My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1521: Coercion


Tao Tianxing uttered several "you" words, but after all he could not suppress the shock in his heart.

Chen Ze just stood by his side and suppressed him with power: "It's strange why I didn't die?"

"You have always been cunning and scheming. It was my clan ancestor who didn't notice and accidentally let you slip away. Since you are already alive, why don't you hibernate? If his old man takes action, you will undoubtedly die!" Tao Tianxing said.

"Your ancestor? The eighth-order detachment. Well, he is dead."

Chen Ze spoke indifferently, still looking at the battlefield, as if very concerned about the situation.

Now everyone's attention is on the battlefield, and no one sees Chen Ze suddenly appearing. All the people nearby were suppressed by Chen Ze and couldn't even speak.

"It's impossible! Our ancestor is an eighth-order detachment!"

Tao Tianxing roared, and this sound shook the battlefield and reached everyone's ears.

Everyone who fought here also turned their heads, seeing Chen Ze beside Tao Tianxing all shocked.

The Doomsday is extremely distracting: "Good fellow, you are not dead yet!"

Chen Ze was speechless, "You seem to be looking forward to my death."

"How is it possible! I just clarified the position of the general altar for you and declared war on the Taichu Era. Only during the period of your disappearance, we were defeated. How can we have that mind."

Chen Ze waved his big hand at this time, and the Tier 5 Transcendent who was fighting the Doomsday died immediately, shivering and suppressing everyone, unable to move.

At this time, Chen Ze was arrogant to the sky alone, watching everything: "Those who move rashly will kill you without mercy!"

Once a word is spoken, it spreads everywhere.

At this time, no one dared to disobey his words, including Tao Tianxing.

After all, to kill the fifth-order detachment with one hand, the original Chen Ze couldn't do it.

Could it be that the ancestor of the eighth-order detachment really died in his hands?

Tao Tianxing and others thought to themselves.

The Doomsday and others have a feeling of escaping from birth, but those who followed Li Du's betrayal have a chill in their hearts, worrying about being settled by the Doomsday.

Especially Li Du, he targeted Chen Ze's disciples, attracted his named disciples, and just besieged Wenyi and them, Chen Ze would never let him go.

"Chen Ze, what do you want to kill us all?" Tao Tianxing was surprised by Chen Ze's behavior. Now he has the upper hand and there is no reason to let them go.

"I have some friendship with a person, although she said that she doesn't account for the things between me and you, but she still has to give her some face, after all, you represent her."

Chen Ze sighed, "People from the early era, let's go."

Of course, he did not only give face to the Lord of the Beginning, but more importantly, he didn't want to make a move.

Chen Ze worried that he would arouse the vigilance of that existence, which was troublesome.

People from the Early Era here are also a little relieved, but the survivors of Chaos are not very reconciled, especially the doomsday deputy Pang Yan: "Just let them go like this? I really don't reconciled."

Doomsday said: "This is Chen Ze's decision, and we have no right to interfere."

Pang Yan gritted his teeth and suddenly shouted: "Chen Ze, I don't know who you want to spare these people from the early era. But Li Du can't do it. He defected by the survivors of the Chaos, and he made repeated attempts. Targeting your disciples this time, even sending people to siege and kill, causing us to break with your disciples, and even framed them for colluding with Taichu Era."


Chen Ze frowned, and Li Du was trembling with anger: "Pang Yan, surrender is permitted by the last generation, why are you hurting me so much."

"I harmed you? Who caused those compatriots who died because of you? I ignore the other surrenders, but you must stay and take responsibility for your sins."

Pang Yan shouted.

Taking a step forward, Chen Ze came to Pang Yan and looked at him coldly: "What are you saying true?"

"Of course it is true. Pang Yan guarantees my life, and every word is true. If there is hypocrisy, the sky will thunder! Go and see if there are any of your registered disciples over there. They have all taken refuge in Li Du, and they are right. Traitors who strike at the same door!"

As soon as he said this, the several disciples of Chen Zeji who were lucky enough to be alive over there trembled and knelt down one after another: "Master, we are also deceived by Li Dumeng. It is really unwilling."

"Master, please forgive me."

Chen Ze's anger was a little overwhelming, and he could endure without killing Tao Tianxing, but it was unbearable to hear that these people were killing each other in order to survive.

