My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1594: Sever relationship

"You are probably surprised, why am I looking for you."

The second army chief met Chen Ze in his temple.

"Could it be that the adults would like to recommend me what available talents?"

Chen Ze knew that the interests were complicated, and he could only choose to compromise.

“I’m not able to decide the candidate for the Commanding Council. It’s too early to say. Chen Ze, I’m the leader of the Second Army. In addition to my job, I also serve as the procurement, manufacturing, and distribution of armaments for the God’s Court.”


Chen Ze secretly said, it seems that he is eyeing the equipment in his hand.

"Chen Ze understands."

The second army leader smiled and said, "Just understand, I don't know if there is any difficulty?"

Chen Ze shook his head: "It's just a general magic weapon, it's not a problem. If adults want it, I will submit the refining process and the design of the magic weapon."

"Chen Ze, you have your heart." The second army leader sighed: "Now the Protoss is retreating on the battlefield of the gods and demons, but it is too difficult to meet the enemy with the flesh and blood of the soldiers. You gods and phoenix... now it should be called Xuanlong The army is here. I have seen the battle of your Profound Dragon Army. It is too important for us to rely on a group of monks in the middle and early gods to join forces to kill the Supreme God."

"Chen Ze understands the importance. Refining the magic weapon of the giant cannon is not difficult, but only I can refine the required cannonballs. You can also see that I am not walking with the energy divine body, so this cannonball is even the energy divine body. The refining tool **** can refining, but the power is also much smaller, and I can't help it."

It is impossible for personal power to supply all the gods.

"Can you elaborate on it?" the second army chief asked.

"The shells seem to be matter, but they are actually compressed by energy, so the energy released when they explode is so huge and full of lethality. Otherwise, it takes hundreds of shells to explode to be able to be cut. Kill the Supreme God.

If it is an ordinary energy compression, the power is probably only one-tenth. If you want to kill it, you have to attack a thousand shells to do it. "Chen Ze said, "This is the check and balance of my unique cultivation system, and no one else can control it at all." "

"So that's the case. But it's also good. The real army battles are easily millions of pieces, not to mention a thousand pieces, even tens of thousands of 100,000 pieces, as long as they can kill the enemy's high-level cultivators, it is worth it. "The second army leader said: "Chen Ze, I still have something to say."

Chen Ze guessed what he was going to say: "My lord, did you value the starship of my Profound Dragon Army?"

"It turns out that the magic weapon is called the Starship, which is very appropriate. I think its speed is good. Is this also your unique refinement?" He asked.

"This is too much trouble to refine. This thing is not like an ordinary **** ship. There are hundreds of thousands of magic weapon parts combined, and they need to match each other. I can give the drawings. As for whether the gods can imitate them, I don't know anymore." Chen Ze didn't intend to hide it either, so he changed it after a big deal and reduced the speed to two hundred times the limit speed of the divine body.

In short, he still has to keep one hand.

"Well, it's so good." The second army leader nodded.

After that, Chen Ze took out the magical materials and began to pour the refining process and craftsmanship of the cannon and other magic weapons, and then handed them to the second army chief.

"Chen Ze, let me remind you one last sentence. It seems that the Xuanlong Army is in your hands, but the forces of all parties are complicated, so you have to balance it." He finally exhorted.

"Thank you for your reminder, Chen Ze understands."

He then left.

On a remote planet, this is a dual star system, and the two suns in the sky are very conspicuous.

But the planet under his feet can accommodate the divine body of Ning Bing, master and apprentice, one can imagine how huge this star is.

"You hate me." Kadao suddenly said.

"Yes." Ning Bing did not deny that she came back for this.

"I... regret it." Jiadao sighed: "Seeing you now, think about the past of your brother again."

Ning Bing clenched his fists tightly with both hands: "But there is no regret medicine in this world. Master, when Brother Kamer told me about this, I didn't believe it a hundred. Why? You are so cruel? You know, brother respect. You, but you can actually take care of his children."

"There are some things, I can't help but." He said.

Ning Bing still couldn't help tears rolling down, Daruo Xingchen: "Master, do you know what we have encountered when we come back? Why is there a battle before the Seventh Divine Pass?"

Jiadao frowned upon hearing this: "She shot again?"

"You should understand her. For Brother Jia, she can do everything, including killing me." Ning Bing said: "I am very sad that my most respected master will treat me like this, and even let the Black Shark take action. I I am also very glad that you did not participate in this matter, and Brother Jia did not participate either."

"Girl, I apologize to you on her behalf, you...can you forgive us?" Jiadao asked.

Ning Bing cried and shook his head: "Master, if I die on the magic inspection platform of the seventh pass, if I die in the hands of a red candle or a black shark, do you think this apology is still useful?"

Kadao smiled bitterly, "It seems that you have already decided."

"Yes! Master, the life of my thousands of brothers who died is also life. I am not qualified to forgive anyone on their behalf." Ning Bing said.

"Are you trying to break with me?" Kadao asked.

"This may be the best choice. You will never let your mother pay for your life. Then this matter will only end the relationship between us. From then on, you will no longer have me as a disciple, and Ning Bing will have no relationship with you anymore. It's about it." Ning Bing turned around after speaking.

Watching her leave, Jiadao was very sad.

He has only three disciples besides his son in this life, and two of them have now fallen. And now, the last one also broke with him, how could he not be sad.

"Come out."

At this moment, he spoke, Jia Zhenxing came from a distance, his expression also dim.

"You know now, what did your mother do for you. Collusion with the thief to murder relatives." Jiadao said.

"Father, I..."

Kadao said: "I didn't make you resent her. After all, she did it for you. But you must remember not to be like her. If you do whatever you want to do for the purpose in your heart, you will eventually be forever!"

The father and son stood silent on this superstar at this time, and then suddenly there were waves of energy in the distance.

"En? What happened?" Jiadao frowned.

Jia Zhenxing glanced in that direction, "Sister Xu, let her relieve the grievances in her heart, after all, this decision is not easy for her to make."

Jiadao nodded and said nothing.

The second day.

Chen Ze opened his eyes from sitting still, just in time to see Hua Lian coming.

"Is Ning Bing not back yet?" he asked.

"No. You have asked this several times, and the commander went to see her master, can anything else happen?" Hua Lian said.

She didn't know what was hidden in it.

Chen Ze knew very well that Ning Bing and Jiadao would never have any reminiscences, and it would be nice if they didn't fight.

Didn't come back all day, this is not normal.

He thought for a while and asked, "Do you know where Jiadao lives?"

"Military chiefs usually live in their own temples, but Jiajun chiefs also have their own residences, where his wife and son live." Hua Lian said.

"Tell me, I'll pick Ning Bing!"

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