My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1330: Missing

"Chen Ze, Yu Ruxin has promised that your daughter-in-law will let you gallop, do you still need to please her." Wen Xin said.

Chen Ze said: "Just because she accepted me, I want to give her the best." Chen Ze said.

Asked his heart: "We are best friends, we are brothers! You just put me in danger for women!"

"It's always a difference, or a daughter-in-law." Chen Ze remained unmoved.

Asking heart begged: "Let's not go, or I will accept you too, just here, my mother will let you do whatever you want."

"I'm not interested in meatballs. If you really have a day of running and eating children, and there are nightmare beasts on the main peak, you can hook up as you like." Chen Ze said.

"You inhumane fellow, my old lady must curse you to death."

Wen Xin struggled to no avail, and was strongly suppressed by Chen Ze to restore his body, and hurried on his way in his arms.

At this time, thirty miles below the main peak, all the families occupied a favorable position, and they all released their nightmare beasts up the mountain.

The atmosphere within the Saint Crystal Clan was very depressing, and this time their loss was too serious.

Four, five, nine, and ten elders died one after another. Although the family can find other people to fill in, the long inconvenient balance between the branches will be broken.

Moreover, what the Patriarch of the Saint Crystal Clan hadn't expected was that an unknown junior had caused them such a loss for the Saint Crystal Clan.

Three crystal core fragments were lost, and four elders died. This shame was unbearable.

"Patriarch, don't worry, I have worked hard to train animal skills for many years, and this time I will be able to dig out dream crystals for the family." An old man said.

"I can rest assured of your ability, but our competition is great. Now we only have three nightmare beasts in the Saint Crystal Clan. It is not easy to dig the dream crystal and bring it back safely. This kind of thing is resigned to my fate, and I am just worrying about this period of time. What happened, I was panicked." Said the patriarch of the Saint Crystal clan.

Being cheated of the chip face to face makes it hard for anyone to leave it.

Now there are hundreds of nightmare beasts on the main peak, and it will be a matter of time before the dream crystal is dug up.

But the area where you can go to the main peak is that big. Chen Ze lay on a big tree, holding a jade talisman and communicating with Wen Xin in real time: "Where have you been?"

"Just ascending the mountain, what are you worried about. Really, I'm going all the way." Wen Xin said.

When she got here, she felt the pressure of divine consciousness. Fortunately, she was the body of a nightmare beast, and she was naturally able to shield divine consciousness from snooping and cancel most of it.

Chen Ze said: "You don't need to go deep, you just need to wait on the main road."

"Are you so sure that the nightmare beast that dug the dream crystal will be captured by me?" she asked.

Chen Ze said, "That's natural, you are a mother."

"Get out, talk business." Ask Xin said.

"You can leave your own scent on the key points and attract other nightmare beasts to come to you." Chen Ze said, "The purpose of the two of us now is not to do damage. If we get one, we will remove it. No one knew."

Ask Xin said: "Why do I leave the smell? You want to let the blood, so you can't feel sorry for me? Anyway, we two can be regarded as fellows, are you so cruel."

"Not long after you were a nightmare beast, I will reluctantly remind you." Chen Ze said: "In the season of recovery of all things, female animals will take the initiative to exude their breath in order to attract the attention of males."

Asking interrupted him: "I know, the key is smell, how to release the smell!"

Chen Ze smiled and said: "It's very simple, one word, pee!"

"I'll go to your uncle."

Asking the heart immediately exploded foul language.

After that, Ren Chen Ze did not respond to any call, which made Chen Ze very annoyed. He is the only one to say this to a woman.

People from other forces are waiting eagerly, and the small forces naturally want to get the dream crystal, so as to rely on the big forces. And the big forces are even more inevitable.

Saint Crystal Clan, the animal trainer suddenly smiled, "Patriarch, good news."

"How?" said the patriarch of the Saint Crystal clan.

