My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1538: There are also ninth orders

Time, bit by bit.

Near the Eighth Heaven, the magic weapon of the palace where I lived in the first place is shining, and there are thousands of visions.

It can be seen by the naked eye as far as the celestial pole, and it exudes endless divine power, which is coveted.

Chen Jingwei heard that this may be another daughter-in-law, so she came to take care of her in person. Because the Lord of Chaos was not by his side, Chen Ze's four disciples all guarded them and protected them wholeheartedly.

"Why is the breath that radiates from this child so strange? I only seem to stay by my side, and I feel that Hundred Sculptures are at ease, and my cultivation base keeps rising."

Chen Jing spoke slightly.

"Grandma, this is not surprising. Don't forget, in this great age, my master is the strongest, and in the beginning, my master is also a monk of the same level. The offspring of the two of them will inevitably be against the sky." Wen Yi said.

"It's not a good thing to be too bad, it's not easy to discipline. Look at the descendants of the Chen family, they are more or less self-reliant, good-natured, and defiant. If it weren't for the eighth heavenly creatures to respect my Chen family, I'm afraid it is. How many times I have died early." Chen Jing sighed slightly: "I only hope that this child will have a character, and will not be domineering."

Ruo Ling smiled and said, "Grandma, we are all Master's real disciples. If these little guys do something that humiliates the Chen family's appearance, we can teach you a lesson on your behalf."

"The family is big and there are everyone. Now it is Chen Chen as the head of the family. Let him arrange everything." Chen Jing sighed slightly, "I knew that the heirs were so unwieldy, I wouldn't live for so long. I'm really annoyed."

"Grandma, you can't say such things. Master has worked so hard and has gone through all kinds of hardships, and the purpose is to protect those close to us from immortality." Yang Yue said quickly.

"Master and I are different from you. They have been involved in the world of cultivation since birth. In our hometown, very few people can live over a hundred years old. Even if life is limited, what we care about is not regretting life. Now this kind of chaos Living aimlessly is really meaningless."

At this time, Wen Yi's expression suddenly changed: "Grandma, please take care of Madam Taichu first. I have something to go out and see."

He turned around and walked out, Ruo Ling knew him well and guessed something.

Just gave Yang Yue a look, and then followed out.

Out of the main hall, seeing Wen Yi leaning on the railing and looking into the distance, she asked, "What happened?"

"Some strong people are here," he said.

"The strong? Except for the master, who else can make you so jealous of the strong in this world? Haven't the cultivation bases of those ninth-order transcendents all down." Ruo Ling said.

"It's hard to tell. Although most of the facts show that the group of people recovered after Yi left, some of them managed to escape. This kind of Tier 9 transcendence is too strong. If you attack us here at this time, I'm afraid Things are in trouble," he said.

Ruo Ling was worried when he heard him say this: "What should I do? I'll ask Master to come back."

"You leave now, be quick. We can die, but Grandma and the others can't do anything."

Ruo Ling didn't hesitate, and flew directly to the distant galaxy.

And in the void on the other side, a group of cultivators flew in the air. The aura of these people was strong or weak, but they were undoubtedly detached.

This group of people all came from the Origin Continent. Originally, the Origin Continent had an enchantment. People below the major cultivation level of the great world could hardly leave without special means. But Chen Ze's shell blasted the Origin Continent to pieces, causing the barrier to collapse, and anyone could leave at will.

Although most of these detached persons' cultivation bases have fallen back to what they used to be, they are still detached, and they are still too strong compared to the outside world of cultivation.

And by coincidence, Wen Yi's worry became a fact. Really, there was one person who was ingenious and used extraordinary means to preserve his cultivation.

Over the past hundred years, the Lord of Chaos has focused on taking care of his daughter without asking the world. The Primordial Era fell apart after Tao Tianxing's death, and most of the elders of the fifth-order transcendence were scattered with people.

These people are rampant in the void, not knowing how many small worlds they have levelled and become masters.

They think that the emptiness is vast and endless, so long as the Force originates from the mainland, they can sit back and relax and act recklessly.

And one of them even kept his cultivation base of the ninth-order transcendence, regained the entourage of the transcendence, and established a brand new force.

The little life conceived in the abdomen in the early days is a combination of the blood of the two strong, and the mother’s powerful war body is constantly nurturing as a hotbed, and it involuntarily exudes a peculiar energy to urge people to continuously strengthen their cultivation. .

This kind of energy spills over a wide range, and it happened to be discovered by this person who has kept the cultivation of the ninth-order detachment, and pursued it.

"This energy can help my cultivation base go further. At that time, I will become the master level cultivation base of the great world, so I won't be afraid of Chen Zezhi and his ilk."

This person flew in the air and spoke, and the subordinates beside him smiled and said: "If your adult's cultivation base goes further, we will definitely be able to re-create a force as powerful as the Beginning of the Era."

Listening to the flattery of those around him, this person is very useful. He used to be just a small person, and his cultivation was only a second-order detachment, and he was always driven by others. Now that he has gained power, of course he will show off his strength.

From a distance, I saw the huge palace magic weapon of the Lord of Chaos. This person's eyes were bright: "Good treasure, I am worried that I have no place to live. I never thought that there is such a palace magic weapon here."

"My lord, I will fetch it for you later." A dogleg said.

The person shook his head: "No, I feel that the strange energy that can improve my cultivation is from this palace. If you go there, it may be dangerous, I will check it myself."

In fact, he also has his own selfish motives, and he is worried that this may cause his further treasure to be robbed by his subordinates, so it is better to take the shot himself.

A few steps came to the front, and from a distance I saw Wen Yi standing on the stone steps of the palace magic weapon from a distance, looking at himself with fear.

"Is the treasure in this yours?" he said.

The Chen Zemen were not a cultivation base that merged with the imprint of the Heavenly Dao, so no one knew their cultivation base when they didn't make a move.

Wen Yi said: "Sure enough, there are still people who retain the strength of the ninth-order transcendence."

"It turns out that you also came from the Origin Continent. Since you know that I am a ninth-order transcendence, I will hand over the treasures obediently, and I will spare you not to die." He said.

"Let's go, there is no treasure at all. If you really want to get any treasure, go to the starry sky, there is one of the strongest treasures in the world."

Wen Yi did not hesitate to point out the location of Chen Ze's galaxy.

This person turned his head and looked, and sure enough, there was a splendid and colorful galaxy in the distance, which looked very magnificent and majestic.

"Yes, I will definitely go there. But before that, I want to get the palace and the treasures in it!" he said.

"You'd better not make any wrong ideas about this palace. Its owner is not something you can offend." Wen Yi said, "because it is..."

He hadn't finished speaking yet, the offensive of this man suddenly started, rushing towards Wen Yi.

The powerful 9th-order Transcendant's combat power is too strong, directly crushing it, the divine body collapses.

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