My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1557: Satiate

Chen Ze had already prepared for the protoss' mastery, but he still didn't expect that there would be an entrance to the profound realm in the apse.

This goddess handsome named Ning Bing was able to nurture her own profound realm.

Profound Realm, that is a real world. The great world where Chen Ze once lived was just a dilapidated mysterious world, and it was already extremely vast.

Ning Bing's profound realm was more complete and vast.

Hua Lian came with Ning Bing's commanding order, and assigned Chen Ze a small world in the Profound Realm to Chen Ze. He lived alone and was very luxurious.

"You will stay here in the future. If you have anything to do, please contact me with this." She threw out a communication magic weapon made of unknown material, which seemed to be of high level.

Chen Ze didn't say much when he took it, and Hua Lian left directly.


Chen Ze was very comfortable. Just sitting down, he felt energy fluctuations, and immediately saw an incarnation of Ning Bing appear in front of him.

"Can you tell me about Heixuan now." She still cares about it.

Hei Xuan, but the most troublesome look of the God Realm, made countless powerful and refining gods love and hate.

"There is no special method, enough temperature, enough pressure, so that Heixuan can melt and maintain the original divinity. Fusion of other materials can be refined into a good defensive magic weapon." Chen Ze said.

"I feel that your Black Profound Battle Armor is not a magic weapon, but a certain magic technique." She said.

Chen Ze sighed and said: "The eyes are really poisonous. I can only change the material structure of the divine body instantly during the duel, temporarily transforming it into a black mysterious."

"It seems that we still have blind spots in the study of material divine bodies, and we have abandoned such precious nature." Ning Bing sighed.

"There is no absolutely powerful divine body, only the most suitable divine body. At least the gods are growing bigger and stronger in the energy cultivation system, and dominate all races. This is your answer." Chen Ze said.

Ning Bing smiled, "You are actually preaching to me."

"It's just a little personal opinion. If you don't approve it, forget it, don't be serious." Chen Ze didn't have the kind of respect in the bones of other soldiers of the Shenfeng Army.


At this time, Ning Bing took out a bunch of precious divine materials and put them in front of Chen Ze. What she gave in her capacity was not the tattered ones that Yi had accumulated for many years, but they were all high-level divine materials.

"I need a pair of black profound armor, and as many refining cannons as possible. The biggest problem for us to destroy the thief is not to be able to defeat them, but to be unable to pursue long distances." She said.

"This is easy to say, but the refining of the Black Profound Armor requires a special environment. At least one galaxy with a diameter of more than one hundred thousand gods must be found. I have to rely on the temperature and pressure at the center of the galaxy. As for the giant gun, I can only It is said that you can refine it as much as possible. After all, the consumption of this thing is not the cannon body, but the cannonball. Your divine talent is enough to refining the cannon body, but if you want a large number of cannonballs, it is not enough."

This item is clearly intended to be filled with private pockets.

Refining the giant cannon doesn't consume much magical materials at all, and most of the material of the cannonballs is directly quantized by him with energy.

However, when it came to the battle between high gods like Ning Bing, Chen Ze decided to improve the artillery shells and add some powerful magical materials as an aid to further strengthen the power of the artillery shells.

"Shencai, you don't need to worry, how long will I be able to see my giant cannon?" she asked again.

"One-tenth of the year, I have refined a lot, and I have some experience." Chen Ze always has to take advantage of it as soon as possible.

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

After that, she left.

"Hey, I don't think we have become a hitman now." Chen Ze sighed, then his eyes were on these gods, and he couldn't help but shine.

"Good thing, now you can refine more advanced mechas."

One-tenth of a year is a year, and Chen Ze succeeded in refining a giant cannon with a caliber of up to three degrees early. This is already the length of light years.

Then he began to condense the cannonballs, tried to add some mighty magical talents in, and got a kind of high-energy explosive bullets after repeated trials, which was twice as powerful as the simple quantum superposition state cannonballs.

At this moment, he took the initiative to walk out of the Profound Realm and came to Ning Bing with the refined equipment.

"I have seen a handsome man." He said.

Ning Bing laughed, "Yes, I know that I should salute."

"It's up to you to cover it anyhow, I can't give up face under your hands." Chen Ze said.

"They are all people I cultivated personally, and when you count them, they all belong to my disciples. They are loyal to me, and there is excuse for your disrespect to irritate you." Ning Bing said.

Chen Ze didn't want to continue entangled with this, and directly put out the giant cannon and ten rounds of shells, very powerful and mighty.

"Brilliant, the caliber of the giant cannon this time is more than ten times that of mine before, plus I improved the cannonball, and now the power of a cannonball is about fifty times that of the one that hit you before."

Ning Bing's expression showed a wave of waves after hearing it, only she knew it in her heart.

She knew the power of Chen Ze's shot earlier, if the power increased fifty times, it would be able to penetrate her divine crown and threaten her divine body.

"Not bad." Ning Bing said: "The place we are going next is a huge galaxy with a diameter of 100 million degrees, which is enough for you to refine the Black Profound Armor."

With 100 million powers, Chen Ze felt that his brain was not enough, how big it was.

"The handsome man is big enough, in fact, one or two hundred thousand is enough." Chen Ze said.

"Bigger is so convenient for you to refine the Black Mystic War Armor with better performance. This time I will give you the best war armor to refine the gods, plus the Black Mystic, even if you can't achieve absolute defense, at least It must be able to withstand 90% of the attacks of the high gods."

she says.

Chen Ze pretended to wipe out his cold sweat: "God is handsome, I will try my best. After all, I have only seen you a high god, how do you know how powerful your level is."

"The strength of the Protoss in the early stage depends on the size of the divine body, and in the later stage it depends on the divine crown. I am now a three-time high **** with a triple divine crown. The combat power is counted as the first echelon among the high gods." She said.

Chen Ze was relieved now, even Ning Bing couldn't kill him with a single blow. It seemed that he would definitely have enough life-saving means to meet other high gods in the future, and even a battle would not be impossible.

He then hesitated and rubbed his hands: "Well... God-skilled, I am now entering a bottleneck in my practice, and the divine body cannot be expanded. Do you know of any means to increase the strength of the soul?"

"Some rare divine materials and treasure medicines are okay, but I don't have them right now. But with your current cultivation base, you can try to enshrine the gods. After success, the spirit will be sublimated." She said.

"Can a material divine body like me conjure a god?" he asked in surprise.

Ning Bing smiled and said: "In fact, a large part of the gods of the Protoss also follow the path of the material divine body. Only when the cultivation level reaches a certain level will they abandon the material divine body to further improve their cultivation. Participating in the Conferring of Gods, but the ancestors of the Protoss have demonstrated for countless years, proving that the combat power of the material divine body is not as good as the energy divine body."

I see.

"Then, how do I enshrine the gods?" Chen Ze asked.

"This time we go to the place where there is a Conferred God List Projection, and the Conferred God can be completed." She said.

"Thank God, handsome!"

Chen Ze suddenly came so that Ning Bing was very uncomfortable, and finally had no choice but to smile.

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