My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1281: Brilliant World

The third heaven is broken, and most people choose to go to the second heaven.

Chen Ze sat in the ruins, staring at the huge purple gold coffin in a daze.

"You should be gratified, for Tie Yuqing, she is finally no longer useless. If it weren't for her this time, you might have died in battle." Leng Su comforted Chen Ze.

Chen Ze sighed and said, "In contrast, my master is useless. It doesn't help her in her practice, and it's just a small help in other aspects."

"People pay attention to fate. Since she knows you and apprentices, then she doesn't count these things." Leng Su said, "The triple heaven is broken, and most people with the triple heaven will return to the second heaven. What about you? Don't go back?"

"No need!" Chen Ze pointed to the ruins in the distance and said: "The land of the compass you mentioned is still there, and it may be able to guide the direction of the fourth heaven. I intend to bury the tenderness together with this purple gold coffin like a void. Wait here for the opening of the four heavens."

"It's okay, but it should take a long time. Just so, when my cultivation base recovers, I will come to meet you again." Leng Su nodded, turned and left.

Chen Ze pointed his finger at this time, and the two laws of endless time and space spread all over the purple gold heavy coffin, and then he slowly pushed his hand, letting this purple gold heavy coffin flow in the void, and gradually drifted into the distance.

"Good boy, good walk!"

After Chen Ze finished speaking, he returned to the ruins of the third heaven, casually found a piece of debris and sat down, sinking into meditation.

Now he has broken through the eleven star rings, and the 108 sermon lock positions have broken through the ninety-nine layers.

How strong is he now?

Chen Ze didn't know, but in the end, his duel with the human skin puppet swallowed a lot of the five-color essence, allowing him to completely consolidate his cultivation base.

Chen Ze's Taoism is the source of his cultivation, and it is also his greatest support for being able to cross so many realms in a short period of time to become a top powerhouse.

In the previous battle, Chen Ze's Nebula Dao tool was almost destroyed, and Chen Ze needed to use powerful energy to slowly recover.

But this also made Chen Ze understand that his Nebula Dao artifacts were not combat-capable Dao artifacts, so be careful when using them in the future.

Fortunately, he still has a flame tower. It seems that he will have to use this world weapon more in the future.

In the spirit platform, the Nebula Taoist artifacts are slowly repairing. Chen Zexi sat in the void, absorbing thin energy.

Countless dust continuously wrapped around Chen Ze's body with energy, making him gradually turn from a sculpture into a boulder, and then into a no small pinnacle.

In a blink of an eye, it is a hundred years.

The triple heaven became ruins and became a holy place for everyone to take risks. In the First World War, the human skin puppets were completely preserved. Some explorers searched for them and then absorbed and refined the five-color essence inside. The cultivation base jumped from the spiritual state to the emperor, almost directly proving the Dao.

After the news came out, more people coveted, almost dug up the ruins of Sanchong Tian.

"Treasure out!"

It's not someone who yelled.

On the side of a large piece of triple heaven fragment, someone dug out the five-colored human skin from the mountain, which contained the five-colored essence of the eye.

"Good fellow, there are two strands of five-color essence in it, I posted it, haha..."

The man laughed wildly.

"No, I should have made it!" At this time, a voice sounded, and then a palm passed through the chest of the laughing person, shaking at random, and the body immediately turned into dust and dissipated.

The five-color human skin also fell into this person's hands. He was dressed in a blood-red robe with black stripes, and his whole person was completely hidden in it, almost invisible.

He was standing here, holding five-colored human skins in his hand, and there were people coveting around him, stepping out and rushing towards him.


Seeing this person turned around and covered it with a palm, the person who rushed up immediately turned into a blood mist, dead agile.

"Who else is not convinced? Come and fight!" His voice was calm, but with endless killing intent.

"What he condensed turned out to be the holy-level Proving Dao lock, and it has already broken through to the 30th level. I am not an opponent, withdraw!"

The people around hulled and retreated, and the corner of the man's mouth curled: "a bunch of trash."

Then his gaze was placed on this five-colored human skin, with golden light flashing between his eyebrows, guiding the five-colored essence in the five-colored human skin to sink into the spiritual platform and devour it frantically.

His aura is also rapidly improving. The Saint-Rank Enlightenment Lock originally had only thirty-six re-locking positions, but unexpectedly it started to continue to condense, and finally reached the seventy-two re-locking positions before it stopped.




The breath on this person is also constantly impacting, and every time it sounds, the breath rises several times, and in the end it even reaches dozens of times.

Finally, there is a cloud of robbery above his head, but he is not afraid: "Am I going to prove the way as the emperor. Is this the feeling of a strong man? It's too comfortable."

He spoke slowly, then jumped up, taking Jieyun to the distance.

He can ignore people by absorbing the five-color essence, but crossing the catastrophe really can't. The severe injury and weakness after the catastrophe is his biggest flaw. It is not easy for him to walk from a deposed prince in the second layer to the present, and he must be cautious.

Li Xinghai, the seventh prince of the Yutang Li family. Instead of dying when the Yutang Li Family was disrupted, he forbeared his life and kept breaking through. It only took a hundred years to get to today.

Now, he wants to prove that Dao is the emperor, and become a uniquely strong man in this world.

After a catastrophe, he was dying, but he was extremely excited.

The Emperor Realm is too strong.

But at this moment, he was also a little puzzled. He only got two wisps of five-color essence to successfully prove Dao as the emperor. Then how much did Chen Ze absorb in the battle a hundred years ago?

How strong is he now!

At this moment, he felt suffocated.

It seems that the idea of ​​surpassing Chen Ze is no longer possible.

Knowing that Li Xinghai Zhengdi, the people in the ruins of the Triple Heaven are even more crazy, including many people from the clan of the Triple Heaven.

Wu Xuan is one of the first people to get the five-color essence, and has been tirelessly searching for and absorbing it all these years.

Therefore, Li Xinghai was not the first person to achieve the Emperor Realm in these hundred years.

After all, Chen Ze didn't completely swallow the five-color essence in the human skin puppet that was comparable to his combat power. Then the human skin shattered, and the human skin containing the five-color essence was scattered around the ruins of the Triple Heaven. The first emperor, and thirty or forty emperor monks.

Li Xinghai's breakthrough made those emperor cultivators crazier. A little ant who hadn't even reached the holy realm was able to leap to become the emperor. Those of them who had almost reached the end of the emperor's path were still thinking about cultivating, and they all came to explore the whereabouts of the five-color human skin.

"It's crazy. In this battle, although the third heaven is broken, it has long been a shining world of cultivation." Leng Su stood in the void at this time, her aura seemed to be in the emperor realm, but it was too restrained, she didn't know how to condense. A few emperor ways.

Luo Zhen's eyes were closed. More than a hundred years have passed, and I don't know whether the original eye injury has healed. As the first group of people who discovered the magical effect of the five-color human skin, they actually divided it up.

It's just that as they become emperor realm practitioners, the effect of the five-color essence on them becomes weaker and weaker.

"How dazzling, there is only one person who shines in the thousands!"

After listening to Luo Zhen's words, Leng Su just smiled slightly and glanced at Wu Xuan: "Do you want revenge now?"

"Yes! But I know, I'm afraid I won't have a chance in my life."


At this time, someone pointed to a mountain in the distance and shouted: "It seems that another treasure was born. Go grab it!"

Here Luo Zhen suddenly opened his eyes, Ruyu's eyes looked in the direction that Yi Cai flew from, and said: "It is the guiding compass that has started, and the road to the Fourth Heaven is...opened!"

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