My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1536: Find home

The huge palace magic weapon was flying in the void. Standing in front of the fence, Tie Rouqing and Yang Qian looked at the ever-increasing spot of light in the distance. It turned out to be a splendid galaxy.

They don't know what it is, they just think it's colorful, really beautiful.

Both of them are speechless, and now they also know that although the Lord of the Beginning has not recovered, there is no abnormality in the body, and the belly is just...pregnant.

"Unexpectedly, when Senior Sister Ruoling became a confession, she really became a teacher." Yang Yue said.

Tie Yuqing's mouth twitched, "Hehe, I thought I was illiterate enough, but I didn't expect you to be worse than me. That's what I mean!"

"more or less."

Yang Yue tilted her head, thinking about it, did she feel any difference.

Tie Yuqing didn't want to talk to her, and lost herself if she was serious.

The Lord of Chaos didn't hide his aura in the slightest, with murderous aura. He learned from Chen Ze's two disciples that this guy actually had five wives. With such a stalwart status as his precious daughter, she could only be ranked sixth after entering the Chen family. This was something he couldn't bear.

This time Xingshi asked the crime to be true, and it was also true to fight for her daughter's status.

It wasn't that he had to hold on to Chen Ze, the strange thing happened, Chen Ze did not say that his daughter did not wake up, it was simply confused.

In any case, looking at this great world, it seems that only Chen Ze has the qualifications to become a daughter's husband.


Never be a kid.

Such an angry rush is just to show his attitude, give Chen Ze's wife a prestige, let them retreat in the face of difficulties, and take the initiative to give up the position of the big house.

In the eighth day, even across the barrier of the small world, everyone felt the mighty power of the Lord of Chaos.

Here Ruo Ling and Wen Yi's expressions changed in shock, and they came to the void with one step, and they saw a huge palace flying towards them from a distance.

Zhou Qi and others realized that after chasing them out, they couldn't help but feel terrified when they saw this scene. Especially when I felt the mighty power of the Lord of Chaos, I felt trembling from the bones, unable to resist.

"Who is here? Is it Chen Ze's enemy?" Xi Shuai asked.

"No." Wen Yi had already seen Tie Rouqing and Yang Yue, "but things are a bit weird, Senior Chaos seems to have a lot of fire."

"Do you want to inform Master?" Ruo Ling asked.

"Now, don't disturb Master for unnecessary things. Even if there is something that he must not show up, let Senior Chaos talk about it in person." Wen Yi said.

Xi Shuai couldn't help but gossip: "Who is Senior Chaos in your mouth? Your uncle has been asking me for so long, why don't you two juniors know what to say to me? You don't respect the old at all."

"Senior Chaos was the lord of the Chaos Era hundreds of millions of years ago. He dominated the origin continent. It can be said that he is the real powerhouse who rules this great world." Wen Yidao.

Xi Shuai scratched his head, "Didn't you say that there is still a Lord of the Beginning, who is powerful?"

"The Lord of the Beginning is the daughter of the Lord of Chaos. Does it matter who is powerful? Before my master became the strongest, their father and daughter were the strongest people in the world."

Ruo Ling said.

The time to speak, the giant palace has come close, and the Lord of Chaos's divine body is very large. In Origin Continent, everyone is detached or undead, but it doesn't show much.

But when I got here, I discovered that the body of ordinary people is actually too small.

His battle body like a mountain appeared directly, condescendingly looking at everyone.

Ruo Ling and Wen Yi hurriedly bowed their hands in salute: "I have seen seniors."

"En. What about that kid Chen Ze?" the Lord of Chaos asked.

"In the case of senior, my master is refining the town boundary beads. If senior's matter is not urgent, please wait a little longer." Wen Yi said.

The power next to the Lord of Chaos immediately became turbulent: "My business is bigger than the sky. He also comprehends the fart Zhenjiezhu. If he doesn't speak to me about this matter, I will demolish his base camp. "

After all, the Lord of Chaos walked away quickly, and his figure quickly disappeared in the majestic and shining galaxy, and he seemed to go directly to Chen Ze.

Here Tie Rouqing and Yang Yue flew over, and Ruo Ling asked quickly: "Master Sister, what happened? Why is Senior Chaos so angry."

The two laughed bitterly and told the cause of the matter. Xi Shuai laughed loudly: "Chen Ze, this dog thing is really romantic. Lu Qingluan, Jiang Qingyao, Dongfang Li, Long Shu and Yu Ruxin, there are so many more. Got one, haha..."

Yang Yue and Tie Rouqing didn't know Xi Shuai at all. Chen Ze was naturally angry when he heard him count this way. Especially Yang Yue slapped it over, seemingly intent to kill.

Here Wen Yi hurriedly dispersed her offensive, "Junior Sister, what are you doing?"

"This guy actually dared to laugh at Master, **** it." Yang Yue gritted her teeth, very emotional.

Xi Shuai said grinningly: "Girl, I can understand your loyal nurse's mind, but I have a deadly friendship with your master. In the early years, I accompanied your master to fight the world. Without me, he would not I know how many times I have died."

"I don't believe it. You are too weak, how could my master fight the world with you." Yang Yue didn't believe it a hundred.

"Anyone who is not born is a strong man, back then, my combat power was much stronger than your master." Xi Shuai is an impeccable Taoist body. Now that his practice has fallen, he still has the potential to become a superb monk.

"I am." Yang Yue said: "My bloodline is superb. I have been a spiritual master since I was born."

A word made Xi Shuai choke speechless.

"Junior Sister, Xi Shuai is Master's brother, and he is our elder, you must not be rude." Ruo Ling finally spoke.

Zhou Qi glanced at Letian Shu, and smiled bitterly: "Sure enough, our choice of ease was wrong. Look at Chen Ze himself and become the number one in the world. Look at his disciples, the strength is far surpassing us."

"Daughter-in-law, you can't say that. We didn't choose ease. When we were separated, you had the same level of cultivation. If you hadn't protected his family for him, could he go to the battle with peace of mind." Xi Shuai comforted.

"It's a pity that the Origin Continent has been fragmented, otherwise I would really like to go and see the style there." Zhou Qi said.

"There are detached people everywhere in Origin Continent. Although the state of those people has fallen back to what they once was after the will of that person left, they are still dangerous. And the place of being detached has been ruined by my master, and it makes no sense for you to go. "Wen Yi said.

Xi Shuai curled his lips: "Chen Ze is a man who typically raises the table when he is full. It is not good for him."

Yang Yue's eyes widened, it was obvious that Xishuai's identity was not enough to let her extinguish her anger, and she wanted to make another move.

Ruo Ling hurriedly finished the game when he saw this, "Since the master sister and the younger sister are here, I quickly closed the divine body and followed me to see the masters."

Only then did Yang Yue give up, and both of them took the divine body, transformed into the height of ordinary people, and entered the eighth heaven.

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