My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1118: Really enter the royal class

"Don't hit him, little sister, am I just kidding. Besides, the eldest brother also has a part in this matter, why don't you let Chen Ze hit him?"

On the second day, Long Binao was blocked in his mansion. Long Shu's three days of suffering was even more painful than the five hundred years before, and he was constantly struggling in his heart. Especially Long Binao finally spurned her to escape the marriage, making her hesitate and hesitate.

Thanks to her choosing to compromise, otherwise the chance of marrying Chen Ze will be wasted. Enter the door again, but there is no such a grand wedding.

Where is Long Binao the opponent of Chen Ze, the imperial powerhouse, and his face was bruised and swollen just after a few encounters. It was terrible to watch.

Chen Ze couldn't bear to see him now, "Daughter-in-law, it's almost done."

"No, continue fighting until I am happy." Long Shu gritted his teeth, ignoring the plea of ​​his third sister-in-law and a group of nephews.

At this time, Long Binshun walked in, and Long Binao seemed to see a savior: "Brother, you are here. Hurry up, I'm going to be beaten to death."

Long Binshun didn't smile, but he looked a lot like his father, "I only came here when I knew you were beaten..."

"It's still my elder brother, knowing to care about me." Long Bin proudly cried.

"...Look at the excitement." Long Binshun said stubbornly, looking at his appearance is definitely not a joke, it seems that he really came to watch the excitement.

"Damn! You can do it. Long Binshun, you can't escape this matter. You are an accomplice, do you think you can run?" Long Bin shouted proudly.

Long Binshun glanced at his sister, Long Shu looked at him, although the intent to kill was not strong, but there was always something. Chen Ze is now newly married to Yan'er, and his wife's order is too big, knowing that he is inevitable.

"I just merged with the imperial spirit, and I just need an imperial master to compete. Brother-in-law, you fight first. We'll have two tricks later, let's discuss."

Although they were all beaten for deceiving Long Shu, his trick was too clever. To learn from each other, or take the initiative to find an emperor-level master. If you lose, you lose, and no one else can tell.

But what about Long Binao?

Being blocked at the door of my house, this stain can't be washed off.

Chen Ze also nodded secretly, thinking that Long Binshun's hand was too high.

No wonder he was able to get the emperor's air so smoothly. He looked at him sternly, but he was actually a ghost.

Later, Chen Ze did discuss with Long Binshun for a while, and he did not make any heavy moves. He played with Long Binshun heartily. The latter benefited a lot, so he closed the door that day.

The two stayed in the Tianlong clan for another day, and then left.

For Chen Ze this time, the proposal is a steady profit. If the son won a daughter-in-law, he won one himself.

Long Shu also knew his location, and after arriving at the Chen Clan, he just stayed in the bedroom arranged by Lu Qingluan in a low-key manner, without even seeing the latter.

Chen Ze suddenly felt that his home had become a Xiuluo field, and he had trouble every night when he went to bed. Should he go to the newly married Long Shu or Lu Qingluan?

After thinking about it again and again, he decided to use the treatment of the eye injury as an excuse to retreat.

But Chen Ze knew that there was little hope, but he was just looking for an excuse to hide.

Anyway, if he was idle, Chen Ze could calm down and study his left hand and eyes well.

The power of the **** handprint made him dare not imagine, just where a handprint was pressed, it sealed a terrifying existence with a needle, then who was its owner?

Chen Ze was conscious in his body, carefully checking how his true qi interacted with the power in his left hand.

A little research has really found him a way to continuously refine the power in his left hand for his own use.

In a month, the red on his left hand has diminished a lot, while Chen Ze's breath has increased several times, which surprised him very much.

If this trend continues, if he can fully refine his strength, wouldn't his strength be stronger than it is now.

Chen Ze did not hesitate, and finally began to quickly refine this power. There seems to be a certain power of law in this power, which Chen Ze never expected.

Today, Chen Ze has only seen a few missing seeds of the law, only his law of gravity, which is a completely detached power, is most familiar with.

Chen Ze turned his comprehension into the seed of the law of gravity, completely absorbed by the flowers of the two great avenues of time and space, and even began to transform to the power of the law.

"If I can completely transform the power of these two laws into the power of the laws, I will control the power of the three laws. Originally, gravity can affect the two laws of time and space. Daoguo, I seem to be able to reach the level of a contender."

Chen Ze secretly deduced that with so many years of cultivation experience, the result should not be much different.

As Chen Ze continued to swallow the power of his left hand, more and more law powers were introduced into the law seeds, but the two Daohua flowers began to compete, and even began to entangle each other for a trace of law, like double lotus.

"If you take the opportunity to merge now? The resistance may be much smaller in the future."

Chen Ze said to himself, and then began to try.

I don't know how long it took, the two Dao flowers actually began to merge with Chen Ze's efforts. What is subsequently shown is not the power of the fusion, but the power of the law!

It turns out that the two ways of time and space have differentiated from one law, and when they merge together, they can evolve into law.

Chen Ze became more assured after he was determined, and began to thoroughly integrate the two principles.

Although the two kinds of Taoism are incomplete, there is no perfect one. Even the bounding bamboo of the nine spiritual roots specializing in the space might not be a complete law of space.

As Chen Ze merged, the power of his left hand was quickly swallowed and melted into it.

Soon, his left hand became normal, and it seemed that he was missing a big killer, but Chen Ze's strength increased too much.


