My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1450: Find home

In the holy land of the ancient Tao era, a huge beam of light pierced the sky, and countless dao rhymes fell like shreds, sinking into a man sitting cross-legged below.

This huge altar has a small formation in all directions, and inside are all people sitting cross-legged.

The halo spreading from the altar connected their eyebrows, and their expressions were painful.

This is the so-called Tongtian Dao Formation.

In Origin Continent, the Tongtian Dao Formation is not a killing formation, but a comprehension formation that allows people to force a breakthrough.

The formation is dominated by one person, supplemented by eight. Eight people of the same realm can only become victims of those in the main array.

The sentiment they had cultivated for many years no longer belonged to themselves at the moment the formation was activated, but was completely extracted by the formation and grafted onto the people of the main formation.

With the comprehension power of the nine people, combined with years of cultivation experience, come together to break through the realm of the people in the main line.

In the Venerable Realm, the force of forcibly raising the road lock is also roughly the same. However, the one is simpler than the present one. After all, it is only forcibly seizing the avenues proved by others. Although the Tongtian Dao Formation in front of me has gathered the energy of nine people, the ultimate breakthrough still depends on the insight of the person in the main formation. .

However, this formation can greatly increase the chance of breaking through, and it will also integrate the insights of others when breaking through, which will be very helpful in future cultivation.

An old man standing on one side with his hand wrapped around his body, his aura is clearly an Era-level powerhouse.

Moreover, he is still an immortal creature.

"Everyone, my son has gone through this life and death catastrophe, which is a bad thing and a good thing. Thank you all for helping me in the formation."

The other man on one side laughed and said, "I'm joking. Gradually, he is also the successor to our ancient Taoist era. His breakthrough is to strengthen our ancient Taoist heritage."

"But these eight people are also the geniuses of my ancient Tao era. I just sacrificed like this, and I couldn't bear it." The undead was still falsely sad, and the others could only accompany him in acting.

However, people are immortal beings and the pillars of the ancient Tao era. A son with a low talent was cultivated to his current cultivation base. I don't know how many cultivation resources were consumed.

If these resources are placed on real geniuses, it is more than enough to cultivate ten.

Sitting in the altar is the double-faced man who was almost beheaded by Ruo Ling this time. After experiencing life and death, his sentiment has indeed improved, but it is not enough to truly have a chance of breakthrough.

However, he has no time.

He was born at an age older than the Era-level powerhouse standing next to his father. He was sealed and fell asleep every once in a while, and then used formations to accumulate physical and spiritual consciousness.

Repeatedly, after a hundred thousand years, it was able to reach today's cultivation base.


At this moment, Huang Jian suddenly opened his eyes and suddenly opened his mouth. After he got the pillar of light to the sky, he swallowed all of it in his mouth, and then the pores of his body sprayed with mist, lingering in all colors.


In the distance, there was a thunder robbery transmission, and then even the dark and crushing Shen Yun came out of thin air and gathered above his head.

Huang Jian's father, Huang Chen, the immortal creature, was pleasantly surprised.

His wish can be regarded as but, although he is invincible in this life, he rarely fails in the four directions. But this son involved too much energy, and after 100,000 years, he finally reached the original state.

Huang Chen planned that after this breakthrough, his son would seal it again and use formations to nurture him. As long as he can raise his son's cultivation base to the constant level, the origin material he has prepared for a long time will come in handy to help him break through to the half-dead golden body level and become an era-level powerhouse.

Thunder poured down and completely enveloped Huang. The eight people had already gone to the end the moment he swallowed the beam of light, and there was no rest.

To forcibly deprive them of their insights is to wipe out their self-consciousness and turn their insights into nothingness, which is swallowed and absorbed by Huang Jian. This point is similar to Chen Ze's principle of killing Era-level powerhouses to perfect the world law.

The thunder and fire spread, and Huang Chen led people back quickly, unable to be involved.

Huang Jian was also very uplifting at this time, and even laughed up to the sky amidst Thunder Tribulation: "Haha...I will break through!"

"You, no chance!"

Suddenly, a voice covered the thunder from far away.

Huang Chen was shocked when he heard it, but when he turned his head to look at it, he saw a figure standing in the void.

"It's you!"

Huang Chen was shocked when he saw this.

Standing there, Chen Ze said leisurely: "Can't you guess that I am coming."

Huang Chen naturally knew that this time, Chen Ze was invincible. He also participated in the encirclement and suppression that day, and he was also one of the people who were lucky enough to be released from the black hole of Chen Ze.

"Is your excellency doing this too much? The disputes among the juniors, you just need to kill those who intervene, do you want to kill the juniors?" Huang Chen said.

Chen Ze stepped slowly, and getting closer to this puts more compulsive pressure on everyone: "Junior experience, I am naturally not interested in intervening. But this kid has combined with more than a hundred people to embarrass my disciple. This is no longer experience."

"But it turned out that your disciples broke through, and other people died a lot. Isn't that enough?" Huang Chen said.

"The mastermind must die! Don't forget, he was staring at the guardian mark and intended to obliterate my little apprentice. You left the guardian mark, don't you know it?"

Chen Ze's eyes were burning, and Huang Chen was very guilty when staring at Huang Chen: "That was our fault, but it did not cause irreversible consequences. Can't you just raise your hand?"

"When my disciple is living and dying, who has ever thought of raising your hands high?" Chen Ze smiled slightly: "Don't reason with me, I have never been unreasonable."

He directly covered it with big hands, Huang Chen didn't dare to be careless when he saw it, and resisted with all his might. However, even if he is an immortal creature, Chen Ze is too powerful.

His world law is all-encompassing, one shot is as heavy as a corner of the world, crushing everything.

Huang Chen vomited blood and flew, unable to resist.

On this side, the Gu Tao era people actually watched the show coldly every time they did it.

"You guys, don't you just watch me get killed? Why don't you do it!" Huang Chen said at this moment.

The humanity who just flattered Huang Chen: "Huang Chen, although you are a member of my ancient Tao era, you know how many geniuses I have sacrificed for your unbelievable son over the past 100,000 years? "

He pointed to the eight corpses below: "Of these eight people, which one is better than your trash son? But just because you are an immortal, we can only bear the pain and sacrifice. To be honest, my patience with you has long reached its limit."

"Besides, what you did this time is completely a disaster caused by your father and son. We don't want to participate. It's life or death, it all depends on your good fortune."

"Your Excellency, I dare not completely separate the relationship between Gu Tao Jiyuan this time, but please don't kill innocent people indiscriminately, and leave a little blood for my Gu Tao Jiyuan."

Seeing that the people of the ancient Tao era were so decisive, Chen Ze was relieved. It's not that he can't do it to kill a force, and it's not that he hasn't done it.

The ruthless obliteration is even easier.

But since they are full of sincerity, he doesn't want to bear more infamy. After all, if Ling will be born in the future, there will always be times when he will not be able to take care of it.

"Well, today I will only seek the hatred of their father and son, and not enmity with Gu Tao Jiyuan!"

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