My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1633: Decree of the gods

Ning Bing certainly didn't believe it, "How is this possible!"

"This little guy was in a rock at first. Hualian was frightened by its heartbeat and came to me directly. I tried to smash my fist, but the Black Profound Armor couldn't collide with its eggshell. My hand I'm injured, and there should be some splashes on it at that time."

Chen Ze said.

Ning Bing was stunned when he heard it, "Is there such a good thing?"

"Good shit! I was almost sucked up by it." Chen Ze vomited.


Tuanzi screamed dissatisfiedly, as if saying that you misunderstood me.

"Your blood is a great tonic for it, and it can make it advanced." Ning Bing said as he moved closer, poking his head to look at the dumpling.


Unexpectedly, this little guy called out suddenly, making Ning Bing two steps back in shock.

"Well, you are also the Supreme God now, can you still be scared by it?"

"The starry sky realm beast has the power of a **** king as soon as it is born. It wants to kill me very easily." Ning Bing said.

Chen Ze was curious, "How is it possible! It is so weak, I couldn't struggle when I wanted to kill it."

"It's not that it can't struggle, it's because it recognizes the Lord, it can't resist you." Ning Bing said.

Chen Ze suddenly rolled his eyes and said to the little guy: "Dumpling, shout at her!"


Chen Ze was speechless, "You are howling like this!"


The dumpling was opening his mouth, and his voice was no longer cute. After a sound, Ning Bing was shocked and took seven or eight steps back. His face was ugly, and he vomited a mouthful of blood after holding his chest for a few breaths.

"I'm going, so cruel!"

Chen Ze quickly apologized: "Are you all right."

"What do you mean." Ning Bing gave him a blank look and said, "Now I know the horror of this little guy."

"Well, we will also have war beasts in the future. To the dark creatures, tsk tsk." Chen Ze smiled.

"You'd better make it clear and don't cause trouble. Otherwise, if it's mouthful, we will have to be swallowed by it." Ning Bing reminded.

"Know it."

Chen Ze was very curious about this little guy now, pricked his finger and handed it in front of him, the little guy held it in his mouth.


Chen Ze felt that his energy was losing rapidly, and the little guy had already closed his eyes with enjoyment.

Chen Ze lasted for a few breaths, and hurriedly said: "Okay, I will die if I **** it again."


Ha ha ha ha!

The little guy reluctantly opened his mouth, and Chen Ze's body also regained control. But the little guy obviously didn't proceed, and blinked expectantly with big eyes.

Chen Ze thought for a while, took out Kuai Heixuan and threw it to it.

The little guy hugged it with his paws and squeaked to eat.

Hei Xuan, who has absolute defense, was chewed by it like a crisp melon.

There is no one in this mouth.

Chen Ze secretly said.

But he was also very excited, knowing that this little guy has the power of a **** king, then there will be two super powers in the Xuanlong Army in the future, who would dare to fight the crooked mind.


At this time, Chen Ze's magic weapon for transmission sounded, and when he read the information, his expression became weird.

"What's wrong?" Ning Bing asked.

She knew that the people who could directly communicate to Chen Ze were extraordinary, and in the Xuanlong Army, only battalion leaders and above were qualified.

"It's Qing Yan, he told me to rush back to Canyang's headquarters, saying that the court has a decree to come." Chen Ze said.

Ning Bing's expression turned bad after hearing this, "The time to come is always coming. It seems that Shen Ting intends to let you hand over military power."

"They don't want to disrupt the balance of the battlefield of the gods and demons. They are worried that more demons will come over." Chen Ze sighed.

"Actually, as you are now, military power is dispensable for you. God's throne is already supreme in the God's court. It can participate in the God's court council and participate in the discussion of the decisions of some of the God's tribes." Ning Bing said.

"I'm not interested in this. It's better to be an unruly king." Chen Ze said.

But this is not Qing Yan's decree, but the decree of God's Court, no matter what the result is, Chen Ze will always pass.

Not answering, it represents a betrayal of the gods.

Chen Ze also felt that with his own power, he could contend with the demons and the gods at the same time, and crack the earth to seal the king.

He was relieved that the Xuanlong Army had Ning Bing, but the three disciples followed him on the road, as well as Yi.

If they were indeed recalled, there would probably be no reason for the three disciples to stay in the Xuanlong Army, and Yi would also return to the court with Chen Ze.

When he arrived at the Sun Galaxy, Qing Yan came out to greet him in person.

"Brother, what is the decree of Shenting?" Chen Ze asked.

"This time the decree is to send a message, no one came. But I already know the content, I am afraid it is a bit troublesome." Qing Yan said.

Chen Ze said, "Are you asking me to surrender the power?"

"That's not the case." Qing Yan said: "You should know where the Shenting main area is. There are darkest areas on three sides."

"Is it the darkest tide?" Chen Ze thought of this in an instant.

"Not yet, but there are signs that there is a gathering of darkest creatures in the darkest area close to the gods, and we must take precautions. Your profound dragon army is powerful, and the gods mean to call you back to guard. After all, the gods headquarters is there. Only the guards of our Shenting Army, and there can’t be too many people on the battlefield. Compared with the army of other roads, Shenting only believes in our Shenting Army."

The Shenting Army is a pro-son. If it weren't for the pressure on the battlefield of the Gods and Demons, there would be nothing wrong with the four-way army.

"Don't let me hand over the military power, but have to deal with the dark creatures. This battle is not easy to fight." Chen Ze said.

"It's hard to go up, who makes us a soldier. But you don't have to worry. Although the dark creatures are powerful, but only on the whole. There are not many real king-level alien beasts, and there are enough masters in the gods." Qing Yan road.

Chen Ze nodded: "I'll send Ning Bing a message and let her prepare."

Qing Yan looked around, and whispered: "Chen Ze, although you are going back with your army this time, you should not underestimate it. Although my teacher is a member of the court, he is really optimistic about you. What's the matter, you Discuss with him and don't cause unnecessary troubles."

Promotion is a good thing, but the closer you get to the center of power, the more careful you have to be. Because you don’t know when you offend someone you shouldn’t offend, and you’re secretly hated and stumbled.

Moreover, Chen Ze still had many enemies in the Shenting headquarters. At least the Ice Clan and those who were backed by the Fourth Route Army had complaints against Chen Ze.

"I know."

Chen Ze then sent a message to Ning Bing, asking her to assemble her forces and rush back.

A few months later, the Xuanlong Army returned, aggressively.

Qing Yan couldn't help but admire it. If such a tiger-wolf teacher were to stay on the battlefield of the gods and demons, he would not be defeated by the demons.

He now only hopes that the Darkest Trend is true, not that people with ulterior motives deliberately recall the Xuanlong Army.

The huge wormhole flickered continuously, and the 30 million profound dragon army passed by in a flash and returned to the back of the **** realm.

Here, although there are gods and thieves rampant, but the battlefield of gods and monsters is still too comfortable. At least if you are close enough to the Shenguan, you will rarely be able to meet the God Thief.

After returning, they still need to continue on their way. It will take almost ten years for them to get back to the Shenting headquarters, which is beyond Chen Ze's starry sky giant ship.

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