My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1584: Black Shark Collection

If you have a combat exploit, you will naturally have to report it, especially this time, the Shenfeng Legion directly wiped out the Red Candle Divine Pirates under the Black Shark's banner. This is a great achievement.

Red Candle's actions alone were enough for her to die hundreds of thousands of times. But she is the supreme god, with black sharks backing her back. The ordinary legion is not enough to deal with, and if she really wants to be wiped out, she must mobilize the Shentian garrison of the patron saint's court, not to mention the anger of the black shark.

In line with the black shark restraining the red candle to be honest, only intercept and kill some caravans. Although Shen Ting will update her bounty every once in a while, her attitude towards her has always been laissez-faire.

This time, I suddenly received that the Red Candle God Pirate Group was completely wiped out, and the bandit leader Red Candle was even more downright. This made the people of the Shen Ting Army headquarters not shocked.

At the Military Staff Meeting, everyone was silent and did not express their opinions easily. After all, this matter was too big.

"I've seen it. The Shenfeng Legion was ambushed some time ago and almost the whole regiment was destroyed, but I didn't expect it to do such a big thing after entering the seventh divine pass. That's good." An army officer said.

"Join Jiajun, Ning Bing is your junior and senior sister, this time Jia is also proud to be in the army."

Others don't know the truth, and still congratulate, but don't want Jia Zhenxing to hate him to death. There was a post-war report about the suppression of the Kammer God Pirates group before, but he did not expect to come again this time.

"I think we need to be cautious about this matter. We all know what kind of person Red Candle is. Let alone a corps in the district, even if the garrison of our headquarters is dispatched, we still have to say whether it can be wiped out. This battle report, I think it should be. Suppress it first and send someone to investigate." Jia Zhenxing thought for a while and said.

A military staff member who has a good relationship with him laughed, "Jiajun, I think you are a little too careful. We all know the character of sister Ning Bing. For so many years, her regiment has always been the leader of our Shenting army, and She has never exaggerated her pride. I think this is true and can definitely be promoted as a model in the military."

"The only thing I worry about right now is how the Black Shark will react when he knows this." At this time, a military cadet frowned. "Everyone knows that Hong Zhu is a registered disciple of Black Shark, and some people even rumored that it was his private. Give birth to a daughter. Once we destroyed a branch of our God Court and slaughtered countless creatures. In the end, it was not the Black Shark who came forward to negotiate directly with God Court to save her. Their relationship was unusual."

"Anyway, this one should be kept secret in advance. Let's report it and see what the military leaders think. After all, it is too big. Moreover, the 35 million merit points are not a joke, it is enough to build a brand new garrison. If this is sent out casually, in case an army that does not obey the movement of the gods is sent out early, it is too threatening for us." Jia Zhenxing is still a loyal military officer, not only because of his jealousy of Ning Bing. , But also consider the overall situation.

Moreover, Ning Bing did not have the strength to destroy the Red Candle God Pirates from any aspect of this matter.

Jia Zhenxing didn't know how the military chief's meeting was held. When he returned home, his mother just came to see him.

"Baby, is there any news recently?" She thought that since the Black Shark had asked for her benefits and responded to the favor owed to her, then this matter should have a result.

"A very strange thing." Jia Zhenxing said.

After hearing this, his mother became interested, and thought it was Ning Bing who had been wiped out, and asked, "What is it, secret? Can you tell your mother."

"According to the regulations, it is impossible to say, but since my mother wants to know, I will tell you." He then solemnly asked: "Mother, what do you think of Ning Bing's strength and talent?"

"That's it. I have only been a high **** for so many years, and I haven't even touched the threshold of the most high god. What's wrong, the news is about her?" The woman was a little expectant.

"Yes. Mother, she... eliminated the Red Candle God Pirates."


Jia Zhenxing's mother was very surprised.

Everyone knows that Hong Zhu is a subordinate of Black Shark. If she knew that it was Hong Zhu to deal with Ning Bing before knowing the news, then the result could be said to be pretty sure.


"Is there any misunderstanding? It would be nice if Ning Bing could live by the sight of Hong Zhu. What is her ability to kill? I don't believe it," she said.

Jia Zhenxing took a deep breath, "Although I suppressed the report on the military merits of the whole army, this matter should be true. Don't forget, Camer was also wiped out by her. Moreover, she has already been out there. We haven't returned for more than 200 million years, and we don't even know the specific cultivation level."

"Kamer was suicidal, what does it have to do with Ning Bing? That is because she picked up a big deal. And this matter is not finalized by your military staff. Now she has engaged in such false information, yes Couldn't we send the supervising army to investigate?" Jia Zhenxing's mother said.

"I'll wait until my father and the others have agreed on this matter. Now this incident has alarmed the seven military leaders. If it is false, it is up to them to decide how to deal with Ning Bing. If it is true, it is also theirs how to deal with the black shark. Thing."

He is showing his fatigue, "Mother, I am about to enter the period of rest. I want to practice hard and try to attack the Supreme God once during this period of rest."

"My son is irritated." In front of Jia Zhenxing, his mother has always looked kindly: "Well, it's enough for you to have this heart. Go."

After taking her son to the bedroom, her smile gradually dissipated, and then turned and left.

Soon, she directly took out the magic weapon of communication, and personally sent a message to the black shark. In the previous contact, in order to prevent people from being aware that she sent someone to go there in person, now that the situation has changed so much, she must personally determine the truth.

If it is true, then she will reassess Ning Bing. People who have the ability to kill Red Candle cannot be ignored by the Shenting Army headquarters. If she wants to deal with it, she will have to be more careful.

Black Shark was cultivating in his base camp, and the magic weapon in his hand suddenly rang, awakening him.

He was very unhappy.

The magic weapon of communication was activated, and a message came from it: Was the red candle killed by Ning Bing?


Black Shark was very surprised. He didn't even know about this. How did this woman know about it?

Black Shark thought for a while, felt that this woman's words didn't seem to be groundless, but there were loopholes in every detail of careful consideration.

Hong Zhu is the Supreme God, and with so many followers of the Supreme God, how could he be wiped out by Ning Bing, a small army?

Then he walked out and summoned his liaison adjutant.

"Have you done everything I explained." he asked.

Contact the adjutant and said: "Master Shark, I have asked Hong Zhu to do this according to your instructions. I think there should be news when I come here. I'll go and inquire now."

Immediately the adjutant went to contact him, but he didn't get a response after waiting for half a day, and his face was a little abnormal.

The Black Shark can be sure at this time that something has happened to the Red Candle.

However, he still didn't want to believe that Hong Zhu died like this, it was unbelievable.

"Could it be that I was deceived?"

Black Shark suddenly felt that if the Shenting Army headquarters had to do something with him, that woman would contact him in advance, and let him take the lead with favors and resources, so that he had a legitimate reason to go to the army.

"If this is the case, you would take it for granted. I, Black Shark, has been in the Sixth God's Domain for so many years, how can you easily handle it."

He felt that things were weird now, and everything was not peaceful, so he directly summoned all his subordinates. Without the red candle, he still had five famous subordinates with the thief group, all of which promised to regroup near the Black Shark galaxy within seven days.

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