My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1483: Want to kill Chen Ze

This place is close to the center of the False Land, and Chen Ze can clearly see the slowly rotating vortex below through the blue mist, like a huge mouth in the abyss, swallowing everything.

I can even feel a trace of vain here, but I can still rely on his cultivation to defend it, as long as the defense is not completely swallowed up when reaching the third island, it will be safe and sound.

Chen Ze didn't care about the intrusion of these vain forces into his body. Although the amount was more than that obtained from Tao Ziru, it was still within his range.

Chen Ze moved fast, definitely much faster than the four.

Soon, he saw four figures in front of him.

Chen Ze chased after such a big move, these four people were also shocked. After all, Chen Ze pushed a huge blue cloud wave in front of him because he was too fast.

"It's you! Chen Ze, do you want to kill them all?" one person exclaimed.

Chen Ze stopped a long way, now he is running out of time and is unwilling to fight with these lives, saying: "I am here to borrow an ancient artifact from you this time. I would like to return another ancient artifact with my promise in return. ."

As he said, he took out the Yan Pagoda to prove that he indeed possessed the ancient artifact of origin.

"This ancient artifact of your origin has only just been completed, how can it be compared to my oscillating bone!" one person said.

Chen Ze looked directly at this person: "This is my condition, can you agree to it?"

"Impossible! I will never agree. My oscillating bones have been built for 80,000 years, and they are connected to my mind and will never be exchanged." The man shook his head.

Chen Ze smiled coldly: "Since you don't agree, then I have to do it."


Chen Ze didn't give the other party room for discussion at all.

The conversation just now has wasted his time, and Chen Ze didn't want to continue wasting it.

When these four people saw Chen Ze's hands, they all looked ashamed. It is extremely difficult for them to bear the consequences if they act in such a place.

"Chen Ze, are you really going to offend everyone to death?"

Chen Ze said: "The three of you leave, I will only look for him! If you don't want to get involved, get out of here!"

The person who used the ancient artifacts of the origin complained, "Chen Ze, you are deceiving too much. Fighting in this kind of place, although I am not as powerful as you, I can still drag you to death!"

"The mere power of vain can't help me. It's not that I have never been hit. Otherwise, how do you think you Tao Ziru survived?"

Chen Ze didn't care at all and continued to approach.

The three people here were shocked when they saw it, and they all set off to move on.

The detached man with ancient artifacts of origin exclaimed: "You three really want to abandon me?"

"We have no way. Once the defense is broken in such a place, the power of vain will definitely die!" One person said: "I'm sorry, we don't want to die!"

The three of them stared coldly, and even attacked him. The purpose, naturally, is to prevent this person from pulling them as a cushion, blocking them, and quickly fleeing through this gap.

At least they have to take out the scope of their fight.

In less than ten breaths, Chen Ze rushed to this person.

Knowing that he was invincible, he shouted: "Chen Ze, I promise you!"

"But I don't want to trade now!"

Chen Ze directly covered it with his big hand, and the palm of his palm was surging with electromagnetic pulses, instantly crushing this person's defenses, and his body was also riddled with holes and torn to pieces.

In an instant, countless false power penetrated into his body, causing him to scream in pain. Chen Ze ignored it at all, and with another palm, this person's body was completely shattered.

The Shaking Bone contained in the spirit platform was exposed, shining with dazzling golden light, and it was particularly dazzling through the blue mist.

Chen Ze grabbed it in his hand, then turned and left without even looking at the man.

Continuing to fight against him, he does have the strength to kill the opponent, but Chen Ze now has no time to continue wasting with him.

He has to delay at least one day time this time, and whether his disciples can hold it is two more questions.

"Chen Ze, if I don't die, I will fight you alive and dead!"

The man screamed, although the battle body was reunited, but the body had been invaded too much by the power of vain.

Chen Ze may be able to bear it, but he definitely can't.

And he is now injured by Chen Ze, it is impossible to get out of here alive.

Four hours after Chen Ze left, this person's battle body finally couldn't bear it and began to disintegrate. He didn't dare to scream, but he could only do so.

When Chen Ze returned to the Second Island, his expression was also a bit bad.

This time he didn't care about it in order to hurry, the invading power in his body was at least a hundred times as much as before, and it would take at least a few years to completely consume it.

Now his combat power has been affected a bit, but he can still hold it.

He quickly returned to the Yubao Pond, and if Ling was cross-legged for luck, Chen Ze asked, "What's wrong with her?"

"In order to prevent accidents, Ruoling shattered her Tianyanqin and placed it in the Yubao Pond. The purpose is to let Tie Tenderness hold you back." Yinyue said: "Your disciple has paid too much."

In order to save a life that I don't know if he can survive, he was willing to smash his ancient artifacts of origin. This determination is too great.

In other people, even the biological father and son would not do this.

Chen Ze said: "It's okay, anyway, I don't need to originate ancient artifacts, and I will give her the Yan Tower by then."

While speaking, Chen Ze took out the sky-shaking bone and poured it into it with powerful combat power.

Although the artifact is very hard, it can still be smashed if the inner force that is poured into the true energy with the control of the mind exceeds its tolerance, but if you want to smash the ancient artifact of the origin, you must be a detached one.

If Ling was able to shatter Tianyanqin, it was because Tianyanqin was her natal weapon, she could have blew herself up.

Chen Ze put the shattered Shaking Bone into the Nurturing Treasure Pond, and within a short time, the treasures in the Nurturing Treasure Pond lit up, and there were as many as seven layers.

At this time, there is no complete boundary tool in the Yubao Pond, so there is no need to worry about failing to lay hands.

At this time, Chen Ze sent his own voice like the bottom of a lake with a strong sense of God: "Tenderness, refine it as soon as possible!"

Tie Rouqing suddenly opened her eyes, and her face was surprised.

She nodded hard, and then quickly began to swallow the principles of the body.

The originally cracked body quickly recovered, and countless paths permeated her body, rebuilding her physique.

At this moment, even the soul has undergone a qualitative change.

Although she is a soul cultivator, refining her body into a weapon, after all, such a realm weapon is essentially different from a magic weapon.

After all, it was just a body tempering method to break through the limit.

Moreover, after Tie Yuqing became an immortal creature, the soul and the body were more perfectly integrated, and it was already inseparable.

This is why she took such a risk to jump into the treasure pool.


The sky descended from the light beam of Chen Ze's heart. This vision has appeared, and it must have been refining and refining the origin of ancient artifacts.

Chen Ze was relieved at this time, and suddenly he vomited a mouthful of blood, and his breath began to weaken.

"What's wrong with you?" Yinyue asked.

"Being invaded by the power of vain, some is not easy to suppress." Chen Ze said.

These words were not loud, but fell into the ears of the surrounding undead. They were afraid of Chen Ze, but they also resented.

Hearing what he said, and feeling that his breath had indeed become weak, I couldn't help but be delighted.

One after another secretly spread the news, conveying the situation here to the detached people they know.

At this time, the six detached persons who were waiting on the cliffs of the Second Island were moved by the news, and they glanced at each other.

"After you kill Chen Ze, there are two ancient artifacts of origin, which are worth a try!"


After that, these six people left the cliff and rushed towards Yubaochi.

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