My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1598: Kneel down and kowtow

The Ice Clan, one of the eight tribes of the gods, was knocked on the door, the clan elders and chiefs were almost killed, and even the clan members were beheaded.

But in the end, the people who came to the trouble were unscathed. The incident had spread in the realm of God's Court, and even among the three sects, there were even strong people who noticed the junior Chen Ze.

Under the reflection of the magic weapon of returning to light, the scene of Chen Ze's battle at the door was completely reproduced, and the strong men couldn't help but praise again after seeing it.

"It's the first time since the beginning of the Shenting Era that I have seen such a brave junior. It's interesting to dare to be an enemy of the Shang Gods just for the sake of a phoenix bone."

"The key is his cultivation system, matter!" Someone said: "At the beginning, the lord of the gods took the lead and created an energy divine body cultivation system when my protoss was about to be destroyed by the demons, saving my protoss from the fire and water. Countless gods. Ji's inspection revealed that the energy divine body is indeed stronger than the material divine body. But the appearance of this little guy seems to break the fact that we have regarded it as an iron law."

"You can't ignore it at this time." The old man said again: "We need to put the matter of the material divine body on the agenda again, and choose geniuses within the clan to try."

At this time, the old man who spoke first said: "Rather than try it ourselves, it is better to hand the juniors directly to Chen Ze for advice, how about?"

"Yes! My clan will let the boy Chengquan come." The old man in red smiled.

"Isn't that your precious great-grandson? Wasn't it the one who threatened to teach him personally and instruct him to concentrate on his body?" said the old man who spoke first.

"If Chen Ze can teach this kid as good as half of his, and the future achievements are no less than those of our old guys, I will be happy, very good!"

"My little daughter has frozen three gods, and it will take too long to wait for Shenyao, so let's give it to this kid too." The old man in red opened his mouth and shocked the two old friends beside him.

"I think you want to hire a son-in-law. I still remember that girl, her temper is very stubborn, can Chen Ze surrender." The last black-robed old man said.

"That's his business, anyway, I left it to him." The red-clothed old man laughed, "I think Chen Ze is pretty good."

"Since the two of you value it so much, I can't be too stingy. Just hand over that kid Lan Yi to him."

These three are all the rulers of the three clans, and the elders of the Sanyi clan under the lord of the gods, who can control the gods on behalf of the lord of the gods.

If this move of the three of them were to spread out, I'm afraid it would shock the entire God's Court.

At this time, Chen Ze has returned to the station, and his battle has been passed back to the Xuanlong Army. At this time, more than a hundred people respect Chen Ze more than before.

Protoss has always respected the strong.

Especially for someone like Chen Ze.

Ning Bing had already come out of the Dwarf Profound Realm, and was chatting with Chen Ze at this time.

"After all, I still couldn't get your bones back. It's a pity." He was a little melancholy.

"I feel pretty good now, can't Fangu cultivate your material system?" Ning Bing said.

Chen Ze nodded: "Of course it can, but I'm not sure about the upper limit."

"That's good, at least the result is not the worst. Our brothers have revenge. I just lost a phoenix bone. Originally, I thought that my life would also be involved." Ning Bing smiled.

Hualian was unwilling to reconcile, "It's a pity that the people of the Ice Race are so cheap."

"What else do you want? Killing two people and hurting three people is enough." Ning Bing gave her a sideways glance, "In the future, when my cultivation level has not yet been improved, I will completely rely on you for protection."

"Shenshuai, rest assured, from today onwards, I will stay with you, eating and sleeping in the same place." Hua Lian is a Zhongshen at any rate, with this self-confidence.

"I'm no longer a superb commander. Now the superb commander of the Xuanlong Army is Chen Ze." Ning Bing emphasized: "And I am not suitable to be a deputy commander now, Chen Ze, you should choose another person."

Chen Ze said: "No, before you grow up, the position of the officer will be vacant."

At this moment someone came from outside, "God handsome, someone is coming to see you!"

Chen Ze got up at this moment: "Who is it?"

"I don't know, but they sent these three waist cards, please have a look." The soldier handed three waist cards, each of which was engraved with ancient totems, but they looked more like words on closer inspection.

Ning Bing was shocked when he saw it, and Hua Lian exclaimed directly: "This is...Shun, Yao, Yu, the three clan orders!"