On this day, the Lei Ze exploded in Chen Ze's body, and the two Dao flowers were completely fused, and what they radiated was no longer the power of Dao, but the power of the law of time and space after the fusion.

"This breath is truly emperor!"

Chen Ze felt that he had really fought with the emperor, and he could compare the strength between them, and he was sure in his heart.

Next comes the eyes.

Chen Ze then began to try, but the power contained in his eyes was much more powerful than the left hand. After all, he just glanced at it at the beginning, but his left hand was really stained with the blood on the **** handprint!

In less than three days, the power of the eyes was dispelled. He opened it slowly, the long-lost light came into view, but his pupils looked like a blooming blood-colored flower, and then gradually disappeared.

back to normal!

This is an unexpected surprise and a real improvement in strength.

From today onwards, Chen Ze is a real imperial powerhouse, no longer need to rely on any external force.

It is a pity that the flower of the law of time and space after fusion will take a long time to be fruitful, and it will take time for him to be inferior to the contenders.

Fortunately, there are more than a thousand years left, and Chen Ze is not too anxious.

Opening the Shimen, there was a woman guarding outside, the female officer Ping Jin beside Lu Qingluan.

"Prince, you are finally out." She stepped up eagerly.

"What's the matter?" Chen Ze knew that something was wrong by looking at her.

"The palace of the prince went down and was attacked on the way to the Tianlong clan to welcome her. The soul is in danger of collapse. She has rushed over to Princess Longshu. We can't break your defensive formation. I can only stand here and wait for you." She said .

Chen Ze's heart immediately mentioned his throat, "How long has it been?"

"It's been almost two months."

After hearing this, Chen Ze rushed directly into the sky and passed through the Chen Clan's mountain guard array. He now controls part of the laws of time and space, easily tearing the space into the void and rushing forward, reaching the vicinity of the Tianlong clan land in less than half a day and jumping out.

"Who? Dare to break into my Heavenly Dragon Clan!"

A guard drank when he noticed it.

Chen Ze cared about his son, and slapped him away: "I am Chen Ze!"

The guard also received the order that if Prince Chen Ze arrives, he can go straight to the Dragon Palace without any notification.

At the Dragon Emperor Hall at this time, Long Ziwen suddenly raised his head and saw that Chen Ze had not known when he had already stood in front of him.

"I haven't seen you in half a year, you are so strong." He laughed.

How can Chen Ze want to laugh with him: "Second Uncle, what about Chen Chen and the others?"

"At the youngest man's house. You don't need to worry too much. Although the soul has been shattered, but luckily it has been found. It's just that you need a pill to fuse now, and you won't get in the way." Longzi asked. .

Chen Ze let out a long sigh, "I was scared to death. I would have known that I would not retreat."

"Then what about you? Chen Chen Yingxi, can you still follow." Long Zi asked, waving his hand: "Go, they are all waiting for you."

Chen Ze nodded, bowed, and then turned to leave.

Long Zi asked and sighed as he watched the space he disappeared, "Unexpectedly, he has become a true emperor, without any external force. I just don't know how long it will take to reach the contender."

Long Binao has stepped down as the city lord of Zuolongcheng, but his son is succeeding him. So the City Lord's Mansion where he once lived is still there, just changed its name.

"You can finally give up?" Lu Qingluan saw that he didn't give a good face.

Where is Chen Ze thinking about arguing with his wife: "What's the situation now?"

"With the protection of the treasures of the Tianlong clan, there is no life worry for the time being. But it is really difficult to self-integrate and recover, and you need your medicine." Lu Qingluan said.

"Then you are ready?" Chen Ze said.

Long Bin said proudly: "It's been prepared long ago. The pill prescription and one of the medicines are for my father to come to cast the pill clan in person."

Long Zixing is a contender, and his strength is stronger than Bo Ya. He asked for something in the past, and the Dan cast naturally couldn't refuse.

Chen Ze immediately began to refine his pill, and what he refined was the tenth-order pill of soul-cultivating golden pill, which was the same famous soul-raising pill with the nine-turned golden pill. This is because the effects of the two are different.

Chen Yun is missing part of his soul and needs to make up. However, Chen Chen was shattered and needed fusion repair.

It took Chen Ze three days of work to induce eighty-one alchemy to come to the world before casting this elixir. Because of his improvement in cultivation level, his control of the alchemy process became more exquisite, and this pill finally surpassed the immortal product and reached the divine product!

Chen Chen was lying there like a dead person at this time, and his soul fragments were stored in the eight-treasure glass bottle.

His soul was shattered into thirty-three pieces in total. At this time, he needed to re-enter the spirit platform, and then take the pill to fuse.

At this time, Long Binao said to Chen Ze: "Prepare, I'm going to open the Eight Treasure Glass Bottle, and you have to send it into Chen Chen's body as soon as possible."

"Let's start." Chen Ze took a deep breath and was ready.

But the moment the Eight Treasure Glass Bottle was opened, Chen Ze frowned. Seeing that he didn't make any movement, Lu Qingluan shouted with anger: "What are you stupefied, do it now."

Chen Ze moved, but only took out one piece from it, and then said to Long Binao: "Close it now, hurry!"

Long Bin was arrogant: "What's your nerve?"

Chen Ze crushed the fragments in his hands directly, shocking everyone. Especially Lu Qingluan, yelling: "Chen Ze, what are you doing?"

Chen Ze said very solemnly: "This soul fragment is fake and has been replaced by someone."

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