My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1209: Rescue plan

"There are some things that you can't escape after all." Zhujie said.

After hearing this, Chen Ze was startled, "Senior, should be in Nirvana for a few lives."

"That's why I can't escape, and what I should face is to face after all." Zhujie said.

"But Sister Sister, she seems to have made a choice." Chen Ze said.

"At the beginning, we all made a choice, but things were out of our control after all." Zhujie looked into the distance.

Chen Ze was puzzled, and asked, "Senior, did you come to see me and want me to help you cut the cause and effect?"

"The price is too high." Zhujie said, "Chen Ze, today I am looking for you, hoping that you can go to the Heavenly Sword Immortal Dynasty and save her."

"Why..." Chen Ze was very surprised, "Senior Sister, she... fell into the hands of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Chao?"

"En." Zhujie nodded.

Chen Ze immediately sullen his face, "It seems that I am still soft on Li Xinghai, and I was calculated by him to harm Senior Sister."

"Are you sure?" Bamboo World asked.

"I'm afraid I can only break my wrist with the pinnacle power in the world, the real holy realm god, I'm afraid I don't have a chance."

The Nebula Dao artifacts in Chen Ze circulated slowly, and his nine sermons locks each broke through the second big star, and the coverage of the powerful gravitational force was once again expanded seven or eight times.


Even so, he can only be compared to a master at the level of thirty-sixth and below of the holy step, and he still can't compare to the holy realm heavenly master.

There is not a big gap between people with a cultivation base of more than 30 sacred road locks, and the occurrence of life and death during the battle is basically due to the difference in the principles of the proof. But as long as you take that step and proclaim the Dao as the Lord, then it is the difference between heaven and earth.

"Holy Realm Tianzun, I'm here to resist, how sure are you?" Zhu Jie asked.

Chen Ze said with certainty: "90%!"

"That's good, thank you." Zhujie said.

"Senior is a good teacher and helpful friend for me, and my senior sister also has friendship with me, and I can't say thank you."

After speaking, Chen Ze got up and flew towards Tianjian Xianchao.

The Heavenly Sword Immortal Dynasty, one of the three immortal dynasties in Yizhongtian, is the Yutang Immortal Dynasty and the Chusheng Immortal Dynasty alongside it. These three forces are all established by the extension of the forces in the second day. Even if they lose once, there will be the strong people of the second day fall and re-emerge.

The Heavenly Sword Immortal's pilgrimage site is very large, and Chen Ze can only settle down in the surrounding fairy city. He changed his status again and started his own plan.

He knew very well that the purpose of the Heavenly Sword Immortal's holding of the ethereal smoke was to let her identify the secret gems, but the ethereal smoke was not as good as his enlightenment of the Tao of Appreciation. The number of secret gems identified each time was limited only by relying on spatial ability.

Chen Ze wants to save her and needs to see her for the first time. But now the ethereal smoke must be heavily guarded by the people of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Dynasty. Even though his spatial ability is superb, and his formation skills are profound, he is still not sure to enter the Heavenly Sword Immortal Dynasty without disturbing people.

Moreover, even Senior Bamboo World couldn't bring the ethereal smoke out directly, and he was even more useless.

Therefore, if he wants to enter, he has to rely on another method, Jianbao!

And this time, Chen Ze couldn't refine the Appreciation Orb, he could only appraise the treasure with his own eyes.

Only by seeing the ethereal smoke and protecting her by his side can Chen Ze be sure to bring her out intact.

The ancient city of Lan is very large, and here is the famous secret gem trading center of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Dynasty.

However, the business in the past two years has been extremely declining. The reason is simple. All the secret gems of the internal forces of the Xian Dynasty have to be turned over 90%. Although the Xian Dynasty will compensate a certain amount of the secret treasure resources when returning it, it is still a loss on the whole. After all, the precious secret treasure was still taken away by Xian Chao, but they couldn't help it.

Because this is the Heavenly Sword Immortal Dynasty, it has absolute control over the internal strength of the Immortal Dynasty. Even the people of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Dynasty gave an order to wipe out all the forces in the day and night and collect all the resources into their own.

Although the secret gems that have been screened by the Heavenly Sword Immortal Dynasty will also have secret treasures, the rare limit is not high, resulting in a downturn in the entire secret gem market. The secret gems that could have sold for hundreds of lower-grade Dao Jing can now sell for half the price at most, and some secret gems produced by Dao mines that were originally not high in treasure are reduced to the point where no one cares.

"Dude, it's still so early, why did you close the stall?" Chen Ze wandered around the market, and when he saw that many people had closed the stall, he asked.

"New here." The man smiled: "The business of Secret Gem is not good now. There is a capable person in the Immortal Dynasty who can directly identify whether the Secret Gem has a treasure. Now the secret gem of all forces in the Immortal Dynasty is nine. Chengdu is going to hand over to Xianchao to be identified again, and all the precious treasures have been selected. For the rest, the chance of wanting to solve the rise is almost zero. Everyone is reluctant to do this business anymore, even individual tourists are not willing to bet on stone NS."

"Isn't Xian Chao doing this to completely disrupt the yellow secret gem market." Chen Ze said.

The man was so scared that he looked around and said: "Don't talk nonsense, there are Xianchao's eyeliners everywhere here, you want to die."

Chen Ze smiled and said, "Man, how do you sell these secret gems?"