"I feel the joy of the nightmare beast, this should be the digging of the dream crystal." he said.

The patriarch of Saint Crystal said: "Is it not wrong?"

"80% probability." He said: "And this nightmare beast has already begun to return. If it doesn't complete the task I explained, it will not return."

The patriarch of the Saint Crystal clan smiled and said: "Okay, this is probably the best news I have heard in this time. I will inform them and be ready to welcome them."

Digging the dream crystal is not the goal, getting the hand is the key.

Other forces are likely to take action and **** it.

Almost all the Saint Crystal clan was dispatched, and even Oathcong came to the pass, waiting for the return of the nightmare beast.

Other forces have also noticed this situation, and roughly speculated that the Saint Crystal Clan might have succeeded, which was not bad.

There is already a strong in the original realm in their clan, and if they are given Dream Crystal Reincarnation I again, I am afraid that no one can be their opponent in these five days.

No, you can't let them succeed.

A group of masters surrounded them, and the patriarch of the Saint Crystal clan led someone to stop them, "Everyone, this is a bit unruly."

"If it's someone else, just talk about the rules. You Saint Crystal Clan, no." The leader said, with a sparkling spar on his eyebrows, he was a sacred creature.

The two races had hatred that could not be solved. The holy son of the Saint Crystal tribe acquired the innate crystal energy of the holy woman of the Holy Crystal tribe through the conspiracy and tricks of the Saint Crystal tribe. It also imprisoned her for hundreds of years, gave birth to three sons, and improved the Saint Crystal tribe’s Bloodline.

It even caused a war between the two races that year, with countless casualties.

Although they have been the canonized race of the saints in recent years, they are in fact the same.

"Mo Zuochen, it depends on your ability." The patriarch of the Saint Crystal clan shouted coldly: "Today I will fight you alive and dead, and I will end my long-cherished wish for so many years."

"If you want to fight, you will fight, but you want to just resolve the hatred of my two clans? Impossible! My descendants and grandchildren will treat your Saint Crystal Clan as enemies, but if you have a chance, you will inevitably be killed!"

With a big wave of his hand, Mo Zuo transcript was about to shoot.

At this time, someone yelled: "Come out!"

Everyone hulled their eyes and was attracted to them, and saw a chubby nightmare beast running out from a distance, with a slap-sized dream crystal tied on its back.

"Everyone is ready to protect the dream crystal!" The patriarch of the Saint Crystal family ordered.

The patriarch of the Holy Spirit Clan, Mo Zuo Xian, also ordered: "You all work together, and you must not let the Saint Crystal Clan get the dream crystal!"

Just when everyone was getting ready, the nightmare beast suddenly stopped when it was running, lowered its head and smelled it, and then turned its head and ran to the side, disappearing from everyone's sight.


The patriarch of the Saint Crystal clan looked anxious, "What's the matter?"

The trainer was sweating coldly, "I will give it a command to let it come back."

He communicated with this nightmare beast using fairy techniques, but he had received resistance from feedback.

how so!

Could it be that an expert is affecting this nightmare beast in the dark, leaving him unaware of it. Instigate this nightmare beast at the critical moment?

The patriarch of the Saint Realm clan was very anxious and urged: "How?"

He wiped his cold sweat: "I'm back, everyone prepares."

Fortunately, in the end this nightmare beast still obeyed his orders.

The patriarch of the Saint Crystal clan shouted at this moment: "Everyone prepares!"

The others were eagerly looking forward to it, as expected, the nightmare beast ran back soon.


The dream crystal on the back has disappeared.


"Why is this!" The patriarch of the Saint Crystal clan was furious, and grabbed the beast trainer.

"Ha ha……"

Mo Zuoyan laughed: "It's really funny, the dream crystal that you got is missing. Ugly monsters, you can't train beasts. Haha..."

A group of people laughed, making the face of the patriarch of the Saint Crystal clan gloomy.

He suddenly jumped up and flew inside!

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