My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1324: Master fraud

At this time, Yu Ruxin's hair had completely turned black, which made Oathong very annoyed. He doesn't care about his wife who has never been through the door, but feels distressed about the innate crystal energy in her body.

This kind of thing is really important to their Saint Crystal tribe. The reason why their Saint Crystal tribe can stand out in the Saint Cult and become one of the canonized races is that one of their ancestors had acquired innate crystal energy. That is the saint of the Holy Spirit race.

Since then, they have changed their bloodlines, making them the holy state clan today.

Therefore, after finding the crystal core, the Saint Crystal Clan poured everything into it, nurtured it, and guided it to become a woman, with the purpose of improving the bloodline again.

The hard work of several generations for nearly 100,000 years has now made a dowry for others.

"Yu Ruxin, you really disappoint me." Oathcong said.

Yu Ruxin had no feeling for this ugly guy. She always felt that she should be a member of the Holy Spirit race, because except for her hair, she was almost the same as a member of the Holy Spirit race. But he was born in the Saint Crystal Clan, and was also named a saint since childhood, so he couldn't go out easily.

The reason why she was able to come out this time was all because the Saint Crystal Clan wanted to take her out to get the Mengjing Ju Clan dispatched.

Originally, she was walking with Oath Cong, but because of the horror in the dream mountain, Oath Cong chose to escape with Jin Buchang in the first place and left her behind.

Only when Yu Ruxin escapes hard, she wanders in the Dreamland Mountain alone. Before and after being hunted by different people, the purpose is to get her innate crystal energy.

She was at a loss, but in the end she was still succeeded by that nasty guy, but seeing Oathcong's current virtue, she thought that guy wasn't very annoying.

"Are you embarrassed?" Yu Ruxin sneered, "When you encounter danger, you just want to escape with your brother and leave me alone. Do you know how many people chased me by myself? Now my innate crystal aura Nothing, it doesn’t do much for you. What do you want to do with arresting me. If you just want to take it back for them to judge, you might as well just kill me and give me a good time.”


Oathcong knew that he was wrong and could not speak.

Jin Buhuan dissuaded at this time: "Well, you two can only say that you have no destiny. The thing has happened, and I am also responsible. Yu Ruxin, we will not take you anything, but please cooperate and help us get the white shirt Be seduced."

"Did you not wake up!" Yu Ruxin looked like a jealous little daughter-in-law, and didn't give Jin a good face at all: "He got me because of my innate crystal energy. I am not important to that guy. I want to rely on it. Tell me to coerce him to show up, you think too much."

Yu Ruxin didn't think Chen Ze would come out at all. She had used the magic circle in her own hands, and Chen Ze didn't show up after dealing with these two people for so long. It is conceivable that the guy was deceiving herself at first.

"It's not up to you whether he will come or not." Oathcong finally felt cruel: "You have to cooperate if you cooperate, and you have to cooperate if you don't. Moreover, I have enough reasons for him to appear."

"It's ridiculous, what reason can you have?"

Oath Cong said: "Because of your hair."

"My hair?" Yu Ruxin held up a strand of black hair with her hands, puzzled: "Is it because it turned black."

"Yes, because it became black." Oathcong said: "The ancestral classics record that losing your innate crystal aura will not change your hair color at all, unless you start to give birth to the next generation."

Even Jin Buchang heard this statement: "Second brother, what do you mean, Yu Ruxin already has the flesh and blood of that white shirt?"

"It can't be wrong. Even if he is cruel and does not show up, then we can wait until this little boy comes out to refine his vitality and follow it."

Oath Cong spoke coldly.

Yu Ruxin cursed loudly: "Oh Cong, you are a tortoise bastard, you are even more despicable and shameless than that guy! It's ridiculous, how can a person like you be qualified to be the saint son of the Saint Crystal clan?"

