My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1513: Eighth-order detachment

In fact, Chen Ze was still unacceptable to what she said.

"Senior, do you really think that the seed of the law of gravity can fight against the existence of that person? Every small world in this great world, including the New Immortal Realm and the Origin Continent, has the existence of gravity."

The Lord of the Beginning said: "But the gravity here is the product of rules, otherwise why is every small world you have seen not a planet?"

Chen Ze was silent.

"The product of rules restricts the characteristics of matter itself." The Lord of the Beginning said: "The four basic forces you control now are the analysis of the essence of matter. When you truly understand the knowledge from the earth, then It is the starting point of the transformation and the start of being able to compete with that person."

You can compete with that one just by comprehending the knowledge of the earth. What a joke?

Chen Ze remained silent, already full of turbulent waves in his heart.

The Lord of the Beginning said: "Don't think about ancient blood, divine nature or the like. Even if you get all the ancient blood, it is just a drop of ancient blood to that person, and it has no meaning at all."

"Senior, I understand." Chen Ze said sternly at this time: "I will continue to study in this direction and go to the extreme to fight against that person."

At this time, the Lord of the Beginning’s eyes flickered a little blurry: "I hope you can succeed. Time is really running out. When he takes another shot, or the world is destroyed, I will turn into nothingness. Or you may succeed. , And escaped from birth with all the creatures of the great world."

Even the Lord of the Beginning showed such a look, which shows how difficult the road ahead is.

"Senior, these big secrets, why don't you carry the two of us on your back?" the old said.

"Because you two are cannon fodder." The Lord of the Beginning said: "Your next path is to continue. Find the blood burial place, try to fuse the ancient blood, attract his attention. If it can successfully arouse his interest, perhaps it can be Chen Ze fights for a certain amount of time."

The Lord of the Beginning said: "Chen Ze, next you have to go to the extreme of this way of analyzing matter, don't let me down."

"Senior, don't you know what the end of this road is?" Chen Ze asked.

"I don't know, because I can't comprehend, or even think about it. Because the performance of the four basic forces can still be within the principles of the world, but if you continue to move forward, you will get out of control and attract his attention. . So, you can only go the rest of the way by yourself, and I won’t make another move."

Said the Lord of the Beginning.

"Then what should I do about my grievances with Taichu Jiyuan? They are all your disciples." Chen Ze said.

"They are all hard stones to sharpen you forward, so you don't have to have any burdens in your heart. If you want to achieve great things, someone has to sacrifice. Go..."

After she said and waved, the three of them were sent out of the realm of gods.

Chen Ze never thought that one day he would be able to get out of here, but now he feels that his burden is heavier.

Although the ultimate goal has not changed, it has been expected by more people. This is a kind of pressure.

The Lord of the Beginning did not send him and the old monk to one place, and Chen Ze saw that this place was still in the depths of the Origin Continent.

"If you want to continue, you must comprehend the characteristics of the new particles generated by the power of illusion. I only used it before, but I didn't understand why it could be used in this way."

Chen Ze muttered to himself, "It seems that I have to go to a place of illusion once. Maybe I can discuss and find out the secrets there, so that my cultivation level can be one step closer."

False power is a mysterious power, and Chen Ze wants to know how it is produced.

After all, he stepped into the air without concealing his breath at all.

"What? A trace of Chen Ze was found in the depths of Origin Continent?"

Tao Tianxing's eyes brightened immediately after hearing this, "Really bold. If he hides in the periphery, I really can't deal with him. But in the depths of Origin Continent, he will undoubtedly die!"

Then he personally dispatched and walked towards a monument.

This is a rocky mountain, bare without a single weed, let alone trees.

He came to the front of the mountain and respectfully worshipped the stone wall in front of him: "Tao Tianxing, the contemporary master in the early days, asked the ancestors to come out of the mountain."

The sound exploded like thunder, reverberating in the mountains.

He said three times in a row, and then stopped talking.


This is the constant shaking of the surrounding space, as if to freeze.

I saw that the uneven stone wall was rippling like a water surface, and a face slowly appeared, extremely ancient: "Contemporary master, what do you call me?"

Tao Tianxing hurriedly said: "Old ancestors, now there is a son named Chen Ze, who can have the power of transcendence without the help of the imprint of heaven. It has had an impact on the cultivation system promoted by my master at the beginning. I also asked my ancestors to take action to obliterate it."

"There is such a miracle?" The face on the stone wall showed meditation: "Dare to question the Lord, the mind is really bold and arrogant, **** it. Okay, I will make one shot to kill this scorpion."

Afterwards, Shek Pik slowly returned to peace, as if nothing had happened.

When Tao Tianxing saw that the ancestor was planning to make a move, he naturally felt relieved.

How about you Chen Ze can kill the fifth-order transcendence?

This ancestor is an eighth-order detachment, a great figure who has undergone a second awakening.

Now in the entire origin continent, or in the great world.

Except for the Lord of the Beginning, this one is the strongest.

Chen Ze didn't know that an eighth-order detachment would actually be dispatched to find him personally.

Every four seals of Heavenly Path will awaken a kind of talent, but this ancestor's two talents are not comparable to the Su Hao he killed at the beginning.

He is an eighth-order detachment, even if he doesn't rely on the awakening talent, he can crush Chen Ze.

Soon, a figure condensed in the air, covered in thousands of glowing rays, reflecting the entire depths of the Origin Continent.

Chen Ze saw this appearance from a distance, knowing that Origin Continent sent a real strong man to take action.

He sighed with emotion. He had just come out of the realm of the gods of the Lord of the Beginning, and he had to face his disciple, and he was really unable to do anything.

"Are you Chen Ze?"

The ancestor spoke.

Chen Ze nodded: "I am."

"Yes, some courage. What are your last words now?"

"You can't kill me, how can I get the last words." Chen Ze was very confident.

"Really, I want to see how your brand new cultivation system is."

This ancestor's big hand directly covered the sky and the sun, but Chen Ze's body instantly became unnecessary and completely disappeared.

The ancestor's divine consciousness dispersed, but he was surprised that he could not perceive it.

This is not surprising. It is difficult for ordinary people to detect even elementary particles with spiritual consciousness, and it is even said that Chen Ze has completely transformed the body into annihilating particles that are even smaller than the basic force.

Although Chen Ze was confident that this ancestor could not find himself, he would not be stupid enough to contend with this ancestor.

Moving his body slowly in the emptiness, Chen Ze dared to go to the place of emptiness.

His speed was really slow enough, and it took half a year to reach the deep end of the origin continent, on the edge of the cliff.

The moment he condensed his body, he was instantly perceived by the ancestor.

That kind of teleportation speed beyond the rules is even more terrifying than Chen Ze's laws of space.

The ancestor arrived here instantly and saw that Chen Ze's body had gathered and formed, and he pointed out with a finger.


Chen Ze's body was pierced, spreading with Jin Ze's blood, but he could no longer stop Chen Ze.

Failing to kill Chen Ze with a single blow, he has turned around and entered a place of vain.

Here, even this ancestor did not dare to enter easily.

"Why does this son want to enter here to die?"

The ancestor was very puzzled and whispered.

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