My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1303: Ji Luo

"You want to kill me?"

Asking the soul does not seem to be afraid of Chen Ze's ultimate move. Her strength is only the realm of a fifth-level emperor, and she is not yet Chen Ze's opponent.

"Should you not kill?" Chen Ze said.

She smiled: "It seems that you still dare not face your own heart. I am curious what you see? Even if you come out, you are so scared."

Chen Ze was short of breath at this time, and smiled bitterly: "I don't know why that incident has become a weakness in my heart."

In the illusion, he saw a sea of ​​fire, and an entire village died innocently.

Shicun, a village turned into fly ash in the hands of Long Shu and Tian Feng Liqing. People were not killed by him, and even the cause was not because of Chen Ze.

However, Long Shu became Chen Ze's wife, and this unprovoked cause and effect was imposed on him.

"So you should know that no one in this world can face your own heart. Because everyone has a dark side." Wen Xinhun said.

"So what's the situation now? Did I pass or fail?" Chen Ze asked.

"Naturally it passed, otherwise you will die." asked Xinshun.

Chen Ze was more surprised, "But why am I still here?"

"Because you still have the last step to do." Wen Xinxun said.

"What are you doing?" Chen Ze asked.

"Accept the master's inheritance and inherit his orthodoxy." Wen Xinxun waved his hand, and a door appeared out of thin air: "Let's go, I will take you in."

Chen Ze saw that her figure did not enter the court, and followed in without hesitation.

The eyes lit up, this was already another space, as if in the universe.

Above a pale blue starry river, a small island suspended, and they descended on this island.

"You come in here, what about the people looking for you outside?"

Asking the heart beast perched on the tree that exuded the five-color brilliance, it doesn't mean that she must be on that tree during the eternal night.

"It has nothing to do with me. This is the place where the master's dojo is used to practice. People who come in are naturally to become heirs. Death and injury are inevitable." Wen Xinhun said.

Chen Ze said: "Sister, what's your last name?"

"Ask your heart."

"It's casual enough." Chen Ze also thought of another person, Zhujie!

"It's just the name," she said.

Chen Ze secretly said: Even the personality is exactly the same.

"What am I going to do next?" Chen Ze asked.

"Sit and upload the jade plate and accept the master's inheritance." She said.

She pointed to the giant white jade plate in the island, which was filled with mysterious radiance, and the color was constantly changing. There are Dao patterns that Chen Ze can't understand slowly rising and weaving continuously.

Chen Ze leaped to sit up, cross-legged and settled, feeling a shock in his consciousness and sinking into it.

In a daze, Chen Ze didn't know where he had gone, only saw a figure standing there with his hands under his hands, looking at the nothingness in front of him.

Chen Ze walked over and glanced sideways at this person. Very ordinary people, but they have their own dignity.

"After waiting for nearly a million years, I finally saw a reliable person." The man said.

"What should I call it? Should I call it Master directly, or what?" Chen Ze asked straightforwardly.

The man turned his head and glanced at him, "You kid is direct."

"I have become your successor, wouldn't it be good to just be a little bit?" Chen Ze smiled.

"For so many years, no fewer than a hundred people have entered here. How do you know that you are my successor?" the man asked.

"Because I have confidence in myself." Chen Ze said.

The man nodded: "It's a good thing to have confidence. What do you think can be passed on from me?"

"Then it depends on your old mood." Chen Ze smiled and said, "But it won't be too bad anyway."

The man even laughed: "May have disappointed you, I really have nothing to pass on to you here, only a vain trouble and responsibility."

"What do you mean?" Chen Ze puzzled.

The man pointed to the void in the distance, "Look."

Chen Ze followed his fingers, and soon there was a little light in the void that continued to grow, and then turned into a big world.

There was prosperity inside, and all souls recovered.

Although it was only a moment, Chen Ze felt that tens of thousands of years had passed.

