My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1529: Suppress with one hand

"Time should be almost up."

Tao Tianxing said to himself, and then arranged for someone: "Immediately notify, let a few elders follow me to arrest the person who violated the order."

He waited for five days, guessing that Chen Ze's clerks had already been beheaded, before he decided to set off to trouble those five people.

Now the detachments in the depths of the entire Origin Continent are all ninth-tier cultivation bases, and everyone's combat power is almost equal.

If it weren't for the existence of Tao Tianxing, a tenth-order detachment, it is estimated that no one would be willing to wait for the orders of the Taichu Era.

But this time Tao Tianxing didn't dispatch anyone outside of the Taichu Era. He decided to use his own people to capture people secretly and handle the matter in secret.

He brought not many people, only ten people. Adding to the tenth-order detachment of himself, measuring those five people is not an opponent either. If you dare to resist, don't talk about killing it.

Eleven people crossed the enchantment mightily, and immediately flew towards the place where Tie Yuqing lived.

Eleven people were very puzzled when they approached.

"There is no room for resistance. This shouldn't be." Tao Tianxing frowned: "Even if Chen Ze is defeated, he will never be crushed to death."

"Master, maybe we were all scared by Chen Ze before. In fact, his cultivation is only the combat power of the sixth and seventh-order transcendents."

Tao Tianxing turned his head and looked at this person: "Are you kidding? Don’t forget that our eighth-tier ancestor died in his hands. Now you, the ninth-tier, have not been able to easily kill the eighth-tier transcendents. What's more, Chen Ze's combat power surpassed his ancestors."

"Could it be that Chen Ze is not there?" Some people also questioned.

"This may be the truth."

Tao Tianxing continued to move forward and finally came to this valley.

There was silence in the valley, and there were only a few breaths that were not strong in their eyes.

"Tao Tianxing, I haven't seen you for many years, and you are beautiful now. Once you have gained power, you have been among the realms of the Lord of the Great World."

Doomsday sat there with a smile, taking it easy.

His words are not ridicule, and a strong man who rules a great world like the Lord of Chaos and the Lord of the Beginning can indeed be called the Lord of the Great World.

It's just that compared to the first two, Tao Tianxing's cultivation base is too easy to come, maybe there is no realm, but the real strength may not be able to display.

"Doom, you didn't even die."

The Doomsday smiled and said: "It seems that you didn't know the five people who came. That's right, with your gloomy heart, I'm afraid that you want to get rid of us through the hands of these five people. But you and your men are powerful, yourself. It's even the realm of the Lord of the Great World, why don't you do it yourself?"

Without waiting for Tao Tianxing to speak, Doom said directly: "Let me guess. Maybe it's because the master above you won't let you take it. But you can't swallow that breath, so I acquiesced to the five people to come over, right. "

Tao Tianxing was very upset to be guessed thoroughly: "The Doomsday, how about the five of them?"

As soon as these words came out, it meant that Tao Tianxing was no longer willing to cover up, and generously admitted.


"Dead?" Tao Tianxing frowned, "Could it be that Chen Ze is really so strong that he can kill the five of them?"

"No, it was not Chen Ze who shot." Doomsday said.

Tao Tianxing is now puzzled, but who is Chen Ze?

Could it be...

His heart is almost broken when he thinks of this. What he fears most is not that these people are still alive, and the five people are dead.

It was that he acquiesced to these five people to attack Chen Zemen, which was to violate the Lord's order.

Chen Ze may be one of those who have the ability to kill the ninth-order transcendence in this great world now, besides himself. If it wasn't for Chen Ze, then it was the master's hand.

If this is the case, all his tricks are known, and there is a fear of life.

"Yeah, I'm so scared? It seems I didn't expect it to be false, and that one really wouldn't let you shoot us." Doomsday laughed.

"Stop talking nonsense, who actually killed them?" Tao Tianxing asked.

"You can guess."

Tao Tianxing wants to curse, but he doesn't want to guess like that now.

Seeing him staring at him for a long time without speaking, the end is satisfied. Can scare a monk at the master level of a great world into this, except for him, I am afraid that no one can be found in this world.

"You had a master in the beginning, and I have a master like chaos."


Tao Tianxing frowned: "You mean, the Lord of Chaos is not dead yet?"

"How can such a stalwart person die so easily?" Doom said: "Tao Tianxing, hurry up. If you really wait for the master of my clan to take action, how do you think you can resist the parallel?"

"If it is really the Lord of Chaos, I would like to see it. After all, I am a man of the past, and I have been fascinated for a long time."

Doomsday smiled and said: "You can see the aura of the Lord of Chaos as soon as you say you see it? Don't look at the cultivation base of the Lord of the Great World, but after all, it's just a dog."

"Although my lord would not let me do anything to Chen Zemen, he did not prevent me from doing things to you chaos remnants. Doomsday, you are really looking for death."

Tao Tianxing's divine might burst, and instantly swept the entire valley.

The ground was rumbling, and the surrounding mountains burst and nearly collapsed.

But somehow, a powerful force suddenly rose from the valley, completely dispersing his offensive.

Immediately, a loud voice resounded: "You want to see me?"

The Lord of Chaos was standing in the valley, attending to the flowers and plants, and never looked at him directly.

"Unexpected, really unexpected. It is rumored that people who have died hundreds of millions of years are still alive, but what a pity you come out at this time? The era of Chaos Era has long been over, and now is the era of my lord."

Tao Tianxing said.

The Lord of Chaos sighed, "Wah, do you really know who your master is?"

Tao Tianxing frowned, not knowing how to answer.

He knows very well that the current Lord of the Beginning is by no means the original Lord of the Beginning, the will of heaven has come, but he really doesn't know who.

"He is my lord, and his identity is beyond my imagination." After thinking about it, he said.

The Lord of Chaos smiled, "This is true."

Then saw the Lord of Chaos suddenly explode with divine power, Tao Tianxing fell directly from the cloud under the pressure of this force, stepped on a large pit several meters deep when he landed, and half of his body was buried in the floating soil.

The Lord of Chaos wandered to the edge of the pit and looked down coldly: "Even the Lord of the Beginning has never let me raise my head. It is really rude for you, a baby to step on my head to speak."

At this moment, Tao Tianxing understood how far he was from the veteran master of great power.

"Do you dare to kill me? My lord will never stand by." Tao Tianxing shouted.

The Lord of Chaos smiled, not seeing what he was doing, Tao Tianxing continued to fall down, and finally only the head was left outside: "You are just a dispensable dogleg. You are dead, and that one can do it again in a flash. Cultivate ten people like you. As long as he wants to, he can even let all detached people have the same cultivation base as you."

This is true, that person does have such strength.

"What do you want?" Tao Tianxing took a deep breath and said.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in killing you. But you have to remember that not everyone here can make trouble with me, get out of here!"

The Lord of Chaos waved his hand at will, Tao Tianxing felt the powerful force throw himself out, and flew for nearly ten thousand miles before gradually weakening. After breaking free, his body was covered with cold sweat, shuddering in fright.

Ten subordinates arrived late and asked: "Master, are you okay."

"Go back, Lord of Chaos, we are no opponents. Tolerate him for another five years, and when the Lord goes out, he will die!"

Tao Tianxing spoke angrily and left with the people in a desperate manner.

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