My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1242: Cross-day interception

"It seems that these nine companies are worried about the one who recruited Erzhongtian in the past when we knew the news."

Above the hall, a man with double horns had black eyelids, and his lips were almost non-reflective black.

The man dressed so evil and enchanted, his whole body exuded a force of hostility.

"The three of us came from our respective worlds, with the purpose of pursuing the ultimate path. Although we have reached the cultivation base of the Nine Dao Saints according to the practice system of the Nine Heavens, in fact, we still have our own unique ways. Some spiritual practices are at least two or three times stronger than those of the same realm."

One person said: "If the three of us really join forces, we will definitely be able to attack one of the clans. They seem to join forces, but in fact they are just trying to preserve their position. As long as we make sure that we are not threatening them, these people will not offend us. "

The evil and enchanted man with the first-born double horns shook his head at this moment: "This is unrealistic. For the first time, we can be sure that the ultimate combat power of the three of us is to fight against the three Nine Dao Sages. But those nine clans dominate the three heavens. It’s been countless years, and the background is deep and terrible. The ghost knows whether there are emperor practitioners in their clan. We don’t even know who these nine families are. Once the wrong person is picked, we will die."

"Then what are your good suggestions?" The third person has been hiding in a cloud of white fog, but when he spoke, it turned out to be a woman's voice.

"My opinion is very simple. Continue to weaken their superficial strength and force them to reveal their hidden background. In the past hundred years, we have used various resources to fight and kill the two of the Nine Dao Sages. This plan can continue." The man smoothed the corner of his left head and fiddled with his hair behind the corner.

The white fog woman said: "Opportunities are rare. Now the nine clans pay more attention to us, and it is too difficult to kill again."

The evil spirit man said: "That's not necessarily true. Every Nine Dao Sage may break through and become an Emperor, and the loss will be immeasurable if one die. I have a partner who has already given me news that they will send four Nine Dao Sages. Zun goes to the Second Heaven to obliterate that unstable existence. This is our opportunity."

The white mist woman said: "What do you mean, we also descend to the second heaven and kill the four of them."

"Yes! They are going to kill the Nine Dao Sovereign of Er Zhongtian, and we are going to save him. There is a high probability that we can also absorb a new member."

"This is a good choice." The white mist woman gradually emerged from her body, wearing a white gauze skirt that was very eye-catching. "It's better for me to take a walk."

The evil man smiled and said: "I also have this intention. You are a woman. If the other party is a woman, you are not repelled. If it is a man, you have a greater advantage to win over the other party."

The white mist woman gave him a white look: "You are also a man, why don't you see that you are interesting to me?"

"Farewell. Your Meizu creatures are too terrifying. They can plunder others in their dreams and kill others invisible. I don't want to die." The evil charm man shook his head and even took a step back.

These three are all fallen, come from different worlds. The fighting power of the three of them is strong, and they are regarded as a thorn in the eye of the nine clans and want to obliterate them.

Leng Su smiled with a smile: "Counsel the goods. Forget it, I'm leaving."

The woman turned into a white mist again, and then disappeared here. From the beginning to the end, the silent betrayer said: "It is too much to do with her going. I can't see the result."

After hearing this, the evil man frowned: "Since you see, why don't you stop it! Leng Su is also our ally. If it is too dangerous to lose her, it will affect us too much."

The man suddenly opened his eyes, and his two eyes turned out to be a green jade color, which seemed to be filled with endless mystery.

He slowly turned his head to look at the evil man: "Xi Zhe, do you know the price of stopping her?"

Xizhe frowned. He had never seen this guy so serious. "What the **** are you going to say?"

"The purpose of those of us who are left behind to seal ourselves in this era is to walk an extreme way, but the problem is that I can't see this result in the three of us." This person said.

Xizhe was puzzled: "So what?"

"But when Leng Su left, there was a change." The man said: "I don't know if she will come back, but this time there will be a change. Once that change occurs, we will replace the nine clans and become a Daoist power. "

At this time, Xi Zhe's expression was slightly relaxed, and it would be worthwhile to exchange Leng Su's life and death for such a turning change.

Moreover, the three of them were originally temporary alliances, all from different worlds, separated from each other by millions of years. Moreover, they have sealed themselves over millions of years to come to this era, the purpose is to walk the extreme road, and only belongs to their personal extreme road, so they can't achieve complete concentricity at all.

"So, I can only pray for the blessings of Leng Su's trip." Xi Zhe said.

The jade-eyed man chuckled and said, "If you have a chance, you would like to kill her first, so why bother to be so pretentious."

"Aren't you?" Xizhe said.

"We who are left behind are not before we can kill each other, we must first stand firm in this era and become a figure who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the strong of this era."


Outside the transmission channel, four figures emerged, and the three men and one woman exuded an aura of terror. These four people are the Nine Dao Sovereigns discharged from the four clans of the Three Heavens, and they absolutely stand at the top of the Two Heavens with their cultivation bases.

Of course, the premise is not to provoke Chen Ze.

"Go find a force and ask first."

These four people vacated and left, and the spread of their spiritual consciousness made countless little cultivators frightened. These four people didn't want to waste time at all, and they found a sect and descended, surprisingly, it was the Li family.

Although the Li family was only a second-class family power in the Second Heaven, they established their own Jade Tang Dynasty, to continuously absorb the geniuses that appeared in the First Heaven and converge the secret treasure resources of the First Heaven.

"Who, dare to come to my Li's house to be wild!"

The disciple guarding the gate is not good at cultivation, and it is difficult to feel the powerful principles of the four.

Before he finished his words, he saw several figures flying out of the Li family land, rushing to the front and shouting: "Go away, the dog dared to hit the adults!"

This person is the head of the Li family, leading the strong in the family and hurriedly bowed to the four of them: "Li Chong and the monks of the Li family will meet the adults!"

Song Xingzhou came from the Song family of the clan. Seeing that Li Chong and the Li family were so respectful, he nodded in satisfaction, "It's not bad to know some etiquette."

The girl from the Talisman said, "We didn't come here to embarrass you. Let me tell us whether there was a big battle in the second day."

How dare Li Chong conceal it, and their Li family hated Chen Ze, and they were about to tell in detail about the battle between Chen Ze and the Nine Dao Sovereign of Baihua Palace.

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