesitate to take back his ancestral spirit. Even if it can be recovered, it will take time.

At this time, the emperor's eyes were astringent, the old tears flowed out, and there were ghosts in everything.

Chen Ze's eyes are so weird.

Chen Ze didn't know this, his eyes were already blind, he wanted to heal but was blocked by mysterious power.

In fact, that power is the **** handprints printed in the eyes, and anyone who dares to look directly will suffer severe damage.

This was the price he paid for being blind, but it was also the opportunity he got.

"Chen Ze, you are really weird enough, even your eyes have been repaired with murderous intent, and you are cruel!" Xu Huangdao.

Chen Ze didn't know, but he knew what he said and just thought about it. He didn't open his eyes because it was unnecessary, but he didn't expect that his eyes would still have such power to attack. Then his left hand is stronger!

"Old thing, after playing for so long, it's time to end." Chen Ze said.

The emperor duel, fighting for more than ten days is just a small battle, three to five months can be considered as a competition. There is really a life-and-death battle, and I am afraid that it will not come for a year or two. This is because both sides are determined to kill each other and are unwilling to leave.

The two of them fought for less than half a day, and Chen Ze actually said this.

"Why, are you timid and want to run?" Huang Huang sneered, "You don't have that chance. I came to offend my Clan today. If you let you go like this, it would be too unreasonable."

Chen Ze raised his face and laughed: "Old stuff, I'm afraid you will run away."

At this time, Chen Ze put away the Zhuxian Sword and slowly raised his left hand, "Let you taste the real combat power of this uncle. What a **** **** king, bully my wife, you can't miss it!"

He stepped forward and fisted to fight.

At this time, the emperor's eyes had gradually recovered. Seeing Chen Ze abandoning the Zhuxian sword and confronting him, he was naturally happy.

Without the Zhuxian Sword, how could Chen Ze be his opponent to the emperor.

The big hand shook, hitting an astonishing palm strength.

Chen Ze raised his arm forward and shattered his palm with a punch. Then he rushed to the front, "Get me down!"


The fist surged, and the Emperor Xu felt a suffocation for a moment. This kind of feeling came from the bottom of his heart, he had never had even when he was playing against the Dragon Emperor.

It must be an illusion!

A mere junior, how to fight against a king like me!

The strong have a fearless heart to fight, but the emperor is really wrong this time.


The two fists gathered, and the flesh and blood fell and flew in an instant.

"It's really looking for death, and I dare to fight like this with my emperor, Chen Ze is too rampant."

"Fresh and bloody, his arm is afraid that it no longer exists."

Everyone in the Clan looked forward to it, but the two figures rushed away, Chen Ze's arms were intact, and his left hand was intact.

how come!

"He has nothing wrong with his left hand, doesn't it mean..."

Everyone looked around, but saw that the entire forearm of Yuhuang's right hand had disappeared, and the wound was still bleeding.

What a strong body, how did this evildoer temper his physique!

Mo said that it hurt Chen Ze, and even the magic scarf wrapped around his left hand could not be shattered.

The Emperor Xu was horrified at this time, he never thought that Chen Ze's combat power was so sturdy. The sword of Zhu Xian just drew with him, and the imposing imposing force was also half-hearted.

How did he turn his head and abandon Zhu Xianjian, this kid became vigorous instead.

His eyes are weird, and his left hand is even more weird!

"Hey, old stuff, am I kidding, you must not run!"

Chen Ze grinned, his body moved again.

The powerful offensive was crushed, and the Emperor Xu didn't have the intention to fight again. Hard shake, can't beat. Other methods seem to be insignificant.

Don't run?

Waiting to be beaten?

At this moment, where he could still care about the top, he turned around and ran.

But he is fast, and Chen Ze, who controls the rules of space, is faster.

The two figures quickly gathered again, but this time it was not an impact. Even if the offensive force of Chen Ze's left hand was stronger, it only hit the Queen's heart, causing him to stagger and vomit blood.

But this time, the speed of Chen Ze's offensive was greatly increased, and then the old ghost was also decisive enough to directly tear the space and get in.

Chen Ze followed closely, but after rushing in, he found that Emperor Xu had escaped to Xu Yuan without knowing what secret method he had borrowed, and then tore the space to jump out.

Chen Ze sighed and let this old thing run away.

But this left hand is really easy to use. You can be a girlfriend when you don't have a wife, and now you can even hammer people.

Chen Ze broke through the space and came out, still near the Xun Clan. All the elders and members of the Clan tribe in the rear were speechless when they saw this scene, how could such a result be accepted.

He smashed a punch in the air, and everyone from the Ning tribe here fled. However, Chen Ze's goal was originally not them, but the smashing of the racial monument that had been standing for so many years.

This is that the face of the Clan is still trampled under the soles of the feet!

But Chen Ze is so crazy, he said that he came to play on the court.

"Tell the Emperor Xu, if I dare to bully my daughter-in-law in the future, I will level his clan!"

Chen Ze didn't make a killing in vain, and it was very easy for him to get into the Clan now. But this is equivalent to letting the clan suffer the disaster of genocide, so the rules of the contenders will be broken.

Although he has Xiaojiu asylum, he will eventually break everyone's adherence to the rules, and the immortal world is likely to be disrupted.

Everyone knows that the Emperor Xun Huang went to the door to bully the Emperor Chen. Although he was ugly, everyone wanted to do it.

But Chen Ze broke into the Clan tribe land for his daughter-in-law and beat the emperor violently. Even the racial monument they had stood for hundreds of thousands of years was smashed. This is a great shame for the Clan tribe.

But Chen Ze's battle is also sending a signal to other races. Whoever dares to come to the Chen clan to make trouble again is just looking for a beating!

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