My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1245: Siege iron tenderness

After Tie Tenderly touched his head, he just felt cold and rushed, and he had no strange feelings. She didn't notice anything abnormal, so she moved on.

On that day, Master fought against others, she threw a hundred thousand miles away in order not to escape Master's retreat.

Now the war seems to have ceased, but she doesn't know if the master has survived, and now she still dare not show up to look for it.

She knew that with the master's cultivation level, she could get away even if she lost. When he goes back at this time, Ken may fall into the hands of the enemy and become a bargaining chip to threaten Master.

Tie Yuqing didn't dare to show up in front of people with a giant knife on his back. All the monks in Erzhongtian knew that she was Tie Yuqing who dressed up like this, and she was a disciple of the master. If those people have the upper hand and want to hunt down Master, they will definitely come to her first.

At this time, Leng Su, who had already invaded the spirit platform, was ready to take away her soul, but after the divine consciousness was shaken away, she realized that this woman did not seem to have a cultivation base!

She probed carefully and found out that this woman was born with a broken pulse. Although the blood was majestic and vigorous, but if she couldn't practice, she would not even be able to recover from her injuries after the seizure, and she would probably be trapped in this body.

Fortunately, I didn't act blindly.

Leng Su was secretly frightened, and then began to gather his soul power, intending to temporarily hide it in this woman's mind.

She is very aware of Wu Daolin's methods. Now that she has a chance to kill her, she will definitely not give up. Now she is probably full of double worlds to hunt down her.

Fortunately, Leng Su is a Meizu person and can blend into someone's spiritual platform at will, even without being noticed by the body's spirit.

Even if Tie Yuqing can't practice, her surging blood feeds back to the soul, and the blood in the spirit platform is abundant, allowing Leng Su to temporarily stabilize her injury. But this is not a long-term solution, she must find a suitable body as soon as possible to completely heal the injury.

Tie Rouqing didn't know that there was another Nine Dao Holy Venerable with a terrifying cultivation level hidden in her spiritual platform. She hurriedly ran through the mountains and forests, planning to stay away from the valley where she lived with her master.

Li family.

Li Bo opened his eyes and looked at the message submitted by his subordinates with a cold smile: "Chen Ze is dead, and this iron tenderness also appeared. Come here, go and spread the news. Chen Ze’s disciples, I believe many people want it. Her life."

"Patriarch, since we know the earliest news, why don't we let the Li family secretly take a shot, get the girl back, tortured it, and vent the shame Chen Ze has brought us!"

Li Bo glanced at the people around him and said, "Did you see Chen Ze dead?"


This person's tone was stagnant, and he was very unwilling to say, "Isn't Chen Ze not dead? Impossible, how can he live when the four Nine Dao Sages take action."

"They came to kill Chen Ze, but we don't know whether Chen Ze died or not. Those people didn't come back at all, so no one knew the result. It was not wise to provoke Chen Ze rashly at this time, so let others kill him. That’s Chen Ze’s disciple. I just need to watch the fire from the shore."

When the news spread, Lieyang Sect, Heavenly Power Holy Land and other forces all sent people to encircle and suppress Tie Tenderness. Knowing that Chen Ze was dead, these people naturally wanted to kill Chen Ze's disciples to dispel their hatred.

"I can't get in touch with them, is there really something wrong?" Wu Daoshan said, the sage of the Wu family.

Qi Wang frowned: "It's hard to say, our call hasn't responded, at least it's missing now."

"Don't guess, they died in the hands of the man named Chen Ze."

Wu Daolin's figure slowly appeared. Wu Daoshan was shocked when he heard what he said: "Brother, this is not the time to make a joke."

"I'm not kidding, they are indeed dead. I've been to the place where they fought with Chen Ze. Although Dao is chaotic and unable to use the light return technique, I can clearly feel the cultivation base and the blood energy of the two of them that have not yet diffused. . There is no third person, only two of them. It means that only two of them were injured at the scene, but the battle ended so neatly. It is clear that Chen Ze's strength is to crush them." Wu Daolin said.

This is Qi Wang expressing his own thoughts: "Brother Wu, we heard from the Li Family Li Bo before that Chen Ze’s cultivation is very strange and he can devour others’ cultivation to improve himself. If the two of them are true Dead in the hands of Chen Ze, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to become his opponents now."

Wu Daolin disagreed, and smiled: "You are just unreasonable worry. The only way to improve the cultivation of the Nine Dao Sovereigns is to merge the proven Dao. But Dao realizes how easy it is to merge, even if Chen Ze swallows more energy. It's useless, after all, he still has to rely on his own insight and breakthrough."

"Senior brother, you have the ability to kill him!" Wu Daoshan asked.

Wu Daolin nodded: "If the two of them really died under Chen Ze's hands, then this kid should not be allowed to grow up, and must be completely wiped out."

"I have heard that there are rumors outside that Chen Ze is dead and other sect members are chasing his disciples. This can give us a chance. If Chen Ze is not dead, he will definitely show up." Qi Wang said.

"You two go and kill Leng Su. Although these leftovers pose a certain threat to our Nine Clans, it is temporarily difficult to threaten the roots. Now it is the nine of us who are susceptible to each other and refuse to expose their own background. The clamor is nothing to worry about. On the contrary, this Chen Ze can no longer give him a chance to grow. I will personally take action and kill him!"

No matter how strong the combat power of the left is, it will eventually be a step-by-step practice. Listening to Qi Wang's introduction to Chen Ze, Wu Daolin felt that this kid was more threatening and more difficult, and he had to do it himself.

The two saw that Wu Daolin wanted to take action personally. This was a peerless powerhouse who merged the seven holy ways, and the true top master of the Triple Heaven, was the foundation of the Nine Clans.

With him in charge, it is expected that no matter how strong Chen Ze is, it will be difficult for him to survive.

The two here are eager to track down Leng Su's whereabouts. They know very well that this woman is injured and will definitely find a place to heal her injuries. Leng Su had blood left on the battlefield that day, enough for them to deduct his whereabouts with a formation.

The two chased for three days and finally approached Leng Su's hiding place, but when they arrived, they found that this dense forest mountain area had been surrounded by countless monks, and those people were searching in a carpet, as if they were looking for someone.

Before they could speak, they felt a terrifying aura crushing in the air. They were shocked to find that it was Wu Daolin, and hurried to greet them.

"Brother, why are you here?" Wu Daoshan asked.

Wu Daolin stood with his hand in his hand and looked down: "Chen Ze's disciple is here. I will stay in these 20s and wait for Chen Ze to appear. What about you two? Why come across here suddenly."

Qi Wang said: "Brother Wu, the two of me are actually chasing Leng Su's breath to make sure she is in this dense forest."

Wu Daolin frowned and said, "I heard that Leng Su is a member of Meizu. But we have no record of Meizu, so it is difficult to understand her methods."

Wu Daoshan said: "At least it is certain that Leng Su is also hiding here. These people search in such a carpet, they will definitely be able to pick her out and wait for our obliteration."

They are ready, waiting to kill Leng Su.

In the forest, Tie Rouqing rushed away with a giant knife, but she almost turned off her way every time she walked. But after changing the direction, someone was still intercepting her.

But Leng Su in the Tierouqing Lingtai felt from the fluctuation of Dao Ze that this girl seemed to be in desperation.

She was very curious, how could a woman who could not cultivate her body cause so many people to be chased and killed?

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