My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1730: Test of opportunity

After escaping, the two men broke into cold sweats.

The powerhouses in the realm of the realm are not jokes, they are much better than those who enter the realm of the source.

"Huh... I was scared to death. I thought I was going to be shaken to death by the strong man."

Mo Lin rubbed his chest, the flesh on his body trembled.

"Don't say it, it's only 50,000 miles away from Mount Lv Zhou, and it's not a safe place. If you lose such a precious fruit, they will definitely come and search." Chen Ze reminded.

"I'll call Gu San'er." He then ran out.

Chen Ze cleaned up all traces here to avoid being found.

Not long after, Mo Lin ran back: "Gu San'er is gone."

"No, what does she mean to leave at this time? Isn't this benefit anymore?" Chen Ze frowned.

"What should I do now?" Mo Lin said.

"It's time to kill her, it's really troublesome now. Go and find her. She has already found an excuse to leave Lu Zhoushan, but for so many days she has been wandering within a hundred thousand miles away from Lu Zhoushan, plus Qiong Shengguo is tens of thousands. There hasn’t been anyone stealing this year. She only went there once and the theft happened, so she is bound to be full of suspicion."

Chen Ze sighed, "She is too anxious, she should leave after we do it."

It's a little troublesome now, and the top priority now is to find Gu Qingying.

They all dispersed their spiritual consciousness, but there was no trace at the distance of five or six hundred miles. I thought it was not that they left within 30 breaths of stealing, but that they had already left in the previous three days.

"If you don't find it, you have to go."

Chen Ze felt that the surrounding Tao was fluctuating. It was obvious that a large number of monks were using their spiritual consciousness, and the influence of Tao was spreading to this point.

From this, it can also show that there are too many strong people in Lu Zhoushan.

Mo Lin worried: "If she is discovered, what should we do if we confess her?"

"I hope she won't be stupid enough to get caught. Go!"

Chen Ze is not afraid, anyway, he is nameless and unaffiliated, so what if he is known? It's not like Mo Lin, the eldest master of Qilin Mountain, where to find him.

The two fled quickly, escaping a full distance of nearly a million miles before stopping. Mo Lin couldn't help it for a long time, "I'm going to eat."

"Don't worry! Do your tree leaves also score points for me?" Chen Ze smiled.

"Damn, we both shoot at the same time, and how much we can get depends on our ability." Mo Lin said.

Chen Ze was unhappy, "I planned the entire plan. The teleportation tool was sent in by Gu Qingying. After all, you are the one who enjoys it. Fruits, seven per person, leaves, one portion per person."

"She left us both and ran away, why are you still thinking about her?" Mo Lin was unhappy.

"This matter is not visible, I am not afraid, but you are the son of Qilin Mountain, are you sure your family can withstand Lu Zhoushan's anger?"

Chen Ze sneered. Even if Gu Qingying is not here, she can't miss her share.

"Okay, I really need to do this. I would have known that I won't throw up the leaves, and I won't be imbalanced now."

The fat man murmured.

The two people were sharing the spoils here, and the people in charge of the search by Lu Zhoushan also returned one after another. They found 100,000 miles, but there was no trace.

At this time, the people in Lu Zhoushan were panicking, and everyone felt that the sky was about to fall.

Nan Tang, who was in charge of the Qiongshengyuan, had a gloomy face, carefully recalling the entire incident and deliberating how the other party entered.

"Why did it suddenly disappear? I didn't feel the vibration of the transmission line pattern." He was still puzzled.

I clearly felt that there was someone, but when I arrived, I didn't even see the shadow, only a mess of the Qiongsheng Fruit Tree.

"It's not surprising, since the other party dared to seek our treasure, he must have prepared a perfect plan, and it is very likely to use the teleportation talisman!" Mount Lv Zhou had a sullen face.

"But how did they locate it?" Nan Tang still couldn't figure it out.

Mount Lv Zhou asked at this moment: "Have any strangers been to Qiongshengyuan during this period?"

"Yes, Mutian took a woman there a few days ago, and I gave her three green leaves." Nan Tang said.

Lu Zhoushan said, "This woman can't escape the relationship!"

Nan Mutian quickly stood up after hearing this: "Father, she will never clear the shadow. She is the third young lady of the ancient family of Shangyang Zong. She has already obtained Qiong Shengguo. Even if she wants to enter the Litian Sacred Church, she will not take such a big risk. Come to my Lu Zhoushan to steal."

"How dare you guarantee?" Shanzhu Lu Zhou said.

"She is one of the few women who can catch my eyes, and I have personally fought him against him. If it weren’t for the practice of the two of us, I would not be her opponent. And she’s a smart person who does this kind of thing. I can’t hide it, does she still want to put Shang Yangzong to death."

Nan Mutian really wanted to think about Gu Qingying, without any doubt.

Nan Tang said: "Mutian, people are unpredictable. I, Lu Zhoushan, stood by the Qiong sacred fruit tree. This kind of thing has never happened since I was founded. She is bound to be inextricably linked."

Nan Mutian saw that his father was angry, and said, "Father, since you doubt it, I will go to her and ask her."

"If it is really her, what are you going to do?" Lu Zhou asked.

Nan Mutian hesitated a little, "If it really is her, it's about the honor and disgrace of Lu Zhoushan, I will cut her personally."

"Okay, then this matter is left to you."

Shanzhu Lu Zhou waved his hand, Nan Mutian turned and left.

Nan Tang said at this time: "Shanzhu, Mutian is not the best candidate for this matter. Qiong Shengguo was thrown under my nose. I have the responsibility and should let me go."

"There are only twenty-one sacred fruit, I can afford to Lu Zhoushan. This incident is mostly related to that Gu Qingying. I just want to use this incident to test Mutian and see if he will be privately owned by his children. Affection binds hands and feet." Shanzhu Lu Zhou said.

"I'm afraid..."

Nan Tang had seen Nan Mutian look at Gu Qingying's eyes, and that kind of affection couldn't be hidden. Moreover, he knows Nan Mutian very well, he is kind and does not hide evil, and he is a rare upright person.

"If he can't do it, then I should reconsider the status of Lu Zhoushan's heir." Lv Zhoushan said.

Nan Tang asked again: "The Shangyangzong side..."

"I have handed this matter over to Mutian, and his final opinion is my opinion of Lu Zhoushan. He said to kill, we sent troops to kill. If he doesn't pursue it, I will treat it as nothing happened."

For Mount Lv Zhou, it is worthwhile to use this matter to test future heirs.

Chen Ze and Mo Lin ended up sharing the spoils, and the share of Gu Qingying was still kept in Chen Ze. It was not that he wanted to be greedy for ink, but Mo Lin took the initiative.

He was too greedy, worried that such a delicious Sacred Fruit would be eaten up in his hands.

Chen Ze said: "So, should we find a place to take it? Don't say it's you, I can't help it anymore, this thing is so fragrant."

He couldn't help moving his nose.

"That's the intention, but you need to be careful. Taking Qiong Shengguo, at worst, can also make you and me improve one level, so you need a safe place." Mo Lin said.

"Then let's find our own places and reunite here in a month." Chen Ze suggested.

They will also join hands to participate in the introductory ceremony of Litian Shengjiao, and they must be together.

"Okay, see you in a month."

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