My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1565: Ning Bing is a fat sheep

"Stop, it's the core area of ​​the Chil galaxy inside. You can't enter without a warrant."

The core of a galaxy is the most important part of maintaining the operation of a galaxy. What's more, the Chiere galaxy is so huge that it is difficult to repair once it breaks down.

Therefore, this is a restricted area, no entry is allowed without special reason.

Ning Bing took out his military rank rune at this time: "I am Ning Bing, the commander of the Shenting Army and the Phoenix Army. Refining some treasures requires the environment of the core of the galaxy."

After checking, the guards compared and confirmed Ning Bing's identity and said, "Ning Bing is handsome, the identity verification is true and effective, but your entourage must be verified."

Chen Ze hurriedly took out his military rank rune, and the other party frowned after checking, "Sir Ning Bing, your entourage has too little time to join your Shenfeng Legion, and has no merit. According to the regulations, you need to get a job. In the Year of the Thousand Gods Realm, you can only be eligible to enter when you have achieved 300 points of merit."

So troublesome.

Chen Ze spread his hands together: "Great handsome, I'll just find a smaller galaxy, you have to come here."

"The environment here is more suitable." Ning Bing said: "What if I guarantee it?"

"That's okay. But you need to pledge 10,000 merits, and we have to charge 2,000 merits as insurance money." This person said.

Ning Bing took a deep breath, "Okay, I agree."

"I don't agree." Chen Ze quickly refused.

Just kidding, two thousand feats. Yi has to live 30,000 years in the battlefield of gods and demons and earn enough feats to get immunity from the battlefield.

Good guy, this is just a refining magic weapon that costs two thousand feats. It's too extravagant.

"Let's just go around and find a smaller galaxy without any delay, why bother. Isn't it good for me to give me these two thousand achievements?" Chen Ze said.

"If you succeed in refining, I will give you ten thousand merits." Ning Bing was very proud.

If she can really refine the Black Profound Battle Armor, the absolute defensive attribute alone is worthy of such a high feat.

"You are so proud, I admire it."

Chen Ze clasped his fists.

"Let's go, I don't want you to fail the refining of my baby because of a waste of time."

Ning Bing smiled.

After brushing their merits, the two entered the core area.

It's already extremely hot here, with dazzling stars everywhere. Gravity is intertwined with each other, which is regarded as an eye-opener for Chen Ze.

Systems composed of three stars, four stars, and even five, six, seven or eight stars abound.

The most eye-catching thing is the huge ball of light in the center. Chen Ze knows that it is just the optical disk of a huge black hole, and it must not be approached.

In front of the huge natural volume, even monks like them would have to bow down.

"Good guy, this black hole is probably a thousand gods in diameter. This is the first time I have seen such a huge black hole." Chen Ze admired.

"It turns out that you called Star Heart a black hole, which is interesting. This is obviously a huge ball of light, so why is it a black hole?" she asked.

Chen Ze said: "In fact, it is just a description. When the size of a star is huge to a certain extent, when the fuel is exhausted, the inner core will collapse and a black hole will be formed. escape."

"What's so strange about this? The speed of light is nothing more than the speed of light. Most of the gods of the Protoss can surpass it." Ning Bing asked again.

"This is how you are bored with matter. The speed of light you said is actually using space capabilities to teleport, rather than real transcendence in speed." Chen Ze laughed and said, "The theory of material limit. When the speed of an object is infinite When approaching the speed of light, the mass will be infinite. In short, relying on speed is to break the speed of light forever. Now you can imagine how terrifying the gravity of a black hole can restrain light."

"I still think you are a bit exaggerating. Most of our Protoss follow the energy body route and are not limited by this quality." Ning Bing said.

"Don't believe it? Then you try. If you can surpass the speed of light, I don't want the 10,000 feats." Chen Ze bet her.

"Well, if I can't surpass, I will give you 10,000 more merits."

Ning Bing was still proud, and Chen Ze gave a thumbs up to express his admiration.

"In this way, I will release the light source, and you will move when you see the right time."

The two of them are also idle and bored, anyway, they have to hurry, and they are still far away from the area that is really suitable for refining the Black Profound Armor.


Chen Ze hit a ball of light with a palm without any trace of other energy. And Ning Bing also set off to catch up.

After just a few breaths, she was completely surpassed by this ball of light, and even disappeared without a trace in her sight.

Ning Bing was very surprised, "How is this possible, I am an energy body."

Chen Ze explained to her: "Your divine body is indeed composed of energy, but your divine heart is not. So just relying on the speed of the divine body without using the laws of space, you will never reach the speed of light. However, I can."

"Impossible. I only have a divine heart and can't surpass the speed of light. How can your completely material divine body reach the speed of light?"

"Because I can completely transform the material **** body into energy in an instant, without even the **** heart. So, I can."

Chen Ze smiled and said, "Come on, let's try it, it's time to hurry and relieve boredom."

"If you lose, you have only ten thousand merits," she said.

"If you win, give me 10,000 more."

Anyway, this woman is a big dog.


Ning Bing gritted her teeth, her achievements were not in vain. Thirty thousand feats are already a lot. It is her salary of one hundred thousand years that has to be added with the extra feats of actively killing the enemy.


Ning Bing shook his hand and shot a ball of light, then stared at Chen Ze. I saw Chen Ze's divine body suddenly changed into a vast and majestic energy, which seemed to be more energy than her divine body contained.

This huge energy began to move in an instant. Although there was a certain gap with the light ball, the distance between the two had never been longer.

In other words, Chen Ze's speed really reached the speed of light.

Ning Bing chased to the front using the law of space. Chen Ze recovered his body after arriving and stretched out three fingers happily: "Thirty thousand merits, Ouye!"

"I feel trapped." Ning Bing regretted it.

"You are a handsome man, you can't speak without counting." Chen Ze smiled.

"I Ning Bing tells the story." Her purple pupils are made up of 108 purple stars, which are especially shining.

The two of them took one step further, but Ning Bing couldn't hold it any longer, "Chen Ze, the energy of my divine body has already begun to boil, I'm afraid I will be injured if I move forward."

"Then you wait here, the temperature here is not enough to melt Hei Xuan, I have to move on." Chen Ze said.

"Can your divine body still hold it?" She was surprised.

"How fresh, or why would I be able to refine the Black Profound Battle Armor? I guess it's not that the gods of the Protoss don't know this method, but that they can't get close to the core of the galaxy with such a high temperature."

Chen Ze waved his hand and moved on.

Ning Bing fell into thinking at this moment.

Has the energy system used by their Protoss been absolute?

She still vividly remembers the theory of the speed of light described by Chen Ze today. Regardless of whether his material divine body can withstand such a high temperature, it is just speed.

Once the space is blocked and teleport cannot be used in the duel somewhere, then the Protoss of their energy divine bodies will not be able to catch up with Chen Ze anyway, isn't it a lamb to be slaughtered?

This guy, the body can condense the Black Profound Armor to achieve absolute defense, and has unparalleled speed.

You can slay the high gods before they have been enshrined. If you reach the realm of high gods for him, I am afraid that even the most high gods can fight.

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