The man looked at Chen Ze and said, "You want to buy?"

There are more than 20 secret gems here, and they have been in his hands for a year and a half, and he hasn't sold a single one.

"Yes, I want it all." Chen Ze said.

This human said: "I don't want to do it either. Since my brother is going to take over, there will be one Daojing of 20 lower grades, how about it?"

Chen Ze nodded: "It's okay. But I want to buy it, you have to be responsible for helping me untie it."

The human said: "I can solve the stone. If you want to buy it, I will solve it for you."

Chen Ze directly paid Dao Jing, but refused with a smile: "That's not necessary, I boast that the ability to appraise treasures is also good, and you will waste more energy. You can just untie these four secret gems, and the others, No treasure."


The buyers who were also closing the stall on one side laughed: "You dare to say, as if you can see through these secret gems. Are you the master appraiser in the Immortal Dynasty?"

"I am not. But I can be sure that the master appraiser's appraisal skills are not as good as mine." Chen Ze said.

"I can't listen anymore." The man shook his head.

The person who sells Chen Zemi gemstones said, "Whatever they like, can you control it. Brother, just solve these four, right?"

"Yes, you can solve it."

This person raised his hand and started to solve the stone, and the speed seemed to be several times faster than the person he had met. In less than thirty breaths, the stone skin was cut open, revealing the contents inside.

It's an irregular crystal with a colorful fairy chrysanthemum sealed inside, and there is a vaguely divine flower.

"One or two... Eighty or ninety! There are ten colored rings on the fairy stalk leaf. This is a million-year-old colorful fairy stalk! Oh my god, this is a rare and secret treasure." The person at the stall next to it said.

"Well, it is rare to see Seven-Colored Xianzhi in Yizhongtian millions of years. It is the material for refining the elixir of God level and above, and the value is more than five thousand lower-grade Daojing!" The stall owner who helped Chen Zejieshi was full of envy.

Chen Ze smiled and said, "There are three more."

The man made a confession and handed the unlocked secret treasure to Chen Ze, and then continued to solve the stone.

Only one pure Dao Crystal was solved in the second Secret Gem, which was not of high value but had the value of hundreds of lower-grade Dao Crystals.

Although the third and fourth secret gems are not too high, they all have treasures. This is enough to explain one thing, Chen Ze's ability to appraise treasures is indeed good.

Not to mention whether there is any omission, at least the four secret gems he selected have treasures.

"Brother's eyes are really good. I was able to unlock the four secret treasures from this little stock, and you earned it." The stall owner envied it, but he was in this business and could only endure it with gritted teeth.

Chen Ze put away the four secret treasures and said, "You lose the rest for me. I'll look elsewhere."

After hearing this, the man was startled, "You paid Dao Jing for these secret gems. If you really don't try to solve them, you will lose money if you miss them."

"My eyesight is not wrong, there are no secret treasures left. You are going to close the stalls, I have to pick a few secret treasures quickly." Chen Ze said.

The person next to the stall said with disdain: "I think you are a blind cat and a dead mouse. If you have the ability, you can see how many treasures are there in my secret gems? Let's solve them on the spot. I will give you the treasure for free, if you don't get the treasure, you Double the price to buy."

Chen Ze shook his head: "You have nothing valuable here, there is a secret treasure in this one, and I will help you point it out for free. Let's go!"

Seeing Chen Ze leaving, this person was full of doubts, "I don't believe it anymore, and then I bleed."

He can also solve the stone, and many people nearby have also noticed the situation here. Some people laughed and said: "What blood is coming out, now the secret gem is not worth any money. If you don't want to bear it, sell it to me, I will solve it."

"Do you still want to pick up this cheap?" This person opened it up after he said it. The speed was not very slow. After a while, a secret treasure was born. Although it was not very valuable, it confirmed Chen Ze's words.

"Does this guy really have the ability to identify 100% secret gems?" This person was a little moved.

At this time, four or five stall owners came up, and they all packed up their stalls and said, "Brother Yu, you don’t want these secret gems anyway. How about we untie them and confirm them? "

The stall owner surnamed Yu originally wanted to use Chen Ze’s unwanted secret gems for another place and sell them again, but seeing everyone so curious, he didn’t covet those Dao Jing: "Okay, let's be together!"

Here six people worked together and flew up quickly.




Soon, all the secret gems that Chen Ze discarded were unlocked, and as expected, none of the secret gems were left.

it is true!

These people glanced at each other, their eyes flashed golden. They still have inventory in their hands, and they have never been screened by the fairy dynasty. The chances of getting treasures inside are much higher. If you ask this person for identification, you can definitely make money.

Then these people chased after Chen Ze in the direction where Chen Ze had left. When he rushed past, Chen Ze booked a stall again, and also only asked the stall owner to help unlock a few secret gems, and ignored the others.

"Master, I want to make a deal with you." said the leader of Shanghai Kai.

Chen Ze raised the corner of his mouth inadvertently and said, "What deal?"

"We know that the master's skill in appraising treasures is superb. I want to ask the master to help me identify the secret gems in my hand. For every precious secret gem selected, I will pay you ten lower-grade Tao crystals, how about?" the person asked.

"You are a good mind, do you think I am a hard worker?" Chen Ze said: "I will charge a fee regardless of whether it is a treasure or not."


Then they began to appraise treasure and calcite on the spot.

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