My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1279: Eleven Star Rings

Who is that?

Among the shattered fragments of the Triple Heaven, many people saw the huge purple gold heavy coffin, and even the people walking out of it.

Tie Rouqing stood on a shattered stone peak, staring at her master from a distance. She was vaguely worried about whether her master could hold on to this person.

Chen Ze was indeed frightened.

In his opinion, his current cultivation level is absolutely incomparable to this person. Even if he knew that this person was dead, now a ray of remnant thought was controlling the five-color essence behind him.

But he was strong before his lifetime, even if it was just a remnant soul, it was still not what Chen Ze could contend.

"Dare to disobey my wishes and die!"

The sound almost directly penetrated the skull of the Lingtai, shaking Chen Ze's soul as if it were about to split apart.


Chen Ze spit out blood, staring at this person with burning eyes, full of alertness.


With a wave of the man's hand, dozens of figures flew out of the heavy coffin behind him, all of them were members of the Nine Clans who were previously driven into the cave by Chen Ze.

Obviously, these people only have human skin, but now they are all filled with the five-color essence, and the human skin puppet flies towards Chen Ze.

He didn't even do it himself!

Chen Ze was very surprised, but secretly delighted.

If so, he has a chance of life.

But... this battle will be ‘difficult’, even ‘tragic’.

Chen Ze thought about it, put away the wings of time and space, smashed the space with one foot, rushed out of ripples, and rushed to these human skin puppets.


The first figure was flew upside down by Chen Zezhen, and Chen Ze himself took a halt. The back of his fist was full of cracks and blood was flowing out.

Immediately afterwards, there was a second leather puppet fighting one after another, not giving Chen Ze the slightest chance to breathe.

Everyone was very puzzled to see Chen Ze playing so hard, especially Wu Xuan. She had seen before that Chen Ze could easily kill three emperor realm powerhouses, but now his combat power seemed to have fallen several times.


Chen Ze was suddenly pierced through his body, severely injured and retreated.


Tie tenderly did not know the truth, clenched his fists and called in a low voice.


At this time, Chen Ze had been pushed far enough by these puppets, and he was almost out of sight of everyone.

Seeing the right time, he made a move and instantly killed the two closest human skin puppets, quickly devouring their five-color essence.

Because the distance was too far, the person standing in front of the Zijin heavy coffin didn't notice Chen Ze's careful thoughts, perhaps he didn't even bother. But seeing his fingers fiddle, these human skin ghosts attacked in an orderly manner, and they even played a joint fairy tactic.

If it weren't for Chen Ze's too much power beyond the imperial realm, he would be suppressed or even beheaded by these joint fairy tactics.

However, he now needs to act. He has just swallowed the five-color essence of two emperor-level powerhouses, but only sent his nine path lock divine powers to the tenth star ring, which is far from the eleventh star ring.

He secretly speculated that he now swallowed at least the five-color essence among ten human skin puppets before he could touch the eleventh star ring with his divine power.

If you want to make a breakthrough, I'm afraid that more quantity is needed!

The bigger and farther, Chen Ze's injury became more and more serious. However, he killed more and more human skin puppets.

Finally, the man noticed the strangeness, but he still didn't do anything.

He fiddled with his fingers and shot out a five-color essence in the air. The majestic momentum made Chen Ze very envious.

However, they saw that the five groups of human skin puppets actually began to collapse, and then they merged into one, turning into a human skin puppet with a larger body and at least ten times stronger combat power.

Boy, this is how to look down on yourself.

Chen Ze smiled secretly.

With his current combat power, the combat power of these puppets can hardly be dangerous to him even if their combat power increases by a hundred. However, the five-color essence contained in this re-condensed dozen giant puppets is much more than when they were separated.

Chen Ze now has a bottom line and seems to be able to shoot with all his strength.

Boom boom boom!

That person would easily kill Chen Ze if he operated it by himself. After all, ordinary imperial puppets had already put this person on the verge of death, and being ten times stronger would not be easy to beheaded.

But who would have thought that Chen Ze's combat power suddenly increased, and he would explode five giant puppets in a row.


Wu Xuan scolded secretly after seeing that, this **** would always use insidious tricks. This time is no exception.

He obviously has the power to kill these puppets, but with the help of these puppets to evacuate step by step, this is to escape!

After swallowing five giant puppets, Chen Ze not only sent his divine power to the nine big stars of the eleventh star ring, but also injected a lot of energy. The dusty shell on it had begun to vibrate violently, and cracks appeared.

Swallow them all, when you can break through the eleventh star ring!

Chen Ze can be sure!

At this time, his combat power was fully deployed and he no longer kept his hands.

The breath revealed at this moment finally caught the person's attention. However, Chen Ze had already shot like lightning and did not give him any chance to react.

The remaining human skin puppets were all beheaded by Chen Ze, and the five-color essence was swallowed.


At this time, almost everyone seemed to hear a loud noise, and then they felt that the Tao was scattered in waves, and it turned out to be centered on Chen Ze.

He, is this a breakthrough?

Leng Su avoided the battlefield far away, thinking to himself.

If this is the case, it would be too terrifying. Chen Ze's combat power has reached the emperor's cultivation base. If he can break through, doesn't it mean that there is still above the emperor, what realm would it be?

At this moment, Chen Ze felt that his strength could not be described as how many times he had improved. As the eleventh star ring was lit and broken through, he seemed to be able to see the existence of Dao with his naked eyes, even in this emptiness, Dao was thin.

Could it be that I have now reached the realm of the real Celestial Venerable?

Chen Zexin had a guess.

At this time, the man in the purple gold coffin in the distance said, interrupting Chen Ze's guess: "You are very insidious. You secretly swallowed my cultivation base. But, it's ridiculous!"

"Stop talking nonsense, I may not be able to beat you just now. But now, I have the ability to protect myself!"

Chen Ze dare not speak big, but this is the truth.

Breaking through again gave him the confidence to protect himself against this person.

"Only you? Wishful thinking!"

Then he spread his hands and saw that the purple gold heavy coffin suddenly rotated, and huge suction came from the open mouth. In an instant, the surviving creatures were torn into the coffin after the collapse of the third heaven. Iron tenderness!

Damn it!

Chen Ze was about to rush over, but was stopped by Wu Xuan: "Don't be impulsive! Although I don't know, I know that your disciple has also been swallowed. But you can't go in there, you are dying!"

Chen Ze was yelled and finally calmed down.

It's a pity that his disciple died like this.

"Go! Don't hesitate!"

Leng Su also survived this catastrophe and said: "The third heaven has been destroyed, let's retreat to the second heaven before making plans!"

"Want to withdraw?" The man sneered, "How can I give you a chance! Come out for me!"

At this moment, hundreds of human skins rushed out of the Zijin heavy coffin, and then quickly shattered the combination.

With each fragmentation and reorganization, the combat power of the human skin puppet is ten times stronger, and it quickly reaches a suffocating height.

Chen Ze frowned and must shoot as soon as possible.

If this continues, sooner or later these puppets will merge into one, and at that time the combat power might be able to kill him easily.

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