My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1418: Go to deification

Meng Huan heard the movement in the cave, but in fact, his hanging heart was still very worried.

After all, they didn't know whether the immortal creature was really dead. At that time, the situation was critical and he evacuated from the second underground cave, and they didn't know the specific situation.

Explaining the reason with Tantai Yixing, he gained a bit of wisdom, and directly brought Tantai Yixing by his side, and the three of them flew towards the entrance of the cave violently.

In less than half a day, they came here, and even the old man of God had already arrived.

From a distance, the glare of the rainbow at the entrance of the cave flew away, as if there were endless treasures hidden below.

how come……

Meng Huan and Guo Gan couldn't help but trembled when they saw the glow.

How could this breath be so close to that undead creature.

Isn't that guy still dead?

All the people present looked solemn, and they turned to the old man and said, "God father, Brother Chen, I'm afraid..."

"No, Chen Xiaoyou, Jiren has his own vision. He can take you to escape from the undead, and he will never worry about his life."

The old man of God was also comforting himself. Chen Ze went into the heart of the undead by himself, and the blood of the undead was flowing there.

One drop almost killed a powerful original master like Guo Qian, but Chen Ze entered it, and the result can be imagined.

Tantai Yixing is particularly detained here, any one is the original realm, and there is even a **** of the constant realm. She has never seen such a scene.

"You are waiting for the man named Chen Ze?" she asked.

Meng Huan nodded: "Brother Chen is my savior, but he doesn't know his life or death now."

Guo Gan said at this time: "God, why don't I go down and see the situation. There has been no movement for a year, we will always have a result."

"Don't take risks, just wait here." said the old Shangshen, "Sixth Heaven will depend on you in the future. My life is not much, and I will go down myself."

"Father, this is too risky, let me go." Of course, Yi Li didn't want his father to take risks.

"Alien, you are my good son. Now that the evil robbery is eradicated, and there is no common hidden danger, the original divine palace will inevitably fall apart one day. I only hope that you keep your heart in mind and don't do the thing that sacrifices life for the benefit. ."

The old man patted his son on the shoulder like Tuo lonely, and then jumped down into the cave.

But before three breaths, his figure rose up from below again, looking very embarrassed.

There were even injuries on his body, which shocked the people present.

"Father, is that the immortal being still there?" Yili asked.

The old man was embarrassed: "No, the energy turbulence below is too strong, I can't go down at all."


Everyone was speechless, and now they really can't go down.

The powerhouses in the constant realm can't go down, this time they really can only watch.

In order to prevent anyone from entering and dying, Zhou Qi's four people took turns guarding here.

It was ten years in the blink of an eye. Although the spirit below was still surging, the aura was much smaller.

Many major events have happened in the six heavens over the past ten years.

Although the reputation of the original divine palace is still there, the original realm powerhouses stationed in various places are all moved when they learn that the evil robbery has been eradicated.

No longer as conscientious as before, and some people have even announced that they will leave the original palace and become king.

They didn't interfere with the alienation. These people have only dealt with the evil for many years, and they really don't yearn for rights.


On this day, the six-layer sky was overcast with clouds, and Lei Ze was constantly flickering, and there was gloom everywhere.

Yili knelt there, and the old Shangshen sitting in front of him smiled and looked haggard, "My child, I didn't expect this day to come so early. I thought it could last a hundred years, but I don't want more than ten years. Is the limit."

"Father God, you have paid too much for the Sixth Heaven." Yili fell to the ground and couldn't help sobbing.

"What are you crying? You should be happy. Being the father is the only one who has no regrets among so many gods in the original divine palace. The evil spirit is eradicated, and I bear the burden passed on to myself by my ancestors. Now the evil spirit has been eradicated, the original **** The original mission of the mansion has been completed. Those who want to escape, don't stop them, let them go. If possible, you should also take a look outside, don't be trapped here in Sixth Heaven."

The alienation was unacceptable, but he nodded: "I will listen to you and disband the original palace from today."

"Now I only care about Xiaoyou Chen's safety, but I can't hold it anymore. If I knew this, I should go straight down to see his situation."

The old man of Shangshen said: "If he can come back alive, you should really make friends with this person. Chen Xiaoyou has a righteous heart, and he should be the first contributor to the eradication of the Six Heavenly Tribulation. His future will also be a glorious life, and he will leave again. That person’s way. You follow him, and maybe you can fulfill my unfulfilled long-cherished wish and cast an immortal body."

This is the end of the old man’s words, and his voice is getting more and more low, and it’s time to die: "My son, you will be the only one left in this world from now on. You must live well..."


The heavens sighed, it seems that even God is sad for such an unselfish figure who misses great memories in his body.

Yili kowtowed again and again, then slowly raised his head, only to find his father was smiling and kind.

Gradually, countless spots of light floated from his father, and within a moment, his body was completely transformed into a ray of light.

"Captain, God, he..."

Guo Qian felt the abnormality of the heavens and opened the door and rushed in.

Alien sighed: "Father is transformed into Tao, and his body is in the sixth heaven."

"Then you... be sad."

Yili smiled suddenly, "I am not sad, my father has no regrets, I am happy for him."

On the original God’s Mansion, the Dao of Deification passed away, and Young Master Yili announced that the original God’s Mansion was sealed. All personnel in the mansion can choose where to go.

Perhaps disbanding the original Shenfu is really good for Sixth Heaven.

Otherwise, such a big mountain has been weighing down on all the forces, and there will be disasters if the protection is not uniform.

Although the original intention of alienation was different, he finally miscalculated the greed of the human heart.

Five days after the order was issued, a group of strong people from the original realm gathered, naturally for the purpose of the treasures of the original divine palace.

"You guys are really chilling. The gods have just gone, you are here to make trouble, really there is no one in the original palace." Guo Gan looked at those people indifferently.

He didn't know the person in charge, but he must have some prestige to be able to gather so many people.

"Stop talking nonsense. We have guarded one side for the original God's Mansion for so many years. If you say a seal, you will seal it. If you want to send us a word? The original God's hidden treasure, we should have a share. You, don't want to take it alone."

"Yes! The original Shenfu has been killing the evil for so many years, and the original core has already had a lot. This is a big treasure, and it must be scored with us."

Guo Gan sneered: "You weren't killed by you, why should we divide it with you? Besides, there is only one treasure in the original God's Mansion, and that is the countless monuments on the Fuling Mountain that died in battle to destroy the evil spirit."

"Do you think we are children? You can believe this kind of nonsense." said the leader.

"It takes many years for the original core of Sha to be formed. What we kill is the newly resurrected Sha, how can there be original core." Guo Gan said.

The man smiled and said: "I know this naturally. So we only have one requirement when we come here, go to the catacombs!"

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