My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1228: Death seeker


Chen Ze was struggling at this time. Unexpectedly, Yan Shidao's voice in front of him turned into the same as before: "I didn't say not to marry you, it's just that we can be three of us together."

This is what makes people stare, including Chen Ze. At this moment, he caught up with Yan Shidao and looked sideways. He also turned his head slightly. The beautiful female face has a smile, especially the eyes, bright and moving, just looking at it will make people fall.

However, the pupils of those eyes turned into star blue.

I rely on!

Is the sense of the other big boss

Chen Ze pulled his hand out disgustingly, and the guy was still unwilling to let go, with a grudge: "That's right, I was so active before, and now I start to dislike others."


Chen Ze took a few steps tightly and shouted: "Who **** took the initiative, if it weren't for leaving the Hundred Flowers Palace, you thought I would be willing to be held by you."

Chen Ze wiped his hands vigorously on his chest, full of disgust. At this moment, a red-robed Jiao Ying rushed up, and there was murderous intent in the slap of the palm.

Yan Shidao actually took one step ahead of Chen Ze to resolve the woman's attack.

The woman became even more angry after seeing him, "Yan Shidao, if you let me kill him now, the business between us can continue."

"Oh hello, who are you scaring?" At this time, Yan Shi said with a woman's voice, even if he was dressed as a humble son, but when he walked, his waist was graceful, more charming than a real woman, which made Chen Ze see Speechless.

"I wipe it! What a thing."

Chen Ze didn't get angry at the actions of the woman in red, and said, "Big girl, to be honest, I feel so sick now. If you want to take this man away, don't trouble me!"

"Who am I looking for you?" The woman in red said: "You took my fiance away. Are you right?"


Chen Ze is speechless, how do you feel that these two are more weird than the other. Big girl, don't you still think about what happened between me and your man?

Chen Ze's original good temper has been worn out, "This is the end of the conversation, you two are making trouble by themselves, I won't be with you!"

After he said that, he left, but the woman in red turned over and took out a red long whip, which extended to hundreds of meters from a distance, moving around in circles, trapping Chen Ze.

"You die for me!"

She twitched her hand, and the whip was immediately locked. Chen Ze called the law of space at will and moved himself out of here, only to wait for a click, the space covered by the whip was crushed and shattered.

Good guy, really after death.

Chen Ze's face immediately turned gloomy, and he turned his eyes to Yan Shidao's big brother's consciousness and said: "Your own fiancée is optimistic. It really forced me to take action. Don't blame me if you are gone."

After listening to Hong Tairu's disdain, she threw the whip again: "It's up to you? It's really shameful, I want to see how you let me go!"

This girl is too domineering, she seems to be a little princess among the big family, otherwise she wouldn't be so arrogant.

At this time, Chen Ze broke her long whip offensive with only **** and clamped it in his hand: "As you wish!"

He yanked at will, Hong Tairu was taken and flew towards Chen Ze. Moreover, Chen Ze secretly used the law of gravity, which made it difficult for Hong Tairu to resist getting away.

"You dare!"

At this time, an angry voice sounded, and then a big hand over his head grabbed Chen Ze.

"Auntie please stop!"

At this moment, Yan Shidao suddenly yelled and shouted louder: "Brother Qiao, don't be impulsive, let go of Miss Hong!"

The pupils of both eyes turned blood red again, this should be Yan Shidao's original spiritual sense, after all, the female magnate didn't know Chen Ze's false name.

Chen Ze didn't care. He punched out his left hand, and the majestic breath was rolled up, and the huge hand was directly shaken away.


Yan Shidao and Hong Tairu were shocked when they saw this scene.

Her protector is a semi-holy!

Such a powerful blow was shocked by a punch. Who is this man?

Although Hong Tairu was horrified, she couldn't prevent her from being captured by Chen Ze, and she pinched her neck with one hand.

"Now, do you think I have the qualifications to kill you?" Chen Ze asked coldly.

Hong Tairu was so frightened that Hua Rong paled. She was always arrogant and domineering, and there were guardians in her. No one dared to provoke her easily in the second day.

Faced with death threats today, she panicked, and her tears fell tentatively.

Yan Shidao hurried over to dissuade him at this time: "Brother Qiao, please raise your hands high. At this time, my fiancee, she is a child with a temper. Don't be familiar with her."

Xu was Chen Ze who took hold of Hong Tairu, but the semi-sage who had been hidden in the dark but was discovered by Chen Ze long ago did not take any further action.

Chen Ze didn't care at all, and threw Hong Tairu to Yan Shi with a wave of his hand and said: "Just give you a face, she is rude to me, I will not forgive!"

Yan Shidao hurriedly took Hong Tairu, who had been imprisoned in her cultivation base, and hugged him horizontally. The woman actually struggled a bit: "Let go of this girl, disgusting guy, a male voice and a son-female voice for a while."

Unexpectedly, at this time, the blood red in Yan Shidao's pupils suddenly faded, and then turned into star blue.

The boss's consciousness changed again, and he let go when he saw Hong Tairu in his arms disgusted.


Hong Tairu was imprisoned for her cultivation, and she was the temperament of the eldest lady. Never thought that Yan Shidao actually let go of her.


She stomped her feet with anger, and Yan, Dao, and Shi Dao didn't bother at all: "Ugly woman, don't act with me. This is Hundred Flowers Palace, no one is used to you!"

The two pinched so hard that Chen Ze really didn't bother to control it. He took one step forward, intending to fly away. Anyway, it is not the real Yan Shidao now, he is full of malice towards the boss, and he does not want to say farewell.

Unexpectedly, when he reached the air, the hidden half-holy guardian chose to shoot again, and this time it was a more powerful killer move.

Give you a face!

Chen Zexindao Lao Tzu also slaughtered two holy persons anyhow, you have come to offend me twice and seek death!

He slapped it out with a big slap, and the entire space where the semi-holy strong was located was shattered by Chen Ze's slap!

People naturally die and cannot die again.


At this moment, Yan Shidao, Hong Tairu, and everyone in the vicinity were all horrified and speechless when they saw this scene, and they didn't know what to think.

Hong Tairu was stupid.

The one who died was her semi-holy guardian, and one step further was the holy lord. Such a strong man cannot withstand Chen Ze's blow.

At this time, Yan Shi Dao Xinglan's eyes were gleaming with envy, greed, covetousness, a completely self-possessed thought.

This guy has a big boss mentality, and probably really wants to have something with Chen Ze.

"You are... you are... the Lord!"

Hong Tairu stammered in fright.

Chen Ze volleyed back and glanced at her indifferently: "Be more restrained in the future. This time I have Yan Shidao pleading, next time you are not so lucky!"

Hong Tairu only promised, she was really scared. But the fear is still the kind of savage unwillingness!

who is she?

How can the little princess of Fengdu be threatened by a holy person!

She has already made up her mind, go home to find someone, ask the Lord... No, please testify the two ways of the Lord to take action, must kill this guy!

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