My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1120: Mystery tribe

If you want to go to the Devil City, you have to pass through the stone clan territory. If ordinary people pass by, there is no problem.

But the two imperial masters, one Chen Ze had a big grudge with the stone clan, and the other was a newly promoted ghost emperor with a special status.

They have been secretly watched since they entered the territory of the Stone Clan.

"Do you want to give a warning?" Garu is different from Chen Ze. He is now not only a royal master, but also a clan emperor. He is naturally uncomfortable being stared at so unscrupulously.

Chen Ze said, "For me, you feel wronged for a while. They just want to stare at it. When they come back, let's pay a visit."

Garu smiled, "You really are not the one who suffers."

"When I was young, someone taught me that it was a blessing to suffer a loss, but then I found out that it was just a bite of poisonous chicken soup. In society, suffering a loss would only make people think that you are a bully." Chen Ze said.

Garu smiled and did not continue the topic. The two hurried on their way, and soon they left the territory of the Stone Clan and entered the domain of the Devil City.

"The reason why this place is called the Devil City is because it is close to the demons and the gathering place for soul cultivation. In addition, there are no rules at all here, so it has the title of Devil City." Garu explained.

Chen Ze said: "This is not the first time I have come to such a place. After all, it is a hidden underground world. There are rules. They are only rules that can be made by the people here. Everyone must abide by them."

"But we are different. Apart from the contenders in this world, no one can make us bow our heads." Garu laughed.

Chen Ze opposed his statement: "The reason why the Devil City can exist is definitely not because a demon or stone clan did not interfere, but there must be an underground emperor here."

Garuda said, "So what? Are you afraid?"

"Not afraid, but I don't want to cause trouble. The main thing in this trip is to find the old ghost and get back my son's soul fragments." Chen Ze said.

The Devil City is shrouded in a dark mist all day long, and sunlight cannot enter directly. Even the trees here are dead, only the bare trunks are constantly blowing.

The ground is covered with soft gray sand, the landforms that have only been weathered to this level for hundreds of thousands of years.

A huge city is in this gray desert, often buried in the gray fine sand, without seeing the sun.

The two landed on the ground, here was only the periphery, and they saw people in robes sitting under the broken eaves on both sides of the road, but they couldn't see their faces under the cloaks.

Chen Ze looked past and found that most of the robes covered under these robes were invisible soul bodies, not even facial features, and there were only two dim soul fires in his eyes.

When the two of them arrived here, they were watched by everyone. Although the Devil City not only has soul cultivation, but suddenly there are two flesh and blood people who must be the object of everyone's attention.

"Our ghost clan's stronghold is in the inner city. It is one of my clan uncles. His body was broken in the early years of war and he turned to soul repair." Garu said.

"Well, let's go to this uncle first."

The two of Chen Ze stepped into the inner city, and there was no one here as expected. The shops on both sides are also closed, and I don't know what business they are doing.

"Why did you come in person suddenly? Isn't the clan still very turbulent?" Garu's clan uncle also wore a robe, floating in the air. However, he was a little better than the soul cultivation outside, at least he condensed his five senses, and he looked so human.

"This is my friend Chen Ze, you should know him." Garu introduced.

"It turned out to be the prince of the Chen clan, a royal-level master." Garu's second uncle said: "Thank you, the prince, for saving my clan."

Chen Ze smiled and said, "The predecessors are polite, it's all in the past. I'm here this time to inquire about the whereabouts of the former ghost emperor."

"Actually, I have been here these years to inquire about his whereabouts, because there are not many places where the old ghost can go after his disintegration. Here is the greatest possibility. I have searched for more than a hundred years, and there are really some clues." He said.

Garu asked, "Uncle, please let me know."

"In the ironwood forest three thousand miles north of the Devil City, there is a mysterious tribe. This mysterious tribe appeared suddenly, and the time just coincided with the disappearance of the former ghost emperor. But this tribe is very strange, none of them are souls. Xiu, we can't enter the exploration either." This person said.

Chen Ze was puzzled, "Since this tribe doesn't have a soul repairer, why does my uncle believe that the previous ghost emperor will hide in it?"

"Because the people from these tribes seem to be scattered, but they are collecting something secretly. I carefully investigated and found that they collected all the necessary materials for soul cultivation. And the amount is very large, at any cost. From From the beginning of the soul cultivation to the high-level soul cultivation, there is such a big energy to achieve this step in a short time, I am afraid only the previous ghost emperor."

This is indeed very possible. After all, when Xiao Jiu forced the old ghost to dissolve his body, his line of rule did not immediately fall apart, and he was absolutely capable of establishing such a soul cultivation land for him.

"If that's the case, then I'm afraid I have to go to this tribe to take a look."

Chen Ze spoke.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult. I suggest that the two imperial masters should either directly fight in and let the old ghost be caught off guard. Or, don't act rashly. That tribe is very closed, and no outsider has entered in five hundred years." Garu's Said the clan uncle.

"That didn't touch me." Chen Ze smiled: "No matter how tight the tribe's defenses are, it is nothing more than the combination of people and formations. Don't worry, I have an absolute advantage in this regard. If it is really discovered, I will Go straight in. My Zhu Xian sword, even the old fellow Xunhuang can smash head-on. The only self-understanding is the old ghost with the soul, killing him like a dog."

Chen Ze dared to say so, naturally he was confident.