"You are the remnants of Chaos, and you stay here only temporarily. I never thought of keeping you for a lifetime, living in the name of my disciples. But, you dare to attack my disciples. This has offended me. Reverse scales."

Chen Ze's voice became more and more cold, "Dead!"

One pointed out, a powerful energy passed through these people.

Soon, they saw their bodies quickly decompose, they wanted to struggle but couldn't, they collapsed and disappeared.


Others were horrified to see, and asked whether this was Chen Ze's method?

No wonder he can kill the eighth-order transcendents, how can they be able to defeat such stalwart combat power.

Li Du was scared, he looked at Chen Ze tremblingly, "Chen Ze, your disciples are all right, will you let me go?"

Once people let go of their dignity, the desire to survive will be extremely powerful. He used to lead people desperately into the encirclement of Taichu Era, but now he begged for mercy in fear.

"I killed those people to clean up the door. But you, let the Doomsday take care of it."

With a wave of his hand, Chen Ze abolished his cultivation base and threw it in front of the doomsday.

When Pang Yan saw this, he immediately grabbed him: "Li Du, you traitor. Because of your failure, my clan’s big plan will kill you ten thousand times without resolving the hatred. I want to lay down a formation to make you kneel before the gravestones of the dead. year!"

Chen Ze didn't want to pay attention to his fate. Seeing Pang Yan's meaning, he would definitely torture him.

Sometimes living in pain is far more terrifying than dying.

Chen Ze missed his disciples in his heart and looked back at Tao Tianxing: "Why don't you take your people away, do you want to stay here for the New Year?"

Tao Tianxing felt bitter in his heart, saying how dare I go if you don't say anything.

With Chen Ze's permission, he hurriedly ordered that the people of the Early Era left vastly, leaving behind the scorched earth on the battlefield, so desolate.

"Chen Ze, now that the chaos remnants are gone, we will continue to dormant. This originated from the periphery of the continent is yours."

After this battle, he understood that his earlier plan was nothing but a spectacle, and it was impossible for him to become a reality.

Having seen the power of Chen Ze, one can imagine that the future will be his world.

What Chen Ze had to face was the existence of that one. If he defeated him, he was the most powerful person in this great world, and if he defeated this great world, he would no longer exist.

Therefore, I don't have such a strong idea to build my own power.

When I came to the valley where the disciples stayed, there was also a scorched earth, which was caused by Li Du's attack.

Wen Yi is recovering from his injury cross-legged, as are the other two.

Chen Ze saw the three figures from a distance, and one of them was not iron tender, which made him very pleased.

At least his efforts were not completely in vain, and there are still things that the disciples are willing to stay.

"Yang Yue, I didn't expect you to stay."

Chen Ze suddenly awakened Yang Yue. The woman was startled when she saw Chen Ze, and then hurried to her knees: "Yang Yue has seen Master."

Ruo Ling and the two were also alarmed here. When they opened their eyes and saw Chen Ze, Ruo Ling jumped up and rushed into Chen Ze's arms: "Master, I know you are all right, it's okay."

Wen Yi said sourly, "Master, I also want to hold him."

"go away."

Chen Ze smiled and scolded: "You are fine, how about tenderness?"

"The master sister is still in retreat. It is estimated that Wen Yi and I were irritated. We are holding back our energy to make a breakthrough." Ruo Ling said.

Wen Yi said, "Master, the news says that you were attacked and killed by a Tier 8 Transcendent. Is this true?"

"Of course it's fake, otherwise how could the master still stand here." Ruo Ling gave him an angry look.

Chen Ze said: "I was indeed attacked. I was indeed lost at first and almost died. However, I made a breakthrough this time and killed him."


All three are speechless.

Killed the eighth-order detachment, is this a breakthrough?

Chen Ze looked at Yang Yue at this time: "Although I don't want to see things this time, you are indeed qualified to be my beginner disciple. Are you willing?"

Yang Yue was stunned.

Ruo Ling pushed her down at this time, "What are you still doing in a daze? Master is going to accept you to get started."

Yang Yuewen heard that he knelt down again to perform the teacher worship ceremony: "Disciple Yang Yue, see Master."

At this moment, she also officially became Chen Ze's disciple.

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