My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1389: Tantai Yixing

Zhan Chahai's identity reaction is of little importance to the two, unless they can invite a stronger monk to come forward.

However, in the world of cultivation, not every immortal gate has more powerful forces to support it.

On this day, the two flew to a small lake with nice scenery and landed on the ground. They planned to rest here for a while, so that Meng Huan could sum up their recent experiences, and at the same time, Chen Ze was ready to take action personally to teach Meng Huan.

Just to simply improve Meng Huan's control over his own cultivation base, Chen Ze can do it himself. But he wanted to let Meng Huan see blood and feel the improvement of his cultivation level step by step, so that he would also know that his cultivation level was hard-won and would not get lost.

In Chen Ze's space barrier, Meng Huan could use his cultivation arbitrarily. After fighting against Chen Ze, he discovered how strong the Chen brother he had saved was.

At the same time, Chen Ze is also helping Meng Huan to explore his own blood talent. The reincarnation body conceived for many years is the reincarnation heaven, which controls the reincarnation and kills the enemy.

Chen Ze also experienced the horror of this kind of Taoism. With a palm, Chen Ze felt that he seemed to be facing the third generation of karma at the same time, his inner fear increased sharply, and his will almost collapsed.

This, Meng Huan is only in the realm of the seventh-level emperor.

If he breaks through to the original state and truly controls the force of the reincarnation heaven, Chen Ze is worried that he will not be able to hold it.

Sure enough, the alien body was not just for fun, even though Chen Ze went all the way and crushed it to the end, in the end he was just the most common blood of the monk, but he got a complete seed of the law in the early days.


On this day, Lin Zhong suddenly rushed out of a figure, in ragged clothes, her white skin could not be concealed under the blood stains.

"Little fish!"

Meng Huan exclaimed after seeing it.

Chen Ze said, "Don't just call Xiaoyu when you see a beautiful girl. This old-fashioned way of talking to each other is outdated."

"But she really looks alike." Meng Huan said.

"Where do you look like?" Chen Ze said.



Well, Chen Ze can't see where it looks anyway.

Meng Huan ran over with a thud. The woman had obviously encountered something, and her injuries seemed to have just gone through a fierce battle.

Seeing Meng Huan running over, she vigilantly lifted the scimitar in her hand and slashed towards Meng Huan.

"Don't you, I'm not malicious!"

Meng Huan said while hiding from the side, the woman quickly fled to the distance upon seeing this, he sighed, but did not continue to chase.

"Isn't it like your little fish? Why didn't you chase it?" Chen Ze smiled: "She is obviously in danger now, do you want to repeat the tragedy of Xiaoyu?"

Chen Ze didn't think it was too big.

Meng Huan couldn't help being provoked by him, "Brother Chen, I'm going first."

This innocent guy directly chased him up, and Chen Ze smiled badly, "I hope you can get another marriage and get out of the pain early."

Soon there were 20 or 30 people in the back group. When they saw Chen Ze, the headed person shouted: "That person, can you see a girl running over?"

"I see, run in that direction."

Someone in the crowd chased a hundred meters in that direction, shouting: "It is indeed in this direction, there are blood stains."

This group of people didn't talk about Chen Ze, and quickly chased them up.

Chen Ze has no psychological pressure on betraying Meng Huan, but is putting pressure on Meng Huan to create heroes to save beauty.

"Girl, don't run away, I really have no intentions." Meng Huan shouted from a distance.

The girl's nose was almost crooked, "Why are you chasing me without ill will?"

"I'm just afraid that you will end up in the same way as my wife. I plan to help you." Meng Huan said straightforwardly.

"You will help me if you don't chase me."

The girl was about to cry, but she staggered without taking a few steps and fell there. She was hurt too badly, and all the qi in her body was exhausted, and she couldn't travel out of the sky and could only run on the ground.

Meng Huan finally approached her at this time, "Are you okay."

"Are you blind? I'll be okay like this? You just came to help me." she yelled.

Meng Huan walked over, but the girl's clothes had no sleeves at all, her exposed arms were covered with blood stains, and there were two **** openings that turned red outwards.

He hesitated, not knowing how to reach out his hand. In this life, the only woman who took the initiative to touch her was his wife Xiaoyu.

"Anyone who has eaten meat, dare not to deal with such a beautiful girl like me? Are you sure you are someone with a wife?" the girl murmured.

Meng Huan couldn't help being ridiculed after all, and hugged her directly.

"Your heart is beating very hard." The girl leaned against his heart and felt his tension.


Meng Huan stammered when he hesitated, and then suddenly a lot of people's breath came from behind.

Soon many people rushed out, and when they saw them, they yelled angrily: "Tantai Yixing, you witch, you are going to be the lawmaker today!"

"Boy, do you know who you are supporting?" someone said to Meng Huan.

Meng Huan looked for one, "I don't know, and I don't need to know. I only know that she is a weak woman and was bullied by you!"

"Weak woman? She is the saint of the Evil Dream Sect, her hands are **** and unforgivable." One person said.

Tantai Yixing was unwilling to show weakness: "I'm bloody? I just broke your blood refining formation. That's ten existences and a thousand lives."

"Those mortals are just ordinary ants. It is their blessing to help my sect master to practice divine art." One of them shouted.

These words fell in Meng Huan's ears like needles. He was also an ordinary person, so naturally he couldn't listen to these people's words.

"Let's go, I'm in a disaster today." Tantai Yixing said: "It's not worth your sacrifice for me in vain."

Meng Huan shook his head: "No, if I want to save you, I will definitely save it to the end. I can't hurt you!"

"Fool, I don't know you, why bother!" Tantai Yixing said.

"It's you who are looking for death by yourself, so no wonder we are." said the leader.

Meng Huan held Tantai Yixing with one hand, facing the crowd with the slightest fear, "Come on then."


At this time everyone quickly moved closer to them.

Meng Huan blasted out with a palm, powerful attacks overwhelming the sky, and the group of people were wiped out like flying ashes, without a trace.

Tantai Yixing's body shook and felt his scalp numb.

She turned her head and looked at Meng Huan's profile blankly, feeling very mysterious, "Who are you... on earth?"

Meng Huan let out a sigh of relief and said, "I am Meng Huan."


Tantai Yixing was speechless, "Your cultivation base is very high, much stronger than our Sect Master."

"Am I strong?" Meng Huan didn't know it. "I don't think. I know a person, and I can't fight back in front of him."

I was surprised to hear him say that Tantai Yixing, "Is it your master?"

"No, be a teacher and a friend." Meng Huan said, "Is your injury okay."

"I can't die, but I still have to cultivate for a long time." She said.

Meng Huan then took out the pill that Chen Ze gave him, "This pill should have a good effect on your injury."

"What kind of pill is this?" Tantai Yixing didn't know him, only that the grade of this pill was not low.

"My friend said it was a holy order, and I don't know what it is." He said.

Okay, Tantai Yixing was hit, is this guy sent by God to torture her.

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