Hearing these three words, Chen Zeza thought that he had heard the legend of the Three Emperors of the earth of China.

Unexpectedly, the top three sects of the Protoss were actually named Yao Shun Yu.

"The people of the three clans are coming together. This matter is not trivial. Chen Ze, go and greet them. Their three patriarchs are three elders. The Lord of the Shenting has been in no position for many years. Now the Shenting is controlled by these three powerhouses." Ning Bing reminded.

Chen Ze nodded: "You guys, I will go now."

Immediately after Chen Ze walked out, there were just seven people in the hall outside, and the head of the first army was on the list.

Chen Ze clasped his fists from afar: "Sir, honorable guests, Chen Ze has missed far to welcome him."

"It's okay, we came suddenly." The old man in red was sitting at the head of the left side of the hall. Chen Ze didn't know what his status was, but the people of the three clans were noble. He saw the capital of the First Army standing. He didn't sit down, but stood next to his head.

The old man in red nodded slightly when he saw him, "Isn't this pretty sensible? What are you still talking about to me."

The head of the First Army was ashamed. He was afraid that Chen Ze would not know the identity of this person, so he pleaded guilty for Chen Ze before coming. Unexpectedly, Chen Ze saw the clue and was so respectful.

"Grandpa, don't make fun of me." The first army chief smiled bitterly.

Chen Ze knew that the first army came from the Yu clan, one of the three clans, and what kind of person he called the grandfather.

At this time, Chen Ze was also looking at the other five people in the hall. The three looked very young men and women, but with a hint of cold arrogance on their expressions, they were also looking at him. But it seemed that the other party looked down on him.

The other two can't see the crushing, but their identity should be unusual.

At this time, the first army chief introduced: "Chen Ze, this is the patriarch of my Yu clan, and one of the three elders of the Shenting Court."


Chen Ze couldn't help taking a breath.

Without the Lord of the Gods Court, this one is one of the three highest-ranking members of the entire Protoss.

"Chen Ze is fortunate to be able to meet Mrs. Yi." Chen Ze hurriedly bowed.

The red-clothed old man smiled and said: "You are welcome. You are not an adult, but when the girl in my family worships you as a teacher, we should call brothers and sisters."


His words shocked Chen Ze. The head of the first army was also dumbfounded. This is his grandfather, and there is an aunt of his who is here today, dear. If this grandmother really worshipped Chen Ze as a teacher, what would he be the leader of the First Army? What should I say when I see Chen Ze in the future!

"My lord, don't make a joke." Chen Ze answered quickly.

"Why, don't you want to?" At this moment, the beautiful woman in the sparkly embroidered skirt was very unhappy: "Or you can worship me as a teacher."

"Naughty! The gods are in order, and the master is the teacher. Brother Chen Ze can be described as the first person on the material road, and the combat power is even harder to find an opponent. Your little girl can worship Brother Chen Ze as a teacher. Fortunately, don't hurry up and kowtow!" The old man in red stared.

This beautiful girl was very reluctant, and Chen Ze hurriedly finished the game: "My lord, what the **** is going on, I'm almost scared to death."

The red-clothed old man said: "Brother Chen Ze, the strength of your material divine body is that the three of us have already seen it and think we can try it. If it can be inherited and promoted, it would be a great thing for the Protoss. This will not give you an apprentice. Here, there are also the little guys from the Yao and Shun families. Don't froze and kowtow to apprentice. The old man in your two families can't take this face off. I don't care for my daughter."

Chen Ze was stunned, and the two young geniuses of Yao and Shun were also surprised. They didn't expect that the teacher they found for them was Chen Ze. How could this be acceptable to them.

"Uncle, is this true?" one of the teenagers asked.

Those who followed nodded: "Patriarch does mean that. And the Yu clan leader came here in person, this is beyond doubt."

"Masters, let's just forget about this. If we want to cultivate my material system, we can discuss it together, and apprenticeship is not necessary." It's Ye Lao's daughter, this is in trouble.

When he became the teacher of this woman, didn't his identity jump to match the old Sanyi, what a joke?

"I can't forget it, preaching and receiving a profession, you must go to a teacher, otherwise the name is not right." The red-clothed old man said, and then he said to the three with a cold face: "Kneel down, kowtow!"

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