My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1569: Deliberately targeted

The moment this jade talisman was played, the divine power on the Conferred God List was directly interrupted, and then it began to slowly close and close.

At this time, Chen Ze was not the only one on the Conferred God Stage, and the Conferred God List was suddenly closed, causing all these people to interrupt the Conferring God.

Although it is no longer necessary to accept the power of the gods when condensing the gods, if they want to successfully condense the gods, they must borrow from the list of gods.

"who is it?"

The big man was not here, and he was extremely angry when he saw this scene. Immediately got up and rushed out and walked to the land of the Conferred God Platform.

At this time, all the people on the Conferred God Stage were suddenly interrupted and failed to condense, resulting in backlash by the gods.

The most unlucky person died directly, and the others were injured to varying degrees. Among them, Chen Ze is the most serious.

After all, he almost emptied the divine way in the Conferred God List projection, and the backlash at this time almost shattered his divine soul.


Chen Ze spit out blood, he stubbornly turned his head to look, only to see that the person who closed the Conferred God List was looking at him with a playful expression at this time, as if he was still proud of it.

on purpose!

Chen Ze stopped paying attention and stopped paying attention to this person and began to recover from his injuries.


At this time, a terrifying coercion was crushed from a distance, and Yu Wei was restrained in the air before he settled down.

Not long after, the sky was surging with blue flowers, and a figure surrounded by endless stars, stepped through the space and came to the front.

"See the star lord!" Yu Wei saw the visitor's heart trembled, and hurriedly met him.

"Who told you to close the Conferred God List?" Star Master Qier said indifferently, even revealing a hint of killing intent.

Yu Wei was frightened in a cold sweat. Although he is also the Supreme God, there is also a gap between the Supreme Gods. Moreover, this one who can sit in the position of the star master of the Chil galaxy is unimaginable.

"Returning to the Star Master, I saw a crack in the projection of the Conferred God List, which is likely to be destroyed. I am responsible for the guardianship of the Conferred God List and must be terminated." He has a legitimate reason, even if the Star Master is extremely angry and fearless at this time.

Star Master Qi'er was blue with anger, "The first person who wanted to condense a complete divine crown in the age of God's Court was just ruined for you, you are extremely sinful!"

"Star Lord, I just abide by my duties, and there is nothing wrong with it. If the Lord thinks this is the reason for killing me, the subordinates are willing to die." Yu Wei said loudly, spreading all over the place, attracting everyone to speak.

Star Master Qier glanced at Chen Ze at this time and couldn't help but sighed: "No matter, you are reckless, but you are kind. But you are not the master of this time, and you are already guilty of closing the list of gods without asking for instructions. Go by yourself. Find your boss to receive the punishment, you can't escape this."

"Yes, Star Lord."

Although punished, as long as Chen Ze pays the price, everything is worth it.

Yu Chun was also happy to see Chen Ze being swallowed by Shinto, and the ill feeling in his heart finally came out.

At this time, the Conferred God has ended, and the Conferred God Platform is no longer a restricted area.

Here, Ning Bing and Hua Lian quickly rushed to Conferred God Stage No. 4, feeling that Chen Ze's breath was extremely unstable.

Star Master Qi'er also came to the front at this time, and Ning Bing hurriedly met him.

"No gift, I am sorry for you this time. The poor generation of Tianjiao is so ruined in my hands."

Ning Bing said: "The star master doesn't have to worry about it. They just act according to the rules. This is just an accident."

"This little guy's soul is almost shattered, and his body is about to collapse. Even if the cultivation level is not abolished, it will be difficult to improve in the future." Star Master Qier said: "It's a pity."

Ning Bing naturally felt distressed, "This is also his fate, if it condenses ordinary divine crowns."

"When he stabilizes his injury, you can take him to my Qi'er galaxy resource treasury to select some divine talents as compensation."

Star Master Qi'er seems to be compensating Chen Ze, but for a monk who has no future, what is the use of having more divine talents? He is supplementing Ning Bing in a disguised form. After all, it is the general of the other person who is losing, and there is always something to show.

"Thank you for the gift of the star master, I will consult his opinion before making a decision."