"Whether I am qualified to be the saint son is up to the elders, but you, an unfaithful slutty woman, are no longer qualified to continue to be the saint of my holy crystal clan. I will go to the patriarch and remove you from your name!"

Yu Ruxin was sealed with her cultivation base and could not even commit suicide in front of these two people. She only hated why she was so uncomfortable. It was obviously the innate Holy Spirit bred from the crystal core, but the speed of cultivation was so slow, and it was suppressed everywhere.

The three of them quickly arrived in the palace temporarily built by the Saint Crystal Clan, even if Yu Ruxin was determined, when he saw the patriarch, he still looked away and did not dare to look directly.

The patriarch of the Saint Crystal clan looked at her hair and sighed, "Send Ruxin to rest."

After all, looking at the grown-up children, the patriarch is still soft-hearted after all.

"Grandpa, are you planning to let go of that slutty woman like this?" Oath Cong yelled anxiously.

After Yu Ruxin was taken away, the patriarch of the Saint Crystal clan swept his eyes and swore Cong, "Kneel down!"

Oathcong was puzzled, and the patriarch of the Saint Crystal clan shook out his palm and directly vomited blood.


"You don't even listen to me, you are really bold." The patriarch of the Saint Crystal clan shouted.

Oathcong did not dare to stand up again, and quickly knelt to the ground: "Grandson dare not."

"Don't dare? Why don't you dare?" The patriarch of the Saint Crystal Clan said with a grimace: "Do you think I don't know what happened? I asked you to try with the heart to increase the relationship between you two. You. Obtaining innate crystal energy can improve the bloodline, but it also has to be with her child. But what about you?

Abandoned her when encountering danger, leaving her alone in frequent danger in the Dreamland Mountain. You really let me down, you can't even protect your own woman, how dare I put the Saint Crystal Clan into your hands! "

Oathcong was so scared that he koozed his head quickly: "There are also, I know I was wrong. I..."

"Jin Buchang is also responsible for this matter, and seniors should be punished." Jin Buchang began to bear it at this time.

"You are the saint son of the Dragon Clan, and you have a noble status. My saint crystal clan is not qualified to deal with you, otherwise your grandfather will not be able to lift my roof. Okay, you should go to rest first and let this kid kneel here. NS."

Jin Buhuan wanted to intercede, but Oath Cong shook his head secretly and told him not to.

Soon, the people in the hall dispersed, leaving only the grandparents.

"What are your plans to bring her back?" The patriarch of the Saint Crystal clan spoke at this time.

Oathcong said: "I made an excuse on the way back, saying that her hair will only change color when she is pregnant with that person. Now she believes it herself, and even my righteous brother has no doubts."

"En. Bloodline **** is the most difficult cause and effect for a monk to give up, quietly release the news, let the white shirt know, and lie to him." Said the patriarch of the Saint Crystal clan.

Oathcong asked: "Grandpa, did we kill him like this?"

"Of course not. The innate crystal qi bred blood with the soul, before he began to blend into the blood, beheaded him, erased the memory and left the soul, then with the crystal core fragments left behind by the jade as heart Reshape a physical body, and then transfer it to you."


Oathcong's scalp tingled after hearing this: "Grandpa, what you mean makes me and him... disgusting."

"You and Jin don't get sick if you don't get tired and greasy? Know how many people say that you two are righteous brothers on the surface, but inside are people who like male style?"

Oathcong blushed immediately: "Grandpa, who is so disgusting to spread the gossip about me and brother righteous? We are just brothers."

"I don't care what your love is. In short, hundreds of thousands of years of hard work cannot be wasted. The innate crystal energy must return to my Saint Crystal family bloodline, and it must be the direct bloodline. If you refuse, I will change someone. But you have to be clear about what such consequences mean."

The patriarch of the Saint Crystal clan.

Oathcong knew that if he refused, he would be expelled from the position of saint son. There are still many people in the family who are close to his cultivation base.

But... so disgusting.

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