My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1676: Real purpose

"That's the case, no wonder they couldn't find them, it turned out to be with this idea."

Now that Yu Xi and his three armies were known about the movements of their three armies, the Demon Commander was relieved.

Attack the headquarters?

Where is he, where is the headquarters of the demon army.

Now that the decisive battle has begun, the so-called Demon Clan headquarters is just an empty shell, even if it is completely wiped out by Yu Xi, it is not enough to affect their subsequent advancement.

"You will immediately retreat with people, be sure to block them in your own area for me." The demon commander ordered his deputy.

"My lord, now we are looking forward to victory, and the Protoss army can't last long. Even now, it is too late to return. It is better to concentrate your troops to break the Protoss defense line." The deputy said.

"The three most elite armies of the Protoss are behind us. Now we can fight with all our strength. But once we are dragged by the frontal enemies, the pressure on us from their continuous harassment in the rear is still not small. Don’t forget, this is the God’s Court. The elite that the new owner is dedicated to creating can cost us a lot in just an instant."

The deputy was not very willing, but he still did.

It takes people to rush back quickly, but the journey is far away, and it will take at least half a year or more to get back. At that time, the headquarters was razed to the ground long ago, and I am afraid it is gone now.

Going back at this time is totally meaningless.

He wasn't in a hurry. The Demon Race had a poor military discipline. It would not be possible to integrate and advance quickly. This time will only be longer.

In the blink of an eye, it was three months before they had walked one-third of the distance, and the speed was still decelerating.

"I don't beg you to destroy them, but you must make sure to stop them for me and ensure that the frontal battlefield is not disturbed."

The demon commander issued an order again, and now the deputy was not in a hurry. He even stopped the army for a while and built a secret post on strongholds, naturally, the purpose was to detect Yu Xi and their movements.

On the banks of the Gods and Demons Star River, Yu Xi and the others had divided the troops into six teams, and entered the passage to implement Chen Ze's plan.

This process will not be too fast, after all, the Gods and Demons Galaxy is too wide. It can accommodate countless creatures in the dark, even if the starship is flying at full speed, it may take half a year to arrive. Plus deployment, it will take at least one and a half years back and forth.

Fortunately, the deputy was dragging him enough, and it took him a full year to return to their former headquarters, and this place has indeed become a ruin.

There were no living creatures, and both the demons stationed there and the protoss they had recruited were all beheaded by Yu Xi.

This is war, and the demons are of course no exception, and Yu Xi, the protoss creature who condemned the clan, did not show mercy.

In the passage, Yu Xi and the others have already begun to blow up the passage, pushing it to cover the dark dust.

"No trace? How could there be no trace? Did your people disperse?" The demon commander was puzzled by the news.

He was so angry that he had only returned to the headquarters for a year, and even if Yu Xi and the others were too slow, they would have evacuated a long time ago.

"My lord, I knew from the beginning of my return that I could not rescue the headquarters, so I started to arrange secret guards and strongholds during the march, and the stars were scattered to cover the entire rear. Even if we can't prevent the three armies from retreating, we will definitely be able to spot them in time. Today, the secret sentries and strongholds I set up contact me three times a day, and none is missing. At present, the existence of these three armies has not been discovered."

The demon commander frowned. The three armies could not disappear out of thin air. Where did they go?

Knowing that this is futile, if these three armies are on the frontal battlefield, at least they will fight together, the demons will not cause many casualties to the protoss army so easily. No matter how bad it is, it can lower the battle damage.

But now they gave up the frontal battlefield and only sneaked on the headquarters of an empty Demon army, which was not worth the loss.

As the commander of the demons, he has to consider all aspects of the East and West. Even though the situation is clear to the Demon Race, he still wants to figure out what the purpose of these three armies is.

Checking the star map carefully, he wanted to find the marching routes of these three armies, and the huge distress they might cause to the demons.

But after thinking hard for a long time, I still couldn't figure it out.

At this time, an army participant walked in, "Master commander, we have once again captured a defensive position of the Protoss, and now the overall front can once again advance 100 million gods."

"Let's stop for now, I always feel that I have been caught in their trap. Let the army retreat and fix it, and then fight again in five years."

He waved his hand and gave the order.

This was after his careful consideration, and doing so was nothing more than to thoroughly understand the true meaning of the Protoss decisive battle.

"Now my demons are very powerful, and their combat power is simply not enough to fight us, and the cost of fighting like this is not worth the loss. What if there is the support of the entire God Realm behind? My demons also have it!"


The demon commander originally just mumbled to himself, but when he finished speaking, he was stunned for a moment, and then quickly turned his gaze on the star map.

He suddenly yelled: "Where are people? No one!"

At this time, a military officer hurried in, "Master commander, what's your order?"

"Who made this star map?" he asked.

"It was drawn by the entire staff of the military staff based on intelligence personnel. Could it be that something went wrong?" said the military staff.

The demon commander pointed to the rear: "This is the headquarters of our demon army, but what about the rear? Why is there no part of the gods and demons galaxy!"

"This..." The army officer hesitated and said, "My lord, apart from Chen Ze's attack on the River of Gods and Demons twice in the early years, the Protoss army can't break through our defenses at all. Here you can rest assured. This marching star map It’s too big, so we didn’t draw this part of the star map on it."

"Stupid! Do you know how much this has delayed me! If my army is defeated, you all have to die!"

At this time, he already wanted to understand, why did the three armies disappear? With so many dark sentry strongholds left by his deputy along the way, why couldn't he detect the location of these three giant artillery troops?

Because they have never left the demon army headquarters at all, and even marched backwards.

They have entered the passage of the Gods and Demons Galaxy!

The purpose of these people is to destroy the passage!

Such a decisive battle, the consumption of both sides is huge.

But the Protoss can continuously replenish, but if the passage is gone, they will fight back. The battlefield is now an island, and they will not be able to get any supplementary resources.

Even if you have an elite cannon army in your hands now?

The cannonballs are all lit up, and those giant cannons are just a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron, not as good as ordinary magic weapons.

This trick of the Protoss is so cruel!

He hurriedly sent a message to his deputy: "Assemble all the troops, they are in the passage of the Gods and Demons Galaxy! Give me a shot, you must not let them destroy the passage!"

The deputy was stunned after hearing this.

Although it suddenly dawned on him, but now he smiles bitterly and even helplessly.

He is now spreading his forces too far, and it will take at least half a year for the various strongholds to be assembled, it still too late?

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