My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1767: You can't stop

In the room, there were only two people, Chen Ze and Lin.

Their looks are very serious, because only they know what the situation is now.

"How long do I have?"

The silence was broken, and Elder Lin was very calm.

"Not too much, but I'm not sure."

Chen Ze took action and did not really save Elder Lin. Although the so-called Soul Gu Pill has not really formed, it has condensed all the evolution in Elder Lin’s soul. Even if Chen Ze wants to destroy it, there is no way, because The price is to kill Elder Lin directly.

"Elder Lin, please forgive me for nothing I can do." Chen Ze apologized.

"It's not your fault." Elder Lin said: "No need. I have predicted the ending since I decided to refine this pill, and even now it is the best ending for me, at least I can Complete the last pill of the alchemy by yourself."

Chen Ze sighed, "You are too persistent."

"The meaning of my life is to recast the alchemy. In fact, compared with ordinary people, we monks are fortunate enough to fight against the heaven and the earth and have a long life. It really doesn't matter which day you die, you can do something to make such a long life. Has meaning."

Elder Lin's eyes fell on Chen Ze: "Aren't you?"

Chen Ze smiled and nodded, and approved his words.

"Dao Dao never ends. I am very fortunate to be able to appear as a successor like you." Elder Lin said.

"Senior, I only have a little experience." Chen Ze is rarely humble in this regard. At least in the attitude of refining pill, ten of him can't compare with one elder Lin.

Elder Lin walked to a wall with an ancient painting hanging in front of him.

He raised his hand and collected his magical skills. After the Huaguang flashed his hand, he even reached into the painting and took out a book.

"This is the alchemy compiled by me with reference to countless alchemy scriptures and fragments of my Lin Family alchemy. I have personally refined and verified every alchemy in it. I do not guarantee that the joint method and process are completely correct, but the rate of alchemy They are all good. Now, I'll give it to you." Elder Lin said.

Chen Ze was very surprised: "Senior, this is your hard work, and it is the treasure of the Lin family. I think it is more appropriate to pass on Lin Manyue."

"The Lin family no longer exists. This is a fact that everyone recognizes. In fact, the full moon is good now, and the Koreans are good. It is good for the two of them to be happy together. There is no need to impose the illusory burden of reviving the Lin family on them. As long as it is true The pill sutra is here, and no one in the future alchemy will remember my Lin family's work, this is enough."

Elder Lin said.

Chen Ze didn't have any friendship, and humbly put it away. Even if this pill scripture is of little use to him, because Chen Ze's alchemy techniques have always been unique. If it were to be refined according to the above conventional methods, I am afraid it would probably fail.

"Well, the little guys outside are waiting impatiently, you go first." He waved his hand suddenly.

Chen Ze got up to give a salute, then opened the door and went out, but at the moment the door closed, he looked at a place in the house, and then closed the door completely.

Elder Lin just sat with his head down, until a person hiding in a robe came to him.

"It seems that your plan is going to be postponed. I don't want to die now." Elder Lin did not look up.

"Don't worry, I didn't want to do it so early." The man said: "I am more and more interested in that little guy now."

Elder Lin raised his head at this time: "Why bother. His identity is not ordinary, he comes from outside the domain. I hope you don't do anything to him."

"Do you really think he doesn't know that I am here?" The man said, "In fact, he knew it when I first arrived."

"Why... you control it..." Elder Lin said halfway, his face was even more shocked, "What do you mean, he is from that clan?"

"I'm not sure, but the spatial path he controls is not weaker than mine. He has knocked me out of the void several times before." This person said.

Elder Lin took a deep breath: "Unexpectedly, even people of this race have appeared. Is this endless circle of time and space really going to be messed up?"

"What about chaos? Is there any order in the current time and space circle? Think about the creatures of the holy yang realm, who are treated as trial fish and arbitrarily bullied and killed." This person said.

"But you should be aware that once you make a move, the big guys will be sent out. Then it will only get messier."

"What does it matter to me?" The man suddenly glanced at Elder Lin indifferently: "After five hundred years, I will only give you five hundred years."

After that, he disappeared in the same place, and there was a ripple in the space again.

Thousands of miles away, Chen Ze stood quietly, and a figure appeared not far away, astonishingly the man in the blue robe.

"I thought I needed to take action." Chen Ze said.

"I know I'm going to be intercepted by you, why should I do useless work."

The man took off the hat that covered his face and didn't look exasperated, but there was a strange totem on his left cheek, exuding a disgusting breath.

"What is your purpose?" Chen Ze asked.

"I won't tell you the answer." He said.

Chen Ze said, "I will kill Elder Lin immediately and let your plan fall through."

"You may be able to stop me in the Holy River Realm, but people like me are doing the same thing in countless world planes. There is more than one soul gu pill, and you can't stop it at all."

He smiled, very wicked.

"This is a terrible world." Chen Ze was helpless.

"The so-called envy of immortality is a kind of suffering. If life is only a hundred years in a hurry, why have such troubles." The man said.

He was leaving, and Chen Ze didn't mean to stop him. He came here today just to know the purpose of this person's refining Soul Gu Pill.

But now it seems that even if you know it, it doesn't make sense. Countless world planes are doing the same thing, and he doesn't have this ability to stop it.

"Be careful, the real extraterritorial cultivators are coming soon. You must protect your identity, and don't easily show your spatial principles in front of the outside, otherwise there will be big trouble. They will not allow you to exist."

The man reminded Chen Ze before he left.

"So you already know who I am."

Chen Ze narrowed his eyes.

"You can't stop what we are going to do, but you have the ability to protect the people you want to protect."

After all he left.

Chen Ze stood meditating in the air for a long time before turning back to Litian Shengjiao.

Mo Lin and the others had already prepared the food and drink, and they were waiting for Chen Ze to return.

"Chen Ze, my father is okay." Lin Manyue didn't get the opportunity to be alone with his father, so she could only come over to ask Chen Ze.

"He is injured and needs a period of rest. He doesn't see you, just wait." Chen Ze can only say that.

After all, this day was a joyous day. Chen Ze and Elder Lin did not die, and Han Yu successfully broke through to reach the realm.

Everyone drinks a lot. Those who want to get drunk are really drunk, and those who don't want to get drunk also act with them.

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