My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1596: Eight Gods Ice Clan


Seeing this, Jia Zhenxing wanted to catch up, but he knew that his cultivation was not enough to save his mother. He hurriedly said to Jiadao: "Father, you will save your mother. Chen Ze is so lawless, and his mother is in his hands. It must be dead."

"Chen Ze is indeed lawless, but it can't reach your mother!" Jiadao's face was blue with anger: "My cultivation is not as good as Chen Ze, how can I stop it? Even if it is reported to the Shenting Army, it is too late at this time. Let's go, go to the ice Family!"

In the short mysterious world, Chen Ze incarnate entered and came to see Ning Bing.

With his supreme divine power, he temporarily condensed a spine to her, giving her the ability to act temporarily.

But the absence of phoenix bones had a great impact on Ning Bing.

After helping him transform, Ning Bing had the ability to speak.

"Chen Ze, you dare to attack her, she is the daughter of the contemporary patriarch of the Ice Clan." Ning Bing said.

"What about whose daughter? We originally came to find her to seek revenge. It doesn't matter if we didn't directly kill her. If I dare to shoot you, how can I tolerate it." Chen Ze said.

"My life and death are not important, but what you represent now is our Profound Dragon Army. The safety of those brothers is in the same vein as you." Ning Bing said.

Chen Ze smiled, "Don't worry, I have my own measures. Besides, I didn't kill her, I just kept her to the Ice Race to retrieve your bones."

"You really shouldn't be reckless. Phoenix bones are not important to me. When I was able to abandon my material body and condense the energy and divine body, you should know that I don't value these at all." Ning Bing said.

"You have now broken your mind and reunited your material body. Then everything must start from the beginning, without phoenix bones, how can you cultivate the material system with me?" Chen Ze said.

Ning Bing was startled, "Do you want me to modify the material divine body?"

"I can't be the only one in my line, and the combat power is so strong, don't you want to?"

Ning Bing sighed after hearing this, "I didn't have the courage to disperse my mind and reunited my physical body before, but now it is indeed an opportunity. But... I can practice with your mortal bones, so I don't really need to care about the phoenix bones."

"You gave up your physical body and condensed the essence of your blood into the heart of God. Now this phoenix bone is related to your future combat strength and must be retrieved. My heart is determined, and you don't have to persuade it anymore." Chen Ze said and waved his hand. : "You have a good rest here, I'm out."

His divine body opened his eyes at this time, his expression calm.

This battle is enough to cause an uproar, and all forces are waiting to see the show.

Ice Clan, in the Great Hall of the Ice Clan, the patriarch of the Ice Clan looked displeased, "Da Zi, **** it, dare to do something to my daughter!"

Jia Zhenxing was very concerned about the safety of his mother at this time: "Grandfather, you must think of a way to rescue your mother."

"Don't worry, grandson, your mother will be fine. If you dare to provoke my ice clan, I will smash it into pieces!"

Jiadao said: "Father, this incident is all Hua'er's fault in the final analysis. Chen Ze is in full swing at this time, and all parties are paying attention. If you move him at this time, I am afraid that Shen Ting will be dissatisfied."

"What's your dissatisfaction? My Ice Clan is one of the upper Protoss, and they won't do anything to kill one person. Three days later, I will be here waiting for Chen Ze to come!"

Three days, soon.

The ice clan fights a huge galaxy completely alone, and the clan is even more powerful as a forest. Chen Ze came to the appointment with Mrs. Jia in one hand, very domineering.

At this time, the Ice Clan’s square was full of people, all the powerhouses of the highest **** level.

And many of them are powerful, comparable to monks like black sharks.

Seeing Chen Ze's arrival, someone immediately shouted: "Chen Ze, are you convicted? Release my sister quickly, or you will die with no place to bury!"

Chen Ze smiled, "At this moment, I'm still asking my teacher for crimes, but your Ice Clan is overbearing. You have already taken advantage of her life in exchange for Ning Bing's phoenix bones."

"Chen Ze, I think you are looking for death!"

This person rushed directly and shot Chen Ze.

Chen Ze didn't care. He stepped on the person directly and shattered the divine mian with just one stroke. Then Chen Ze kicked his chest horizontally, kicking his mind out of the cracks. .

So strong!

A supreme **** couldn't help being shocked when he saw it.

"Chen Ze, don't do anything stupid. Once a life is lost, it will be hard to save it!" Jiadao reminded.

"I don't intend to kill people, I only need bones." Chen Ze said, "Chief of the army, the outcome of today's affairs is all up to your choice."

"Interesting, since so many gods, no one has dared to be so presumptuous in my ice clan."

At this time, the patriarch of the Ice Clan slowly walked out of the hall and looked at Chen Ze from a distance.

"It seems that you can be the master, so don't waste time. Where is Ning Bing's bones?" Chen Ze looked at him.

As soon as the Ice Clan chief raised his hand, a white phoenix bone slowly rose from his palm, "The phoenix bone is here, but... you are not qualified to take it!"


As he said, he grabbed his hand directly, and the phoenix bone immediately turned into powder and dissipated with the wind. He then looked at Chen Ze, his eyes revealing disdain.

Obviously, he didn't think Chen Ze dared to really kill the people of the Ice Race.

Chen Ze narrowed his eyes slightly, "Very good, really good."

Chen Ze slowly raised his hand as he spoke, and Mrs. Jia was raised aloft by him.


Jiazhen's market rushed forward, but Chen Ze's wrists shook as he waited. Madame Jia's divine body and divine heart were completely shattered and slowly dissipated.


Jiazhenxing roared to go over, but was stopped by Jiadao. Jiadao at this time was equally distressed, after all, it was his wife who died.

"I will kill you!"

At this time, someone from the Ice Race rushed out again, with awe-inspiring killing intent.

But before he hit Chen Ze, his body suddenly stopped moving. Looking down, Chen Ze didn't know when he had been in front of him, and a hand pierced his chest, grasping the spirit of the heart in his hand.

"Chen Ze!"

At this time, a strong voice sounded in the distance, turned out to be the leader of the first army.

He rushed in just to reconcile from it, but it seemed that it was a step too late.


God's heart shattered, and one more person died.

Chen Ze was already really angry. He never showed his true combat power when beheading the black shark, the purpose was to cover people's eyes and ears.

The Supreme God is the highest level of cultivation for the Protoss, but the gap is huge. At least the cultivator at the level of Black Shark was vulnerable to Chen Ze.


The first army leader saw that the more powerful Chen Ze was, the more distressed.

The Bing Clan is one of the eight upper gods under the three sects of the gods, and has a powerful right to speak in the gods.

Enemy with the Ice Clan is no less than an enemy with God's Court.

"Sir, Chen Ze, I'm just a small person, and I yearn to do things for God's Court. But... the Ice Clan deceived my companions, how can I just swallow this. I'm standing here today, putting everything to an end."

He paused and continued: "You don't have to intervene."

Immediately he looked at the Ice Clan people: "Ice Clan, if you want to kill me, you can come and fight."

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