My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1365: Ask who the heart is most afraid of

Chen Zemie's Danchen Tower was quickly spread, and everyone didn't know why he did it. Only Mo Zuochen was desperate in his heart, Danchen Tower was destroyed, and Mo Yi was afraid it would be difficult for him to escape.

In his eyes, Chen Ze is nothing but a fickle and cruel person, with no emotion at all.

The ancestor Shengjing had recovered his body and met with another person. This person is surrounded by dragon energy, as strong as a transpiring flame.

"Why does Chen Ze want to join hands with you, do you know?" the person asked.

The ancestor Shengjing said: "I don't know, but he came to me and only said that he wanted to make a game of chess to draw someone out. I didn't even know who he was going to deal with."

"There must be something we didn't know about, otherwise Chen Ze would never join hands with you." This person said.

"What should I do now? The old ghost of the Holy Spirit is dead, do you want to destroy the Holy Spirit race now?" the ancestor Shengjing asked.

"Keep it, their special bloodline can provide a lot of energy during blood training." This person said: "You have to be careful in the future, Chen Ze can not provoke or not provoke him. If possible, drag him to ours. In the camp."

"I see."

The ancestor of Shengjing watched this Qianlong clan powerhouse leave, and he just sighed. The Sacred Church has fallen apart, and now it has reached the most critical time of the Five Heavens.

No one knows who is the winner of this **** drama.


"Her situation is very difficult, Shenhun was invaded by a kind of medicinal power and lost himself." Zhou Qi checked Mo Yi's situation and said.

Chen Ze said, "Is there any way for her to recover?"

Wen Xin said coldly and sarcastically: "You really are a scumbag. The real wife has just been cured here, and the acquaintance is brought back."

"This is what I owe them to the Holy Spirit Clan, and now I can only save Mo Yi, Liao expresses his heart." Chen Ze said.

"Chen Ze, how did you, such an indecisive person, survive to this day?" Zhou Qi didn't understand.

Chen Ze said: "Think it's unnecessary for me to do this?"

The people here didn't say anything, so they all agreed with his words.

Chen Ze sighed and said, "I can kill and save people. I only do what I think is right. But I was wrong about the ancestor of the Holy Spirit. Not only because of his death, but also because of his death. My stupidity. Such a mistake is fatal."

After hearing his explanation, Zhou Qi knew what Chen Ze was thinking, so he didn't ask more.

"It's not difficult to cure Moyi, just a kind of spiritual plant. It's just very difficult to obtain, because the place where this kind of spiritual plant grows is in Mengjing Mountain!" Zhou Qi said.

After asking the heart, she turned around and ran away, and Chen Ze grabbed her back. The woman struggled and said, "Chen Ze, my old lady will never go to that ghost place again."

"You haven't seen anything, how come it's a ghost place." Chen Ze said: "Besides, I don't want you to go. I'll go personally this time."

"This kind of spiritual plant only grows in Dreamland Mountain. It is not easy to find it. But it is not necessary to enter the main peak. But now the mist of Dreamland Mountain is re-shrouded, and the horror inside will increase. Especially the people who enter. , Absolutely can’t think about it. Because there, you can turn your thoughts into reality. What you don’t want to face, it will give you something.”

Zhou Qi said.

"I see."

Chen Ze wanted to leave, but was stopped by Yu Ruxin, "Chen Ze, you must be careful. We are waiting for you to come back."

Her words touched Chen Ze, and he was surprised: "You mean..."

Yu Ruxin nodded shyly: "I know I can't stop you from going, but you have to know that the little guy is waiting for you to come back."

"Ha ha……"

After Chen Ze heard the news, the gloomy mood of the past two days was wiped out, "I'm going to be a father, haha..."

Xi Shuai is not surprised: "It's not the first time you've been. Now outside, I'm afraid your grandson, great-grandson, great-grandson and everything can cause trouble everywhere, are you?"

But of course this guy didn't know Chen Ze's mood.

Not to mention that Chen Ze has five wives, but now only Lu Qingluan has given birth to him and a daughter. Neither Jiang Qingyao, Long Shu, nor Dongfang Li have been able to crystallize with Chen Ze. This also caused Chen Ze to think that he had a problem at one time, but he did not expect that after many years, he would still remain strong.

"Don't worry, I just went to look for it, and didn't force it. Anyway, I am also a strong person in the original realm, and I can come back alive no matter how bad it is."

Chen Ze comforted his wife.

He stepped into the Dreamland Mountain again, where it has become clouded.

Chen Ze stepped in the forest, spreading his spiritual sense to search for the whereabouts of that kind of spiritual plant.

Soon I explored the periphery, no.

Chen Ze didn't encounter anything too weird, so he continued to walk inside.


On this day, a sound caught his attention. Chen Ze stepped out quickly and took the initiative to catch up.

When he arrived nearby, he found that it was Wenxin's woman. He smiled and walked up to say hello, but Wenxin saw that behind him was horrified: "Don't come here, my old lady is not afraid of you! I dare to scratch him when Chen Zhannan is here, you What kind of!"

She yelled, but turned around and ran away.

Chen Ze was very surprised and grabbed her back. The woman was frightened and yelled: "Oh, I was wrong. Anyway, I also imagined you, so why did you kill me like this?"

"What's the mess, it's me, Chen Ze!" He said.


Asking Xin stopped struggling and looked at Chen Ze, "Are you real?"

"Is this still fake?" Chen Ze was taken aback, and then smiled, "The most terrifying things in your heart can be materialized in the Dreamland Mountain, maybe it's me that you fear the most."

"Nonsense, when did my old lady be afraid of you?" Wen said hard.

But then another figure appeared, exactly the same as Chen Ze.

"Good guy, I haven't found an opponent for myself for so long here, you have gotten me out." Chen Ze was speechless.

The opposite self was silent, with blood-red eyes, looking at Chen Ze unmoved, but showing a fierce smile.

He shot again, a powerful offensive crushed, Chen Ze fisted back, and the two instantly hit one place.

It's just that the opposite party is a parallel importer after all, and Chen Ze was blown out if he couldn't stand three punches.

"Is this dead?" After asking the heart, he couldn't help but mumbled: "Chen Ze, you are really cruel enough to put such a heavy hand on yourself."

Chen Ze smiled and said: "It is your weakness that limits imagination. I am far stronger than I am in your mind."

Asking Xin couldn't save face, "Okay, let's count what you said makes sense, anyway, I haven't seen how strong you are after you upgrade your cultivation."

Chen Ze said, "Aren't you not coming, why are you still following?"

"I wouldn't care about your life or death if it wasn't for Yu Ruxin," she said.

Chen Ze smiled and said, "I think you are my best friend, so you are thinking about my daughter-in-law?"

"It's kind of formal, hurry up and find something, and leave this ghost place when you're done. You don't want me to think of something else."

Chen Ze nodded: "That's right, look for it."

With the questioning, Chen Ze is not boring anymore.

The two of them searched inside for a long time, but they still didn't see a trace.

At this time, their eyes all looked at the white mountain.

There is the main peak of Mengjing Mountain.

When there is no fog, there are restricted areas.

Should I go in now?

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