My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1526: The last journey

A burst of baby cry sounded in the courtyard, and Chen Ze had never been so nervous in the face of countless thrilling deaths.

After living for more than two thousand years, it was the first time for Chen Ze to wait outside the delivery room to welcome the birth of a new life.

"Congratulations, two daughters and one son."

The three wives gave birth at the same time, and the three children were also born on their feet.

Chen Ze rushed in for the first time and saw that Yu Ruxin and the others had already helped with the cleaning. The fourth daughter who was born first had been wrapped up and was being held by Chen Jingwei.

"Mom, hug me."

Chen Ze rubbed both hands on his waist and stretched out his hands.

"This is the daughter of Qing Yao, you can give a name." Chen Jing smiled and handed the child over.

Chen Ze hugged it up carefully, looking at the pink little guy with his eyes closed and his skin wrinkled.

Because Chen Ze took away most of his divinity, this child was just an ordinary mortal body after he was born, and he did not inherit any of his bloodline and divine power.

This is also no way, Chen Ze's current cultivation base is too strong, he dare not care. If something really goes wrong, it may endanger her mother's life.

Before Chen Ze had two sons and a daughter, they were the eldest son Chen Chen, the second daughter Chen Ran, and the younger son Chen Qi.

Now the fourth daughter, Chen Ze thinks for a long time, and named Chen Xi, in order to have hope.

Long Shu was actually very reluctant. She was pregnant before Jiang Qingyao. Although she was only a few minutes ahead of her, her child's ranking was what she wanted to fight for.

Who knew that Jiang Qingyao, who became pregnant at last, would rate her husband's next girl, Dongfang Li gave birth to a second girl.

Although she gave birth to a son, she became the youngest.

"Why don't you take the names of the other two children together." Lu Qingluan said.

Long Shu was the first to be unhappy, "I don't. I named my son myself. I decided to call him Chen Long, because his mother is a Tianlong clan!"

"It's too earthy." Chen Yun immediately shook her head and refused: "Why do you dragons have such bad taste. I think his name is Chen Zong. He has been in the immortal world for countless years and is invincible in the world."

Long Shu thought for a while, "It's okay, just call Chen Zong."

The youngest son's name was decided by the two women, and Chen Ze didn't force anything. Instead, he picked up the fifth daughter, "As for Xiaowu, let's take one word of her mother's name."

"Chen Dong?"

"Chen Fang?"

Qiao Yiqiao and Xi Shuai started to get involved.

"It's Chen Li." Chen Ze rolled his eyes with anger. "What kind of **** elders, nothing looks like."

To have two daughters and a son, Chen Ze is very happy for everyone. But watching the birth of these three little lives made him feel that the burden on him was heavier.

The great world can never be destroyed.

That person, he must touch him.

He wanted to stay at home for some more time, but he didn't treat others, Chen Ze decided to embark on the journey after his three children were full moon.

Before leaving, Chen Ze met his mother Chen Jingwei alone.

"Boy, tell me the truth. Isn't it dangerous this time?"

Chen Ze smiled and said, "I am the number one in the world."

"Damn it. If you, the world's most powerful person, had to solve the matter personally, it would be extremely dangerous." Chen Jing sighed slightly: "Actually, I should have stopped you that day. Let these three little guys suddenly come here. In the world, but you can't give them a promising future, you are actually very cruel."

Chen Ze put a smile away, his face was serious: "Mom, I have my own measure of this matter. Although the expected ending is difficult to achieve, I will try my best to do it. The birth of a few of them gave me an extremely firm will. ."

"You are such a big person, and you have heard and seen more than your mother. It's good if you know it, but you have to remember that no matter when, we people will support you behind your back." Chen Jingwei road.

"I see."

Before leaving this time, Chen Ze deliberately left enough basic seeds for Zhou Qi and the others, especially Le Tianshu and Zhou Qi, who had reached a stage where they could be comprehended.

If you have a sense of enlightenment, you can directly rise to a detached one, and it is more likely to protect your home.

Before leaving, someone came again.

It turned out to be the two treasure hunters, Qiao Yiqiao and Baixi.

After all, Qiao Yiqiao failed to catch up with his old sister, and walked with Bai Xi.

The two also have their own heirs, and there are many more. However, according to the habits of the treasure hunters, they sealed the children and chose the time to wake them up again.

"You two are looking for me at this time. There is something big," Chen Ze said with a smile.

Qiao Yiqiao sighed and glanced at his wife.

After so many years, Baixi has become too mature and stable. She said: "Chen Ze, you better not go anymore."

"What do you see?"

Bai Xi nodded: "Although the secret is not to be revealed, what I see above your head is only a piece of gray, without a trace of light. This means that there is almost no hope."

"But you also said that this is almost hopeless, indicating that there is still a certain chance of success, right." Chen Ze smiled.

"My words are also polite." Bai Xi said: "My heavenly eyes have been damaged, just to see this opportunity for the future. But the result is very hopeless."

Chen Ze didn't expect that she would have paid so much, and sighed: "Our generation has paid so much. If we choose to give up in the end, what is the point of me wanting this body to cultivate combat power?

Since I stand at the height of today, I will always fight with you for my family, even if the hope is slim. I am not afraid of dying by myself, but I am afraid to watch you die one by one. "

"So, this time I have to go."

Chen Ze finally spoke firmly.

"I knew you would go." Qiao Yiqiao said, "To be honest, among so many people, I am one of the people who have known you for the longest time. I know your temperament very well. But remember, you don't want to be overwhelmed. ."

Chen Ze was a little sad by these two people, as if he was going to die and would never come.

In the remaining few days, he got along with a few wives, looked at the children, and recounted old stories.

But even if you don't want to leave, the time for planning has arrived.

"We are waiting for you to come back."

How many people repeat this sentence, even if Chen Ze is strong, his eyes burst into tears after hearing this, "Don't worry, it won't be too long."

Because he was always a little uneasy in his heart, something must have happened in Origin Continent. This was a perception of the future of a person like him.

This time he returned, he was originally to take a look at his family. This is also Chen Ze's practice. At the last moment, he always goes home to take a look.

He was scared, and he died accidentally, and he would never see his family's face again.

"For you, everything is worth it."

Chen Ze smiled, gritted his teeth and turned around.

This time, it is the real last way.

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