One day, a huge **** wheel suddenly appeared in the sky with a stern breath. The blood energy in Wan Ling's body is constantly being swallowed and absorbed.

They ran to escape, but they could avoid five places.

Finally, a strong man was born who wanted to rise up to resist, but was ruthlessly suppressed by a big hand that fell from the sky.

Chen Ze's eyes trembled when he saw it.

He recognized that hand.

The hands of the sky, this is the battle of God!

But, not the time he had seen it.

Soon, all spirits died out, and the blood wheel swallowed all the vitality of all creatures. Immediately afterwards, the great world began to collapse, fall, and soon turned into a ruin and re-bred.

In a blink of a finger, I don't know how many years have passed, a brand-new world has appeared, and countless lives have been conceived. Then, the blood wheel reappeared, followed by the death of another great world.

Repeatedly, Chen Ze didn't know how many times such reincarnation had gone through. But he knows what such a scene is called.

Ji Luo!

After a long time, everything in front of him disappeared and turned into nothingness.

The people next to him said at this moment: "Understand?"

"Understand." Chen Ze said.

"Ji Luo, a talkative color has become present." The man said, "This is what I want to pass on to you."

"Is it a responsibility?" Chen Ze asked.

"You can understand this way." The man said.

Chen Ze frowned. The Fourth Heaven is the dojo of the strong, but what this strong wants to pass on is not the orthodoxy, but the responsibility.

and many more!

Chen Ze suddenly thought of something, or a word the man said earlier.

"You are not the one who left the Orthodoxy of the Four Heavens, who are you?" Chen Ze looked at him seriously.

The man smiled and said, "Who I am is very important."

"Don't tell me, I guessed it too." Chen Ze smiled suddenly.

"Oh? Then who am I?" The man looked at him.

"Chen is near the south." Chen Ze said: "The ancestors of the Chen clan."

"Haha..." The man laughed: "There are still people who know my existence."

"Yes, Master can't do it now." Chen Ze muttered.

Chen Jinnan looked at him: "You have the atmosphere of the Chen family."

"My daughter-in-law is Emperor Chen. Not surprisingly, now the entire Chen family has followed my son's surname Chen." Chen Ze was very proud.

"You owe a beating." Chen Jinnan said.

"Everyone thinks so." Chen Ze curiously said: "Old ancestor, why do you have the Four Heavens as your own."

Chen Jinnandao: "Because I am the true successor of the Four Heavenly Order. Of course, there are also the responsibilities left by my master."

"Stop Ji Luo?" Chen Ze asked.

"Ji Luo can't stop it. The strong people throughout the ages have only one wish to open up a pure land so that the souls will no longer suffer from Ji Luo." He said.

"This road is nowhere." Chen Ze looked at him.

Chen Jinnan sighed: "Yes, this road is not working. Therefore, Ji Luo still wants to stop it."

"Tu Tian?" Chen Ze asked again.

"What are you going to face? This secret is hidden in the Nine Heavens. It's a pity that I didn't get his approval back then. I didn't get this secret. Boy, if you don't succeed this time, there won't be any more evolution. , There will be no more creatures," he said.


"This is what the predecessor said, and I don't know why. You need to solve all of this." Chen Jinnan said: "Go, go to the fifth heaven to fight for the front, fight the nine heavens, and solve that. secret."

With a wave of his hand, a golden door appeared in front of him, exactly the same as the old ghost found out that day. Chen Ze knew that this time it was really the door to the fifth heaven.

"Old ancestor, you see that we see each other in the air, do you want some baby to be close to you?" Chen Ze rubbed his hands.

"I only have one warning." Chen Jinnan said: "At the fifth heaven, don't reveal your identity, otherwise..."

With a wave of his hand, Chen Ze involuntarily flew towards the door.

No, it should be said that the door came to Chen Ze.

Chen Ze didn't understand, but he only felt that he had come to a strange place with a flash in front of him.

Five heavens.

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