My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1219: Beat the Lord and bow his head

The Lord was injured, what a great event in the first heaven.

Even if it is a duel between people of the same realm, no one can hurt an opponent without occupying an absolutely advantageous factor.

Moreover, the blow just now made everyone in Tianjian Xianchao realize one thing.

It seems that this person's weird Taoist weapon is not his strongest combat power.

Seeing Chen Ze wounding the Lord with the palm of his fist, everyone felt that such Chen Ze was even more terrifying!

"You haven't proven the Dao yet, you actually have the power of the Lord! You...are the emperor!"

The saint did not wipe the blood marks from the corners of his mouth, his eyes flashed in shock.

There is spirit in the deity, there is holy, and more...the emperor!

Emperor, a powerful existence that has never appeared before for so long. Even in the Second Heaven, there have been only a few cohesive geniuses of Emperor Dao Suo for millions of years, and no one can prove Dao Hua emperor today.

Two words, almost hidden one side of the world shocked!

"How is this possible! How can there be blood condensing the Emperor Dao lock in a mere world waiting for the world!"

Liu Xiang shook his head, full of unwillingness in his heart.

But the fact is right in front of him, and Liu Sheng feels helpless. At the same time, there is only resentment towards Liu Xiang!

Because of him, Tianjian Xianchao offended an emperor. Even if Chen Ze didn't prove the Dao in the future, he now has the power of the Lord, and it is already a disaster that the Second Heavenly Liu Family can't ignore.

Moreover, this person is very young. In time, even if he only advances a small step, he will surely be able to suppress the saint and look at the world.

Chen Zeyou looked back and saw that the formation was not over yet, his eyes were cold, "Isn't it over yet? Then I'll help you!"

With a wave of his hand, the powerful offensive scrolled. In the distance, the zygomatic muscles of the sage of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Dynasty shook, and there was no movement.

It was too late, only sighing offended such a person, and finally caught up with a young genius.


Liu Xiang even had no room to resist and turned into blood mist. The protagonist in the formation was killed, and the nine people from all sides were also rescued, but they lost a lot of enlightenment laws, and it would take a long time to re-enlighten and return.

Fortunately, the foundation of the highway has not been damaged, which is a good thing.

Long Shen sat slumped on the ground, cold sweat on his forehead. He was also frightened by the words of the Lord.

The great-grandson son-in-law condensed turned out to be the Emperor Dao Suo, if they could finally prove the Dao, wouldn't it mean that there will be an emperor in their new immortal world in the future.

He is the dragon emperor of the Tianlong clan, and he is one of the few masters in the New Immortal Realm. He knows more inside information than anyone else.

In fact, the creatures of the immortal world are almost the same as those of the eighth calamity world. The biggest reason is that the original Chen clan was too strong. The Tutian army led by Chen Zu almost succeeded in destroying the origin of Heaven.

It can be said that the ninth Great Tribulation was a failure. Although it seems that everyone knows nothing about the civilization before the Great Tribulation, in fact it was the result of deliberate burial in the two opposing sides of the Chen Clan and the Heavenly Dao.

At that time, Chen Zu was an emperor, and only a few holy priests of their Tianzi race were overwhelmed, allowing Chen Zu to successfully launch a battle for God.

To this day, Chen Ze of the Chen clan has actually reproduced the power of the Chen clan's powerful bloodline, reappearing the way of the emperor.

But he didn't know that Chen Ze actually had nothing to do with the Chen clan. Even the seal passed down in blood was inherited by his son Chen Chen.

Or, in the countless years of collection of Old Jingyou, there may be strong Chen clan.

In conclusion, in Chen Ze's view, the only bonds between him and Chen Ze are his wife, his son, and his daughter.

"Today, Your Excellency has saved the person you want to save, and the goal has been achieved. I wonder if I can leave?"

The Lord, even speaking like this, he was actually invincible.

Although Chen Ze had just made a breakthrough, he continued a great battle to consolidate his fighting spirit. From entering the first heaven to the present, he has truly experienced a close battle.

Today, how can he let go of the opportunity.

"Old guy, you almost killed me twice. Do you think this incident might be exposed so easily?"


The air in the Quartet burst with the anger of the Lord, and he shouted: "Boy, I just take care of the overall situation and do not want to continue to be an enemy with you. At this level, personal life and death battles have long been meaningless. You don't know the importance of it. The deity is afraid of you?"

"Since I'm not afraid, then let's fight!" Chen Ze seemed to be on the spot, but he reached the top of the holy head directly in the space fight, and slapped a palm of gravity, as if the weight of half a planet was full. Pressed down.

"Send to me!"

This lord does not dodge, his arrogance makes him have to take the blow head-on.

The dry palm flashed with Dao lines, and the waves spread out and overflowed.

The aura of Seming really opened up the unimaginable palm strength of Chen Ze and blended it into the rhyme of the four directions.

In Chen Ze's opinion, this blow seemed to hit nothingness, and it didn't even hurt this old guy.

"Yes, sure enough, every saint is not a parallel importer."

Chen Ze grinned, his body suddenly surging, and the golden light suddenly appeared to the sky.

Long Shen was inexplicably excited when he saw Chen Ze's body, and he almost fell to the ground and bowed to his knees.

Isn't this great-grandson-in-law a maid?

How could he have the blood aura of the true ancestor of the dragon clan?

No wonder, after he left, the Tianlong clan would agree to marry the Chen clan, which is probably the most fundamental reason.

The ancestral dragon bloodline returns to the true dragon clan, so why do they need to go to heaven to maintain the glory of the race.

The ancestral dragon bloodline appeared in various tribulation worlds, and even appeared in other immortal ages. How can such a strong man easily bow his head to others?

The true dragon ancestor boxing is combined with the true dragon secret technique, and Chen Ze's attack exudes an ancient horizontal push, which still scrolls the year of the magic sword, the space sword, and the gravity hammer. Unexpectedly, killing is invisible.

The ground broke every inch, and even the towering mountains were razed to the ground in an instant. The fine sand on the ground was rolled up by the violent wind, covering the sky and the sun like the last days.

"How can I be fooled again with the bug tricks!"

This saint's cold crumbs turned into the sun and moon in his palm with one palm, and the clouds and mist surrounded the stars.

The majestic aura and Chen Ze's offensive collided, and the two were even on the same level. The contact area turned into a dark darkness invisible to the naked eye, and countless terrifying thunders continued to flash.


The majestic Dao vibrates almost throughout the entire First Heaven, and everyone who has enlightened Dao can feel it.

In Yutang Li's family, an old man stood in the air, his pupils turned out to be two vast divine swords, shooting people's sword energy.

"Old ghost Liu, who are you fighting with?"

In the First Saint Immortal Dynasty, another current saint was also puzzled: "The aura seems to be different, is it possible that someone from the second heaven secretly came from the strong?"

Last time, the Heavenly Sword Immortal Chaos Liu Family Sage Venerable and the Bamboo Realm duel, although it was only a surprise, it was still noticed by the two Sage Venerables and even many semi-sages and pseudo-sages.

Now that Chen Ze and the Liu Family are fighting again and continue to grow, everyone can clearly feel the difference between Chen Ze and the bamboo world.

One is the breath of space, the other is space, time, the indescribable gravity, and finally the breath of dragons.

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