My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1504: The place of origin is gone

Chen Ze was actually quite depressed. The apprentices of his own were older than the other, and the key points were all older than him.

The closest to his age is Tie Yuqing, but it is almost five hundred years older than Chen Ze.

After learning about the current situation with Wen Yi, he knew that the Chaos Remains General Altar on the periphery of the Origin Continent turned out to be the Doomsday Era Alliance.

Thinking about it now, he was scared. At the beginning, he had a big conflict with the Doomsday Alliance. If it weren't for the friendship with the Doomsday's drinking, now the head of the grave would have been several feet tall.

It turned out that the Doomsday generation turned out to be the leader of the remnants of Chaos, no wonder he knew so much about things beyond the great world.

Chen Ze thought to himself, but he was also thinking about the purpose of the Doomsday’s public identity at this moment.

Is it true that because of this little of my friendship, I want to gather iron and tender them?

Then Chen Ze shook his head. The truth is never that simple.

This kind of superiors' choice is very decisive and will never be so ignorant. It now appears that the chaotic strongholds deep in the Origin Continent have basically been wiped out, with heavy casualties. Obviously, there is a big gap between the strength of the two.

If he is in power, he will definitely find a way to disperse the personnel, break them into pieces and preserve his strength, slowly.

But so desperately, what does the Doomsday want to get?

Chen Ze was still thinking, his eyes lit up after a long time.

"Unless he has something to follow, or he is telling who he is. Who is he going to tell?"

The survivors of the Chaos are carrying the blame for themselves, and the army of the Early Era only started to destroy them after they took action.

So he is... sending me a message!

Chen Ze didn't believe his guess, if it was true, then the thoughts of the Doomsday generation would be terrible.

With clues alone, he can be sure that he, a man who has been dead for more than a hundred years, is still alive, and he is so determined and desperate.

"Master, what are you thinking?"

Wen Yi saw Chen Ze's expression serious and thought something had happened.

"I'm fine, let's go back first."

When I met with Tie Rouqing and learned that Wen Yi had become Chen Ze's third apprentice, Ruo Ling shivered with a smile.

"Master, our teachers are too weird. The older you are, the younger your status will be. Junior Brother Wen, come here to please your Second Senior Sister."

Chen Ze gave her an angry look: "I've got in, and I still have a smile on his face."


Ruo Ling really couldn't laugh anymore, his face flushed, "Master, you are not respectful, so how can you ridicule your apprentice like this."

"My youngest? Let me be the youngest."

Chen Ze said shamelessly: "This time you hurry up, we have to rush back to the periphery of the Origin Continent once. The Doomsday generation pin all hopes on us, and the few of us who want to resist the siege of the Early Era must also rely on Chaos. The power of the survivors."

"Master, the war is anxious now. Everyone knows that the remnants of Chaos will not be able to withstand the offensive of the Early Era. This is a war of countless epochs in the depths of the Origin Continent, but it is absolutely invincible with the cultivation resources on the periphery of the Origin Continent." Yidao.

"The Doomsday generation has been entrenched in the periphery of the Origin Continent for many years, and they must have cultivated a lot of people in secret. In any case, we must keep the forces of the remnants of Chaos and take advantage of each other."

Chen Ze knew that once the survivors of Chaos were completely wiped out, Tao Tianxing would definitely be able to clean up himself.

Although their masters and apprentices are not weak now, it is too difficult to fight the depths of the entire Origin Continent.

"Master, even if it is the best result, it is also the force we help the remnants of Chaos to keep in the periphery of the Origin Continent. However, the Early Era controls all the resources in the depths of the Origin Continent, including the Origin Land. They will have a steady stream of undead creatures and followers. The detached person is born, and we have no possibility of sticking to it." Wen Yi spoke again at this time.

He is not greedy for life and fear of death, but no one knows that Chen Ze is still alive. This is Chen Ze's advantage. Once you show up, you put yourself in danger.

"The place of origin?" Chen Ze smiled at this time: "The place of origin will never appear again."

The three disciples were very surprised: "Why?"

"I swallowed all three islands when I was practicing."


The jaws of all three of them almost fell to the ground.

My master was too ruthless, and he directly destroyed the land of origin.

Doesn't it mean that the transcendents of the Early Era died one less than one.

"Well, now is not the time to discuss this. Ruoling, what's your situation?" Chen Ze asked.

"Master, I have stabilized my cultivation base when you left, and now I just wait to realize the last basic power again." Ruo Ling vowed.

"Okay, I will pass on the seed of the basic strength to you. You don't need to make a move for the next period of time, so you can practice with peace of mind."

Since Wen Yi was accepted as a disciple, Chen Ze would not favor one another.

Wen Yi also didn't expect that he had just started to get the practice system of the cultivation system created by Chen Ze.

He just felt numb when he heard Chen Ze's cultivation system.

This is not about comprehension of Taoism and immortality or the like, it is entirely an analysis of the nature of matter.

"At present, the basic force is the basis of all matter. When you understand this level, you have already transcended most of the Taoist perception. For example, Wen Yi, I can completely shatter your physical body with a single thought. There is no chance of reshaping."

"Is this the master's thought to kill people? You have stared to death the detached one." Wen Yi said.

Chen Ze was speechless, "Can't you change the word? What I use at a glance is another power. After you understand the basic power, you will know that it is a power that transcends the principles of the Tao, fundamentally Destroying a person's battle body, even the blood gas will be shattered and dried."

Chen Ze handed down the seeds of basic power, and then brought the two of them to the enchantment area. This place was originally the doomed area of ​​the Doomsday Alliance, but because the Doomsday generation disclosed his identity, now his power has completely withdrawn.

"The three of you will stay here for the time being. I will check the situation first. If the decline really cannot be stopped, you will continue to dormant."

Chen Ze then stepped across the barrier, leaving three people behind.

The enchantment is guarded by someone to prevent the remnants of Chaos from escaping.

As long as they are blocked at the periphery of the origin continent, they will eventually be wiped out.


The one responsible for guarding is an undead, with a team of patrol teams composed of undead and half-dead people.

"How is it possible, he is Chen Ze!"

Unexpectedly, there was an undead creature beside the Yubao Pond among the team, and he recognized Chen Ze.

"What a joke, Chen Ze has been dead for more than a hundred years. How could it be possible that Chen Ze was still alive if he was shot by the adults in the early era."

Some people don't believe it.

The immortal spirit said: "I know, no wonder the survivors of Chaos do not admit that iron tenderness is in their hands. It turns out that you were the one who handed it that day!"

Chen Ze sighed, "Since you recognize me, there is no need for you to survive!"

He covered it with a palm, and the power of terror tore at these Era-level monks.

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