My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1572: Congressman Wohon

"audacious in the extreme!"

Among the towering temples, a figure surrounded by mysterious aura was extremely angry.

"This is a challenge to my Qi'er galaxy! Star Lord, I would like to personally go and kill this dragon." Another voice resounded, exploding several galaxies.

Under the temple, Yu Chun knelt on the ground, almost lying on his front with both hands. His body is trembling. Here are the nine members of the Chir Galaxy Council. The leader is naturally the star owner of the Chir Galaxy.

"It is unforgivable to behead the priests of my Chil Council." The Chil Star Master slowly said, "Yu Wei is a disciple of Councillor Wohong. Let Councilor Wohong resolve this matter."

"Yes, Star Lord."

At this moment, Wohong waved his hand and took Yu Chun away from the temple. Reappeared, already outside the Chil galaxy.

"Yu Chun, Yu Wei, as a priest, should make all-out preparations for next year's ordination of the gods. Why would he go outside the galaxy?"

As a priest of the Conferred God, Yu Wei has a ten-year rotation period. With important responsibilities, how could he leave his post easily.

"Senior, I..."

"To be honest!" Wohong shouted: "Your brother is dead, don't I even have the qualifications to know the truth?"

Yu Chun did not dare to conceal anymore, and told their brother's intention to kill Chen Ze.

"Damn it!" Wohong shouted after knowing the truth: "You brothers are all damned!"

"Senior, forgive me." Yu Chun hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Your brother is my most beloved disciple. I didn't expect to be killed because of you as a stupid. You are stupid, he is even more stupid. You made my own mistake, and you want my disciple to die." Wohong said.

"get out!"

He waved his hand, and Yu Chun was frightened and hurried to flee. Being able to escape under such a powerful man who has murdered himself is afraid that it will become a psychological shadow for him in this life.

"Chen Ze, although you have a reason for your action. But you are no longer that genius. My disciple's hatred must be avenged, otherwise, what is the face of my Wohong."

He stepped further and went to the Intelligence Department of the Chi'er Galaxy to investigate Chen Ze's whereabouts.

However, Chen Ze left the Qier Galaxy to practice in his early years, and only recently returned. Zhang Tong was taken to see Hualian as soon as he was on the road, even the intelligence department of the Chil galaxy could not control his tracks.

"No trace? What do you eat!" Wohong reprimanded.

At this time, the priest in charge of the intelligence work said: "My lord, although we don't know the whereabouts of Chen Ze, we have controlled a clue over the years. When the Shenfeng Army left, four people were left behind. The leader is Ning Bingshen. The handsome adjutant, Hua Lian. The other three are a leader and two entourages of the Kamikaze Legion."

"You mean, their purpose of staying here is to meet Chen Ze." Wohong said.

"It should be. If you want to find Chen Ze's whereabouts, you can take these four people as bait."

Wohong was more embarrassed. He killed Chen Ze with selfish intentions. He would not dare to be so blatant if he hadn't been ordered by the star master. It's a bit unreasonable to arrest irrelevant people now.

"My lord, your purpose is to kill Chen Ze, and these four are just taking them. As long as they don't hurt their lives, Lord Star Lord will not blame you." The priest saw Wohong's hesitation and said directly.

indeed so.

Wohong nodded and asked about the whereabouts of Hualian's four, and he went directly.

Here, Hualian and several people are still waiting for news from Chen Ze. Now that more than two days have passed, I don't know what is going on with Chen Ze.

"I'll go out and look for it." Zhang Tong said.

"Alright, you go and have a look. Chen Ze said that the place where he started his hands would be outside the Qi'er galaxy. If he comes back, he must be at the entrance." Hua Lian nodded.

Here Zhang Tong left directly, and soon a majestic breath enveloped him, completely covering the planet Hualian and the others lived on.

The three of them rushed forward to see what happened, but saw a big hand coming from the sky cover, grabbing the three of them directly.

Hua Lian struggled and failed. From a distance, the owner of the big hand looked serious and had an extraordinary aura.

"You are a member of the Chire Council!" Hua Lian said in shock.

Wohon did not deny: "I am Wohun and a member of the Chil Galaxy Council."

"My congressman, why did you act against us for no reason?" Hua Lian was responsible for the negotiation.

Wohong said: "You don't have to pretend to be confused at this time. Are you here to wait for Chen Ze to return? He killed my disciple Yu Wei, and he is punishable for crimes!"

Really killed.

The three people here are all shocked.

They did not expect that Chen Ze's combat power would grow like this in just five years. Killing the Supreme God is too powerful.

"Senior, since you know everything, you should know that there is a reason for Chen Ze to do this." Seeing that the matter has been cleared out, Hua Lian said directly.

"No matter what his reason, Yu Wei is the priest of my Chi'er Council, how can he easily beheaded." Wohong said: "Don't worry, I won't kill you. But I have to bother you to follow me. Let Chen Ze come out."

Qiuyang smiled at this moment, "Although we are in the same legion as Chen Ze, we have never been in harmony with him. I would not bother to stay here unless the commander ordered me. What if you take us, Chen Ze will not show up because of us. "

"This is not something you should consider."

At this moment, Wohong imprisoned the three of them, and with a big wave of his hand, a light curtain was gathered in front of him, and inside was the figure of Zhang Tong.

"I have branded the consciousness on him. As long as Chen Ze appears, I will know it for the first time." Wohong said: "I will wait here. I believe Chen Ze will come to see you."

Hualian's face changed drastically at this time, and she sighed that she had too little experience. If Chen Ze was here, he would definitely pretend to be confused and would not admit that he had met.

Their words have been exposed just now, and Chen Ze is bound to join them and return to the Legion.

Chen Ze, we killed you!

Hua Lian regretted a little, it was better not to stay, let Chen Ze toss himself. With such a powerful cultivation base as Chen Ze, he would never die easily, and there would always be a chance to meet again.

Here Zhang Tong came to the entrance of Qi'er Continent to wait in peace, but it was strange that he could not see Chen Ze for a long time.

He didn't know that Chen Ze was passing by his side, and the powerful spiritual sense had already felt that Zhang Tong had a trace of spiritual consciousness connected to the distance.

Besides, after running away from Yu Chun, he knew that this death would definitely be reported to the higher level of the Qier Galaxy. Chen Ze chose to avoid Zhang Tong because he wanted to go to the place where Hualian and the others lived without knowing it, to see if anyone was setting an ambush.

Now it can be confirmed by the spirit of Zhang Tong's body that Hualian and the others must have been targeted.

"It's a bit troublesome, I don't know if my current combat power can fight this person."

Chen Ze whispered, already lurking in the star field where Hualian and others got up, and felt the breath of Wohong from a distance.

Wohong couldn't really hide his breath, but as long as Chen Ze was aware of his existence, then he was confident that he would not let Chen Ze escape.

It's a pity that he missed one thing.

Chen Ze is a material divine body, and he can seal the divine body and breath with divine marks, and he can approach quietly.

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