My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1463: Last hope


The sound of the wind rang in his ears, and Chen Ze felt very strange.

Am I not dead? Why do I still have thoughts?

Chen Ze slowly opened his eyes and saw a towering ancient tree, the leaves on it turned out to be crimson, crystal clear.

He sat up, although the physical injury was still serious, but it was not a major problem.

"Woke up?"

The voice rang in his ears, and Chen Ze suddenly turned his head, staring at the boss.

Because not far from him, there was a man holding a hip flask, in a sloppy green robe with no trimmings.

"Brother, how could it be you! I am..."

The drunk and grinning man chuckled, did not answer him anything, shook the flask in his hand: "Good wine, how many people are not willing to invite me to drink."

After hearing these words, Chen Ze thumped his heart fiercely, "You are the detachment of the Doomsday Era Alliance!"

"Guessed? It's boring." The man looked at Skyrim: "You really surprised me. You killed so many of my men."

"Then why didn't you stop it early?" Chen Ze was puzzled, "I killed 18 undead creatures in total. This is a great loss for the Doomsday Alliance."

The man expressionlessly said: "Since 500,000 years ago, the 31 powers of the Doomsday Alliance have never been replaced. The entire alliance is also a stagnant pool, and there are few battles for the land of origin. Achievement. They are so comfortable."

"You are really ruthless." Chen Ze said.

"Is it ruthless? I am much more merciful than the one who raises the world." The man said.

Chen Ze was surprised, and said, "Senior, is it true that what you said is true?"

"Didn't you know it too," the man said.

Chen Ze took a deep breath, calming the stormy sea in his heart, "I haven't consulted the predecessor."

"It's been too long, I forgot. Now they all call me the doomsday."


Chen Ze scratched his head, "The Doomsday generation, if what you say is true, wouldn't we have to be controlled by others forever?"

"There is no eternity, it is almost time to end. Although this great world is manipulated in the hands of that person, the damage of the heavenly path is beyond his control. Therefore, before the great world is destroyed, he must take back that drop of ancient blood. "

Chen Ze heard the drop of ancient blood mentioned by Doom and looked around carefully. I found that there was nothing abnormal, so I felt a little relieved.

"Worry that I would say taboos?" Doomsday smiled and said, "This is my small world. It is completely supported by the world law. Heaven can't capture it. There is no taboo."

Chen Ze looked around curiously, "So, when the world law evolves to the extreme, it is a world."

"It can be said that the closer it is to the origin of the heavenly path, the stronger the small world built." Doomsday Dao.

Chen Ze suddenly had some enlightenment in his heart: "Senior, if this is the case, can we detach ourselves from the great world and rebuild the world with our own world law?"

"You are not the first person to think so, and even some people have taken action. But, it's no use." Doomsday said.

Chen Ze puzzled, "Why?"

"We are all beings derived from ancient blood. After so many years of gestation, the divine nature gradually recovered. Once that person does it, we have no possibility of surviving. If we die, this world law will also begin to collapse. The small world will also collapse."

Chen Ze smiled bitterly after hearing this, "So, we still can't escape the battle with that person in the end."

Doomsday sighed, "It's not us, it's you!"

Chen Ze was puzzled, and said: "Why me? Seniors are too dear to me, right."

"You are the last creature to evolve in the new world, and I have felt countless blood fusions in your body. In other words, you are the closest person to the original blood of the ancient blood."

Chen Ze was speechless. He couldn't imagine that the blood demon ancestor would devour the body of others to cultivate, and he would have such a result after he seized him.

"Of course, the original blood of ancient blood cannot be obtained with complete blood fusion. Your body is originally conceived with the origin of ancient blood. In other words, you are destined to go this far."

Chen Ze frowned, and after thinking about it, he showed his nebula boundary device and looked at the black hole: "According to the words of the predecessors, perhaps it refers to this black hole. It was originally a seed of law, and I rely on its existence. Invincible in the same realm, many lives and deaths."

"The seed of the law is not the only one. You have many pioneers. Some of them have reached the end but failed. They have left too many treasures. If you can find it, perhaps with the divinity of ancient blood, you can compete with That man fought. After all, the ancient blood is also the existence he coveted." Doomsday said.

Chen Ze thought about it, and finally sighed: "If the person doesn't even find out where, I'm afraid it will be more difficult for me to find it."

"This is just a way, you know it. Next, what you have to walk is completely different from what I waited for. Remember, I am not talking about it. The detached person is really just a puppet of heaven. If you want to go, To do that, you must abandon being a detached one." said Doom.

Chen Ze nodded: "I had such a plan from my seniors that day. However, to break through the existing path, what I need is detachment of my mind, which is too difficult."

"Is it difficult to walk this way? Didn't you go down the same way," said Doom.

After hearing this, Chen Ze "boomed" in his heart. He didn't know when he started, and it seemed that the path of cultivation had completely deviated from the path of his predecessors.

Even if in the end it is still progressing by relying on the practice system, it is actually completely different from the original path of practice.

Therefore, the answer is still in the Nebula Realm.

He looked up, and the slowly circulating Nebula Realm became more and more mysterious, making Chen Ze longing in his heart.

"Thank you senior for your advice." Chen Ze bowed and saluted.

"Just think about it. Even if there is only a general direction, it can be considered a step. And this step is the most difficult." Doomsday took another sip of wine and said: "Don't worry, try it boldly. If you fail, We all have to die."

Chen Ze nodded and said, "Senior, why do you know so much?"

"I know two people, a monk, and a Taoist priest. They brought me shocking news, and I tried to break through the void, and I also saw a scene beyond the world. There, it is called the Chaotic World."

Doomsday said: "Where, I saw the end of the great world, endless despair."

Chen Ze knew that the two people he was talking about were Daozu and Buddha. Both of them were people who came out of the Nine Heavens, so they naturally knew the secrets of the great world.

"They asked me to take care of the people of the new world here, because you are their hope and the future of the whole world." Doomsday said.

Chen Ze was affected by his emotions and became a little depressed: "Senior, even you are so pessimistic, I'm afraid I will live up to your expectations."

"Not necessarily. After all, there are so many ancestors who have pioneered for you, and all you have to do is to take the last step. Besides, monks and Taoists have been searching for the secrets left by their predecessors for many years, maybe they have already gained something. ."

Doomsday Road.

"Where should I find them?" Chen Ze asked.

"No need for the time being, all you have to do is take that step. If you can't get out, then it's useless to find the original blood of the ancient blood."

Chen Ze didn't speak any more, thinking about the rest of the matter was a headache.

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