My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1725: Parallel duel

Mo Jue and Miss Gu San ran out one after another for a long time. Miss Gu San was fast enough, but their young geniuses had reached the peak of this level, and the gap between them would not be too great.

"Hey, Qilinzi, what about you? Now that I have rushed out of the encirclement, you can't leave me behind."

Although both of them are well-known, Qilinzi has real talents and she is a parallel importer. If her second sister still has to fight here, herself?

No show!

But you can't just admit it, at least you have to fool the other party.

"Miss Gu San, the world regards you and me as the most popular candidates for this holy seed. Rather than fighting for the last time, it is better to divide the victory now."

Mo Jue also had his own cautious thinking. He also knew that he was not as strong as in the legend, otherwise he would not try to kill opponents who threatened him before the introductory ceremony before Li Tian Shengjiao.

He knew that it was impossible to kill Miss Gu San in the fight now, but he always had to try the opponent's jinliang.

Even if he loses, he still has the means to save his life. Moreover, there were more than 20 people over there besieging Mo Lin and the others, as long as a helper arrived for a while, it was not impossible to kill Miss Gu San.

Besides, he had long heard in the dark and understood that it was Mo Lin and the others who led Miss Gu San out.

Although the killing of Miss Gu San ultimately had nothing to do with Qilin Mountain, Mo Lin's obvious figure and characteristics made the pot easy to throw him away.

Do whatever he wants, he just bullied himself, forcing Miss Gu San to do something with him.

Miss Gu San cried secretly, and she suffered a storm-like blow as soon as she came up.

Fortunately, she is a genuine source of triple cultivation, and her combat power is indeed stronger than the ordinary source of triple cultivator, but it is still a bit worse than the top genius. Although weaker than Mo Jue, he can still hold on for a while.

Just fighting, she suddenly found that although the duel was difficult, Qilinzi's methods seemed to be the same, as if not as one-sided as she had expected.

The more he fought, the more confident he became, and the downwind caused by the beginning of the cowardice was slowly pulled back, and the fighting situation was temporarily maintained.

The two fought for a long time, and Qilinzi couldn't help Miss Gu San, but Miss Gu San was also entangled by him and couldn't get out.

"Sure enough, it's Miss Gu San, and you have never insulted me." Mo Jue said without knowing the truth.

Miss Gu San almost rolled her eyes when she heard this. What does this guy mean? I'm a parallel importer, and my second sister is the real powerhouse.

The names she used to bear were all shot down by the second sister, how come this Qilinzi said that now?

Did he recognize my strength?

How can this be.

Miss Gu San faced off against her second sister countless times, and she knew exactly what it was like to be crushed. So this unicorn, like her, is a parallel importer.

However, is Qilinshan playing the same strategy as their Shangyangzong, or is it helpless?

Could it be...

She suddenly thought of Mo Lin. Although she hasn't named her identity yet, everyone knows that Qilin Mountain has a fat master who is ignorant and greedy. But at this time, Qilinzi's hard work was clearly directed at Mo Lin. Could it be that Mo Lin was the real genius of Qilin Mountain.

When she thought of this, she knew it, and it seemed that Qilinzi was not invincible.

Immediately, her confidence increased, and her shots became more orderly, making it more difficult for Qilinzi to hold her back.

A little bit more, Miss Gu San felt that she would have a chance to get away. Masters like them were afraid of being attacked the moment they turned. Once you find an opportunity to move, it is not so easy for those who are chasing to attack.

As long as they return to the city, there is nothing wrong with her two subordinates appearing. Even if the people of Qilin Mountain were arrogant, they did not dare to assassinate her in front of the people of the world. After all, there is still a Litian Sacred Cult on the top, and you are secretly killing the young talents in the Qilin Mountain when the introductory ceremony of others is opened.

With so many people, tomorrow is weakening the outer strength of Litian Shengjiao, how could it be possible to tolerate them.

Just when she had found a good opportunity, she suddenly felt the strong breath surging in the distance, Qilinzi laughed after feeling it, "Miss Gu San, it seems that you can't leave today."

After that, he ignored him, even if he was hurt, he would have to completely hold Miss Gu San.

Miss Gu San also felt that if she waited for help, she would have no way of life. Fortunately, she would fight for her life.

At this moment, both of them played the real hole cards, and scars began to appear on their bodies. Moreover, Miss Gu San fought for her life, Qilinzi still had to be more prepared, his purpose was just to hold her back, not desperately.

So after several duels, he obviously had the advantage in his cultivation, but he suffered more severe injuries.

After a while, both of them felt the aura of the strong over there approaching, and Mo Jue withdrew back, "Your death date is here."

Under the curtain of night, the two figures came to the front in an instant, and they saw Mo Lin's chubby body extremely funny: "Yo, he's still fighting."


Mo Jue didn't expect Mo Lin and his men to come. This situation was embarrassing. He had an absolute advantage before, and he took more than 20 people to besiege.

But this chasing out gave the other party a chance to kill his own subordinates, but now he fell behind.

"You are finally here, I can't hold it anymore." Seeing that the two of them had arrived, Miss Gu San felt relieved.

Although these two guys are also people she hates, at any rate these two guys are just an idea for her, and they have no interest in her.

Compared to Qilinzi, she believes in these two people more.

"Unexpectedly, you didn't kill Mo Jue this trash." Mo Lin smiled.

"You look down on me too much." Miss Gu San breathed heavily, and her blood-stained chest trembled. It's a pity that the two people at the scene were greedy ghosts and beauty tycoons, and no one cared about it.

"Okay, it's all parallel imports, why don't you see who gets more water?" Chen Ze said.

"Good proposal." Mo Lin's body flickered: "Miss Gu San, today we will give you two a chance to fight alone. We will never intervene. Whoever wins will go."

Mo Jue snorted coldly: "Will you be so kind?"

"My dear brother, your fifth brother, I don’t have as many crooked minds as you. Anyway, I don’t have any thoughts about entering the Litian Sacred Sect. It’s no harm to Qilin Mountain if you enter. Anyway, your branch is also the main line, and my family has nothing to lose. "Mo Lin is very direct.

"You keep your promise in the end!" Mo Jue said with a cold face.

Miss Gu San was upset, "Hey, do you respect me?"

"Do you have a choice." Chen Ze glanced at her.

Okay, Miss Gu San has no voice, and directly raises her hand: "I admit defeat!"

Mo Jue and Mo Lin:? ?

Chen Ze smiled.

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