"Okay, then I'll be guarding the periphery. Once you have to do it, remember to send me a message so I can rush in." Garu said.

Chen Ze nodded and then set off.

Following the guidance of Uncle Garu, the two quickly reached the outskirts of the tribe. If there was any aura indicating that there was a large array of very strict generosity around it.

"I'm going in."

Chen Ze then stepped in. The formation here is in vain in his eyes, and there are loopholes everywhere.

He quickly broke through and walked in without encountering any obstacles.

Just when Chen Ze was so proud, suddenly a terrifying aura rolled over, and a woman dressed in black emerged from the void and slapped it out.

Chen Ze was shocked. Although he was sure that the opponent was also an imperial master, he knew very well that he had not touched any restrictions. How did this woman discover herself?

The attack seemed normal, and Chen Ze shook his palm at random. Then he said: "It's alert, who are you?"

The woman snorted coldly, and said, "I should ask you for this. So majestic, why do you want to break into my tribe."

"Find someone." Chen Ze said: "Hand over the old ghost emperor, otherwise I will level this place."

"The tone is not small!"

When the woman made another move, her attack seemed really ordinary. Chen Ze could easily block every attack, but when Chen Ze was about to counterattack, the woman's red lips lightly opened: "Illness!"


Suddenly, Chen Ze felt the surrounding space make ear-piercing noises, and in the places where he had just dispersed the attack, black marks lit up, which seemed to be some kind of text.

These characters turned into long black lines, forming a cage to imprison Chen Ze in it.

Chen Ze tried to break through. It was discovered that these black lines could not be breached.

He had never heard of such an attack, "What is this?"

"The dead don't need to know." The woman said.

Chen Ze sneered, "Do you really think this can trap me?"

Seeing that the space in front of Chen Ze suddenly twisted, he walked out of the trapped formation, and then stretched out his hand that the woman wanted to resist, but he had already captured it directly.

"Who are you? Space Dao has cultivated to such a level that even my black prison can be broken through." The woman asked unwillingly.

Chen Ze didn't want to answer her question: "Now I am here to ask you, where is the spirit of the former ghost emperor?"

"I don't understand the former ghost emperor, there is none here." The woman struggled, but Chen Ze didn't give her a chance to escape.

"Is he really not here?" Chen Ze asked.

"No. You killed me and he wasn't there. This is my tribe. How can people from other tribes be allowed to enter." The woman said.

Chen Ze felt the disgust surging in her soul, and seemed to be really repulsive to other races, so he let go: "Then I'm sorry, I misunderstood."

The woman was free, and Chen Ze originally planned to leave. But the woman suddenly got into trouble, and with a wave of her hand, a black mist dissipated. Although Chen Ze was alert, she still inhaled a trace.

But that was enough, his spiritual consciousness instantly became chaotic, and then the whole person fell into a coma.

"Huh, fight with me. Little man, don't you know that beautiful women are the most deceiving." The woman smiled and waved. Someone in black robes came over and listened to her instructions: "Put into the soul refining furnace, He is an imperial master, and the refined **** is of great benefit to my daughter."

Chen Ze quickly woke up, the surrounding heat made him very uncomfortable, but there was no fatal murderous intent. This should be a stove. Although the fire is a strange fire, it must be too far from the fire at the center of the earth to hurt Chen Ze at all.

He wanted to lick his own mouth very much, and he wasn't Xiaobai who was in and out of the fairy world. He would be cheated by someone using such a simple method. It really shouldn't.

However, Chen Ze was still firm. This woman had nothing to do with that old ghost. She must have another purpose in leaving herself.

Chen Ze wanted to do it cross-legged, and planned to wait for the woman to show up.

He could completely knock over the stove and go out now, but that would alarm the woman, and if he didn't show up, he wouldn't be able to ask anything.

Sure enough, on the seventh day, the woman's voice came from outside the stove: "How is the soul pill refining?"

Chen Ze raised his eyebrows and wondered why I became a bastard?

"Back to the master, this seven lotus karmic fire is the highest among the fires, and even the spirit phoenix who is not afraid of the flame dare not long-lasting.

Oh, it turned out to be this soul pill.

Chen Ze knew in his heart.

Then the stove lid opened and a pretty face appeared through the flames, and Chen Ze waved to her with a smile.

Damn it!

The stove was quickly covered, and I heard the woman say: "Did I have hallucinations?"

"What do you say?"

Chen Ze flipped over the stove lid and rushed out of it. This time he learned how to behave well, and after capturing this woman, he directly sealed her cultivation base, and did not give this woman a chance.

"You...what kind of monster are you? My Qilian Karma Fire hasn't hurt you anymore!" An old man next to him started in horror.

"Then the flame is worthy of being called the highest of the fire? Where do you put the blazing sun? Where do you put the fire in the center of the earth?"

Chen Ze then looked at the woman, "I just made a mistake. Are you going to kill me?"

He had a murderous heart when he spoke, and he was not a believable man. He spared the other party, but the other party wanted to kill him. This was enough for Chen Ze to kill him.

"My clan's secrets must be kept. You are the emperor. The soul pill refined by the soul is of great benefit to my daughter. Now I have nothing to say when I am in your hands. If you want to kill, you have to cut it casually, but please let it go. Past my people." The woman said.

Chen Ze smiled and said, "Want me to let them go? Yes, you can tell me who you are!"


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