My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1559: The cannon strikes

The voice fluctuated in the starry sky and spread to the other party.

Soon, a stalwart figure appeared on the main ship, the divine body was a lot taller than the Protoss around him, and Chen Ze roughly estimated that it would be tens of thousands of gods.

The halo of the three divine crowns also extends beyond a hundred degrees, which is even larger than the average galaxy.

"It turned out to be a little junior sister. I didn't expect to see you in many years. You have also become the commander of the legion." Camer said, the sound of the sound moved the gods, and there was a **** of thunder.

"Brother, you are already so strong, if there is no such thing, you are now qualified to participate in the ordeal of the Supreme God." She said.

Chen Ze was speechless, and bumped Hua Lian with his shoulder, "Hey, our family superintendent looks very savvy. How can I not speak my mind?"

"Shut up, do you dare to question the handsome?" Hua Lian whispered angrily.

"Why do you have a brain to mention this, is it obviously stabbing someone else's knife."

"Shut up!" Hua Lian said.

Seeing the two men bowed their heads and whispered, Qiang felt uncomfortable after seeing them. After all, Chen Ze was Ning Bing's personal soldier, and Hua Lian was the adjutant of her own supernatural commander. Could it be that after Chen Ze joined, the two of them had too much contact with each other. Feeling unhappy?

Sure enough, as Chen Ze said, Camer originally had a faint smile on his face, but when Ning Bing said this, his face changed, his eyes even changed, and the whole person's aura became eerie and terrifying.

"Brother, you were actually infested by the heart demon!" Ning Bing was shocked after seeing it.

"Enough! I don't need your tongue." He was angry.


Hualian said with concern after hearing this: "Being invaded by the heart demon, once irritated, it will be like a different person. Now we are in trouble. After all, we belong to the Shentian army, and it is very likely that Kammer will be involved."

Chen Ze curled his mouth: "I said earlier that our wise man can't speak his mind. If it's the situation just now, the brothers and sisters are deeply affectionate, it is estimated that we will let us pass."

"No matter what, you have no right to accuse the marshal."

The two of them whispered again, making it even more uncomfortable, and even felt that their hopes were lost, and they had mispaid their love for so many years.

"This year is the memorial year of Yuan'er's 300 million years of death. My practice is to destroy a sacred army to pay homage to her. Ning Bing, you are very unlucky." Camer said.

Ning Bing's face was dim, "Are you going to kill me for her sake?"

Looking at her state, it would be **** to say that she has no feelings for this Camer.

"I just said that our family master is affectionate to her senior, you still don't believe it." Chen Ze muttered again.

Hua Lian gave him a white look: "When did I disbelieve it? It's the **** commander who didn't admit it."



Hualian nodded, and suddenly felt something was wrong: "Why did I tell you this? When is the time now? How can you not see the situation clearly. Camer already has the cultivation base of the Highest God, our family **** is handsome. It's definitely not an opponent. Now he wants to kill us, this is in trouble."

"Isn't that still a high spirit? Really being a master of our house is a vegetarian? Fortunately, you believe in her as a god, why are you suspicious now." Chen Ze said.

"It's not that I don't have confidence in the handsome, but the gap is too big. The handsome is not his opponent anyway!" Hua Lian said.

Chen Ze hugged his shoulders, "Then you look down on me too much."

"What does it have to do with you? You are an ant in the eyes of our master, how can you influence this battle?" Hua Lian said.

"Would you like to make a bet. If our family is handsome and wins, you will have to laugh when you see me in the future, and you can't give me a face." Chen Ze said.

"I'll talk about it later."

For the third time, the two of them whispered and fell in Yu Kang's eyes again, leaving the middle-level commander in despair, feeling that he had no chance.

"Don't replace her with me, you, all the people in your God's Court are not qualified to mention her. Ning Bing, thinking that you are my junior sister, I will let you leave alone. All the people in the Shenfeng Army must stay and become me Sacrifice to the deceased wife." Camer said.

Ning Bing waved a big hand, "This is impossible! You have also been on the battlefield, and asked you to give up your legion, would you agree?"

"Then there is nothing to say, you are willing to die with them, I don't mind." Camer said.

"Brother, have you forgotten your vows, how can you be worthy of the teachings of Master and his elders?" Ning Bing wanted to persuade him last.

Camer took a deep breath without hesitation: "From the moment my wife was killed, the former Camer was dead. Now I live, I want to fight against the gods and kill all the people in the gods in my life. You are not the first. One, and not the last. I am no longer a human being."

Then he waved his hand: "Offensive!"

With an order, tens of thousands of figures rushed out of the several divine ships ahead, each with powerful auras.

"Too many, their number is more than ten times ours." Hualian said.

At this time, Ning Bing glanced at Chen Ze: "The rest is up to you, I will fight him!"

Her words surprised the rest of the Shenfeng Army. Although Chen Ze's combat power is obvious to all, it is not strong enough to face so many powerful players.

Because there is not only one high **** in the Camer army, but four.

Even if their own **** commander's superior combat power drags on Camer, the other three high gods are not what they can contend.

This battle is the most difficult battle faced by their Shenfeng Army. It is very likely that it will be directly annihilated and become a failure of the Shenting Army.

"Understood, don't worry, there is me here."

Chen Ze spoke.

Hualian roared and panted, to relieve the tension in her heart: "Look at what you can do."

She was also the cultivation base of the Middle God, and she didn't feel that Chen Ze, a person who was not even a god, could lead them to resist the attacks of so many people.

Ning Bing had already rushed over at this time, facing countless enemies, she didn't have any dodge, a palm blast forced everyone to dodge, and went straight to Camer's front.

"You rush to die, then die."

Camer directly fought back, and the two fought together.

Their confrontation is vast, and both of them are worried about hurting their own people, and deliberately withdraw to the distance.

An offensive of tens of thousands of people here has taken shape, and it is being crushed towards the Shenfeng Army.

"Hey, isn't there you, why haven't you shot it yet?" Hualian couldn't help teasing Chen Ze, but she was ready to take it.

Chen Ze said calmly: "Don't worry, let the enemy in."

Speaking of Chen Ze, he directly displayed three giant cannons, which he prepared privately for himself. He didn't expect to use them so soon.

"Everyone is listening, no one is allowed to attack without my order." Chen Ze shouted loudly.

The people of the Shenfeng Army had seen the power of Chen Ze's giant artillery, and it was indeed powerful. However, if Ning Bing had given Chen Ze permission before leaving, these people would not follow his instructions.

Angrily: "How do you want to fight? Let us look at it like this? Your cannons alone can't deal with the three supreme gods!"

"How to fight is my business, I don't want to be destroyed, just follow the command."

Chen Ze narrowed his eyes slightly, waiting for the distance of those people to be about the same, the three giant cannons directly lit up with dazzling light, and in a flash, countless shells were shot by him in an instant.

Boom boom boom...

The first round of explosions was powerful, and it was also the most lethal wave.

Those Carmer who rushed over didn't expect the power of these shells to explode so much that they were directly bombarded and killed by more than half.

The wave of attacks that came from crushing was emptied a lot.

The situation on the battlefield was reversed in an instant, and the disparity was no longer so great.

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