My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1446: Waka Ryo

Time will make silence more deeply rooted in people's hearts.

In a blink of an eye, three years have passed since the last war.

This is a snap for the monk.

The pair of masters and disciples who caused a huge sensation disappeared, not walking around in the world.

But to this day, everyone's discussion about them stays in which era they are.

No wonder they misunderstood, because it is difficult to detect their true birth date from the body of the monk.

There are traces of the appearance of Tie Tenderness. It was found in a heavy purple gold coffin. The carvings on it must have existed at least 200 million years ago, and the ancient Taoism exuded on her has benefited many people. Can prove it.

As for Chen Ze, regardless of the identity of Master Tie Rouqing, a prehistoric sword smashed the battle body of several era-level powerhouses. Such a powerful and powerful prehistoric principle made people think that he was born in the ancient times. Years.

More than the four *** forces were destroyed in the periphery, and many of the era-level powerhouses who died in that battle were the only deterrent masters of this force.

The death of the war means that their power will also be swallowed and annihilated.

These forces didn't trouble Chen Ze and the others afterwards, and they didn't even mean to search.

On the one hand, they are afraid of the strength of their masters and apprentices; on the other hand, it is also because everyone is busy converging their interests.

In the origin continent, especially in the periphery, human resources are the most precious wealth.

What they yearn for is to cultivate an era-level strong, and such a strong will not necessarily appear in millions of years. Only by relying on powerful creatures as the base, can they be cultivated in a limited time of ten thousand years or even one hundred thousand years. come out.

Sparks splashed in the ancient ruins, and there were sounds of fighting and beating everywhere.

A **** figure shuttled among them, with firm eyes.

Ruo Ling, the little apprentice accepted by Chen Ze, has not taken a step outside for eight years in this ancient ruin, and nearly died several times, tempering himself.

Here, all the rules will be invalid, and only fighting is the way to survive.

In the past eight years, she has grown from an unknown little monk to become a demon in the human population.

She is not a demon, but her methods are ruthless enough to be called an unsentimental killer.

All resources, she will grab them when she sees them, the purpose is to fight.

In a battle, either death or injury.

After eight years of fighting, her progress has also been exceptionally fast. The sermon lock broke one after another, and the fastest one took only one month.

Counting these eight years, it was only eighteen years since she broke through to the realm of Emperor Zun. But in the past eighteen years, the monk in the monarch realm who had never entered the stream in her life has grown into today's seventh-level emperor, with extraordinary speed.

How many talents died in her hands, leaving blood and debts.

But this is the realm of cultivation, you have to go up, and you have to seize resources. Others have the same idea as you, but if you meet, you can't make a move, and making a move is a battle of life and death.

Unfortunately, the opponents of Ruo Ling are almost dead.

Now everyone knows that the most resource in the entire historic site lies in Ruo Ling, but no one dares to provoke her, after all, he must be prepared to die.

However, she has so many resources that she has attracted the coveting of others.

Guo Bang, a young genius from the Xingheng Era, has only reached 13,000 years of cultivation, and has reached the realm of the seventh-level emperor. Moreover, he has already controlled part of the original force, and combined with the cultivation of the ancient ways of the Xingheng Era, it is possible to fight against an ordinary strong person in the original realm.

This time, it was he who took the lead and assembled the powerhouses of the six era forces, intending to encircle Ruoling.

In the name of beheading the demon girl, it was actually for the resources of Ruo Ling's body.

At this time, Ruo Ling had just experienced a fight, and the injuries were not light. She didn't know that she had been spotted, looking for a safer place to start recovering from her injuries.

"Is the location determined?" Guo Bang asked.

A group of followers nodded, "We sent a hundred people to search for her. We had a meeting yesterday. Ten deaths only cost her not serious injuries. However, there is absolutely no way to recover in one day.

She might not have thought that we would rather pay the price of ten people, the purpose is to get her blood, easy to track. "

"Very good. If you can kill this demon girl this time, you will be credited with a contribution. You should have a share of the resources you get." Guo Bang said.

"Thank you, son, this time we have set up a tight encirclement around her, using more than 150 people. Now that the six sons make another move, she will undoubtedly die!"

At this time, a two-faced man came out, "You only need to be responsible for the siege, don't let her have a chance to escape. The rest, we will come."

This person comes from the ancient Tao era and is extremely talented in blood. If necessary, the blood can be burned and divided into two, and the two bodies can fight against people. It is also a seventh-level emperor, and there are few opponents among his peers.

"We understand, please go out now, you guys, I'm afraid she will find the clues after a long time."

The seven immediately set off on the road, and it only took half a day to rush to Ruoling's healing place.

"She is hiding at the bottom of a lake in the dense forest over there."

Guo Ben nodded and waved: "You go to send messages to other people, be alert, we will take action in half an hour."

He left, and the six people here stared at each other again, tacitly.

In the past eight years, at least a hundred people have died in Ruoling's hands, and she has also robbed her of several heavy treasures. The number of treasures in her hand is astonishing, and she also has the pill that she does not know where to get, and the effect is amazing.

These things are the reasons that attract these six people to take action.

"After the beheading, we will allocate those resources again. But I have to say first, I must get the stone plate. That is the relic of my Xingheng Era!" Guo Bang said.

"The stone is considered a heavy treasure. If you take it, you can no longer participate in the distribution of other treasures." One person said.

Guo Bang smiled and said, "That's natural. My Xingheng Epoch does not lack her resources. I only need a stone plate."

"Let's do it!" the double-faced man of Gu Tao Jiyuan said.

At this time, the six people flew into the air, and shot together to hit the big lake.

The six seven-level emperors steamed the lake to dry in an instant.

A figure rushed out from it, gasping for breath.

Ruo Ling resisted the seven-man offensive by herself, and the sudden attack caught her off guard, and she just recovered a little from her injuries.

She looked at the six people who were surrounded by all sides, and said: "It turns out that the six of you are defeated. Why, you can't beat two of them, but now the six are coming together."

They have all been defeated by Ruoling in the competition for resources. Especially Guo Bang, who was almost killed when he was competing with Ruoling for the stone plate, and it took five years of cultivation before he recovered.

"It's just that you killed too hard and caused public outrage!"

Ruo Ling doesn't care at all about the hats these people put on him: "If you want to fight, just do it. Will I be afraid of six people? Talk these nonsense."

"as you wish!"

The six seemed to have rehearsal, and they raised their hands to play the co-training fairy tactic, which turned into a cyan giant net under the head cover, in an attempt to directly trap Ruo Ling to death.

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