After all, Star Master Qi'er has a noble status, and he just showed up for a moment and left.

Here Chen Ze sat on the No. 4 Conferred God Stage for five full days before he stabilized his injury and opened his eyes.

Hualian eagerly took out the Shen Dan and handed it to him: "Take it quickly, your injury cannot be ignored."

Chen Ze took a deep breath, "It's nothing serious, but it's an injury, I can hold it."

Ning Bing said: "This time your luck is too bad. If that person is not too rigid, it only takes half an hour to complete the cohesion of the divine crown. The projection of the Conferred God Board seems to have cracks, supporting this period of time. There is absolutely no problem."

"It was indeed my bad luck, and I met someone who targeted me." Chen Ze said.

Ning Bing frowned: "You can't talk nonsense about this. Even the star owner of the Kir galaxy appeared in person and was very angry. He also said that I will take you to the resource treasure house to choose something as compensation."

"What can be done with more compensation, it is insignificant compared to Shenmian." Chen Ze smiled bitterly.

Ning Bing and Hua Lian were also emotionally down. There is really no comparison between the two, especially Chen Ze condensed with a complete divine crown.

"Brilliant, I still need to recover from my injury. Go ahead and make up for it. Remember, don't be merciful, take as much as you can. This is what they owe me."

Ning Bing said: "Don't worry, I am not a hypocritical person."

After she said she turned and left, Chen Ze whispered to Hua Lian at this time: "Go and help me investigate. Who is the person who closed the Conferred God List, especially his personal connections, must be investigated clearly."

Hualian asked puzzledly: "You still think he is targeting me deliberately."

"I don't think, I'm sure. I have seen his eyes, just want to stop me, even want me to die." Chen Ze firmly said.

"Okay, I'll leave it to investigate."

This kind of thing is public and it is not difficult to investigate.

Two days later, Hua Lian brought news, "Unsurprisingly, the person who closed the Conferred God List is called Yu Wei, Yu Chun's own brother."

"This is not surprising. His brother was dismissed for negligence of duty, and he, the older brother, must make his mark."

"He is so cruel. You are the first person in our Shenting era who wants to condense a complete divine crown. He even dared to report private grievances. If he knew it, he would definitely be put to death." Hua Lian said.

Chen Ze smiled and said, "But we don't have evidence, do we."

"It's so cheap for him." Hua Lian said angrily.

"Don't worry, I, Chen Ze, have never suffered. He dares to calculate me, and he will pay the price." Chen Ze said.

Hua Lian said worriedly: "But you are now backlashed by the gods, the star master has already said that even if you keep your cultivation base, you will not be able to make further progress in the future. Yuwei is the Supreme God."

Chen Ze's cultivation is indeed strong, but he only has the power to kill ordinary high gods. Moreover, it is not yet certain how the injury will recover, and how is it possible to seek revenge from Yu Wei.

"I said long ago that my purpose of ennouncing the gods is not to obtain the divine crown, but the transition of the divine soul. As for the injury, this is probably the difference between the physical divine body and the energy divine body. My divine soul is on the spiritual stage, and in the strict sense of the physical body They are two individuals. Also suffer the backlash of the divine way, all your injuries are on the heart of God, but I am the divine body that bears most of it. The soul seems to be broken and collapsed, but it is easy to recover and will not affect future practice."


Hearing what Chen Ze said, Hua Lian was pleasantly surprised: "If you tell the marshals, she will be happy."

"Don't tell the **** commander about this matter for the time being, she will never allow me to kill a supreme god." Chen Ze said.

"You really dare to think about it." Hua Lian curled her lips.

"Because I dare to think, so I have everything today." Chen Ze said: "I want to leave the Shenfeng Army for a while. You just say that I am so hurt and leave, so that the **** commander will not look for it. When I complete my affairs, I will naturally. Go back to the team."

"I really can't talk about you, can't I just swallow for a while?" she said.

"If you have grudges, are you still a man?" Chen Ze smiled and said, "Don't worry, I never do business at a loss. Since these two brothers want to harm me, they must pay the price of their lives."

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